Author Topic: GOPBR Exclusive- DNC Wikileaks Show Strong Desire to Run Against Trump  (Read 28682 times)

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Offline ABX

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Update below in red

Friday morning, Wikileaks released twenty thousand secret DNC emails for the public to view and understand the inner workings of the Democratic Party. The media has been mostly focused on the DNC and Hillary Clinton’s treatment of Bernie Sanders, another theme runs through the emails. 

One Republican candidate is mentioned far more than the rest, Donald Trump. From the earliest emails, DNC officials were writing up storylines to use in the general election, many months before Trump became even the presumptive nominee, while the race was still heated.

Over five thousand, two hundred emails reference Donald Trump, roughly ¼ of all the twenty thousand emails leaked.

The amount of articles on Trump are in no small part to how dominated the news headlines, however, what is more captivating are the strategy emails, laden with code words, but at the same time, often direct in what and who they are promoting and how to promote him.

For example, in one email, Gloria Allred suggests not going after Trump in campaign email blasts.

Back in April and May, discussions about fundraising were already assuming a run against Trump and using that as a promotion long before Trump was the nominee. For example:

Even in December, six months before Trump was nominated, Democrats were worried that Bernie Sanders was causing divisions and would harm their chances of taking on Trump in the general election. No other candidate was mentioned in this way as assumed they would be taking that candidate on that early or implied is part of their strategy.

One very odd email implies they were helping Trump get revenge by running due to an insult at the 2011 White House correspondents’ dinner and they were taking advantage of his hurt feelings.

They are even discussing holding some attacks until after the general election such as his insulting language to a Ms. America.

And holding onto a big Trump/Manafort connection in the opposition to Ukraine.

But it isn’t just about overall campaign strategy and projecting that they wanted Trump as the nominee. Many emails contain cryptic instructions on how to actually promote Trump through social media including talking points and language manipulation.

One email, for example, contains an odd list of code words taken from movie titles, each implying a certain action or activist campaign. It also, however, also discusses a social media strategy to promote Trump.

For example, this discussion on using language to promote Trump as a political outsider, independent, and authentic. It also gives instructions to respond to ‘crazy’ things as ‘just for show’
Simas: Write your personal story (personal vs group advocacy) Physically feel rationality gone- talking points take over (family politics) Don't tell people what they need or what is important to them. Listen to community. Finding salience Trump- not political, authentic (not tps), independent (money), crazy things are for show. Character is the biggest consideration.
Another section discusses language strategy and how to describe, again many times using code words but also discussing in the open how to describe Trump.

Closed off from news Normal person Little Morgan Dictionary game Grating Complacency Article
A. Intellect
1. pattern recognition
2. quick wit (master of sass)
3. problem solving ability
4. irritability/impatience with stupidity; dissatisfaction with mediocrity
5. grammarian (break in parallel just made you twitch a little, QEmfD)
6. all of the thoughts
7. multi-tasking prowess

B. Personality
8. limitless capacity for compassion
9. kind and considerate in the face of hostility (despite that quick wit); situational awareness
10. restraint and considered wisdom
11. urgent desire to do good; inability to accept neutrality as not bad
12. capable of true depths and heights of honesty and bullshit respectively (yes respectively)

C. Biased observations
13. so fun, it's annoying. honestly stop.
14. passed the DP standard of excellence, which is a more impressive feat than you know (I can be brutally honest about this later)
15. You are a wonderful, exceptional human being. You've heard it from me too many times, but it does not devalue the truth inherent in such praise. I never say these things lightly. You're the best.

And don't worry about losing. If it is right, it happens - the main thing is not to hurry. Nothing good gets away.

This type of instruction on how to approach promoting Trump from a language manipulation standpoint is prime for social media and as  you can see, mirrors many of the themes that one finds in his grassroots support.

This is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of the DNC’s use of Trump to their advantage outline in the Wikileaks document. With over 5,200 emails on this topic alone, a lot more revelations are sure to come. But from we see here, one can easily conclude that the Democrats planned for Trump to be the nominee early on, were holding most major stories on Trump until after the nomination, preventing the worst of getting out too early, and were finding ways to promote Trump on social media.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2016, 08:46:51 pm by AbaraXas »

Offline ABX

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One thing that struck me was the reference to the hacker QEmfD which may refer to a vulgar term but also is a reference to hacker Nick Black who is famous for social media manipulation.

Offline ABX

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Here are the Wikileak emails sorted for just Trump (assuming no code names, just that name). What I found was just from randomly searching through the emails.

With as many emails as there are, this just scratches the surface but it is hard to find an email out of those five thousand (just randomly picking through) that didn't follow this pattern. The DNC wanted Trump, they promoted Trump, and they planned for Trump. He was their preferred Republican candidate.

Offline ABX

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Wow, this is bigger than some of the other stuff I fond. They helped promote Trump's National Enquirer hit on Cruz's father re JFK stuff.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2016, 04:34:05 pm by AbaraXas »

Offline INVAR

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Yes, this was suspected and known that there was coordination between the Democrats and the Trump campaign.

Trump chatted with Bill Clinton right before he announced he was running.

Open primary states had hordes of Democrats for Hillary voting for Trump.

That the Democrats WANTED Trump to be the GOP opponent to Hillary and the coordination of the media to loft him up during the primary and give him all that free air-time paid off.

