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GOPBR Exclusive- DNC Wikileaks Show Strong Desire to Run Against Trump

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--- Quote from: AbaraXas on July 23, 2016, 04:29:52 pm ---Wow, this is bigger than some of the other stuff I fond. They helped promote Trump's National Enquirer hit on Cruz's father re JFK stuff.


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I'm not surprised at all

Great work Ab. Gonna dig into this.

Trump is such an easy mark for them, he gives them so much ammo to use against him.  Like many have said, if he wanted to lose to Hillary, what would he be doing any differently?


--- Quote from: AbaraXas on July 23, 2016, 04:29:52 pm ---Wow, this is bigger than some of the other stuff I fond. They helped promote Trump's National Enquirer hit on Cruz's father re JFK stuff.


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Did James Carville come out a year ago and say he feared Cruz the most?
He called him "the most talented and fearless Republican".



--- Quote from: HoustonSam on July 23, 2016, 05:29:33 pm ---What a pity that @Mechanicos is in the penalty box.  We desperately need insight on how this was Trump's plan all along, how this puts Cruz right where Trump wants him, and how the rest of us are throwing the election to Hillary.  I guess some of the other Trump surrogates will have to step in.

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I predict it will be any combination of the following.

You lie- hoping no one reads the links or digs through the rest of the five thousand emails.
Just normal campaign rhetoric.
Cruzers are desperate.
It shows how much Hillary fears trump.
You must support Hillary to go after trump.
No response and hope it is buried.
Change the subject and start fights to get it off topic.


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