Today it is self-evident that the Democrats and the GOP Establishment Oligarchy are in league with Trump and have been from the beginning.

I still contend Trump is just Hillary's Trojan Stalking Horse.

And it was executed brilliantly.
Fart for freedom, fart for liberty and fart proudly.  - Benjamin Franklin

...Obsta principiis—Nip the shoots of arbitrary power in the bud, is the only maxim which can ever preserve the liberties of any people. When the people give way, their deceivers, betrayers and destroyers press upon them so fast that there is no resisting afterwards. The nature of the encroachment upon [the] American constitution is such, as to grow every day more and more encroaching. Like a cancer, it eats faster and faster every hour." - John Adams, February 6, 1775

Offline ABX

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Yes, this was suspected and known that there was coordination between the Democrats and the Trump campaign.

Trump chatted with Bill Clinton right before he announced he was running.

Open primary states had hordes of Democrats for Hillary voting for Trump.

That the Democrats WANTED Trump to be the GOP opponent to Hillary and the coordination of the media to loft him up during the primary and give him all that free air-time paid off.

Today it is self-evident that the Democrats and the GOP Establishment Oligarchy are in league with Trump and have been from the beginning.

I still contend Trump is just Hillary's Trojan Stalking Horse.

And it was executed brilliantly.

Just so there isn't a mistake, I haven't found that direct 1 to 1 communication between the campaigns. (ie, no email from DWS to Manafort). Just the fact they desired it to be Trump and promoted him.

Open Primary is another term I think we should dig into. That may be revealing.

Offline sitetest

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Wow, this is bigger than some of the other stuff I fond. They helped promote Trump's National Enquirer hit on Cruz's father re JFK stuff.

 The party has nominated the spawn of satan.   With hitlery's full backing.  I wonder what the emails say about Sen. Cruz.
Former Republican.

Offline ABX

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If wikileak gives you an error on any link, keep hitting refresh and it will come up. They are getting slammed.

Offline JustPassinThru

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Yes, this was suspected and known that there was coordination between the Democrats and the Trump campaign.

Trump chatted with Bill Clinton right before he announced he was running.

Open primary states had hordes of Democrats for Hillary voting for Trump.

That the Democrats WANTED Trump to be the GOP opponent to Hillary and the coordination of the media to loft him up during the primary and give him all that free air-time paid off.

Today it is self-evident that the Democrats and the GOP Establishment Oligarchy are in league with Trump and have been from the beginning.

I still contend Trump is just Hillary's Trojan Stalking Horse.

And it was executed brilliantly.

The People are panicked; the People today are politically unsophisticated; most people today are deficient in critical-thinking skills.

And this misnamed Social Media is crack for the synapses.  It really does seem to rot the brain - and people and techniques that would NEVER work in a tavern or a workplace, seem to EASILY manipulate people as the Leftist agitators channel the unsophisticated into the chutes into the slaughterhouse of Leftism.

I'm saddened but not especially surprised.  Not even curious enough to follow through on the links - I've long suspected this.  To me it was apparent from the time a year ago when Trumpy hired Roger Stone and started his character assassinations.

Our efforts must now be threefold.  The Presidential Election is done for patriotic conservatives - DONE.  We need to focus, first on the Senate races; then on the House races.

Then, we need to explore other future options.  The elephant in the room - no pun - is State Secession, which I hold is THE only way to escape the dark-farce of violent tyranny that's coming.

Finally, each of us needs to have a SHTF Plan.  Because the excrement has been flung; and the fan is on HIGH.

Offline HoustonSam

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Wow, this is bigger than some of the other stuff I fond. They helped promote Trump's National Enquirer hit on Cruz's father re JFK stuff.

What a pity that @Mechanicos is in the penalty box.  We desperately need insight on how this was Trump's plan all along, how this puts Cruz right where Trump wants him, and how the rest of us are throwing the election to Hillary.  I guess some of the other Trump surrogates will have to step in.
James 1:20


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Wow, this is bigger than some of the other stuff I fond. They helped promote Trump's National Enquirer hit on Cruz's father re JFK stuff.

I'm not surprised at all

Offline don-o

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Great work Ab. Gonna dig into this.

Offline LadyLiberty

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Trump is such an easy mark for them, he gives them so much ammo to use against him.  Like many have said, if he wanted to lose to Hillary, what would he be doing any differently?

Offline GrouchoTex

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Wow, this is bigger than some of the other stuff I fond. They helped promote Trump's National Enquirer hit on Cruz's father re JFK stuff.

Did James Carville come out a year ago and say he feared Cruz the most?
He called him "the most talented and fearless Republican".


Offline ABX

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What a pity that @Mechanicos is in the penalty box.  We desperately need insight on how this was Trump's plan all along, how this puts Cruz right where Trump wants him, and how the rest of us are throwing the election to Hillary.  I guess some of the other Trump surrogates will have to step in.

I predict it will be any combination of the following.

You lie- hoping no one reads the links or digs through the rest of the five thousand emails.
Just normal campaign rhetoric.
Cruzers are desperate.
It shows how much Hillary fears trump.
You must support Hillary to go after trump.
No response and hope it is buried.
Change the subject and start fights to get it off topic.

Offline don-o

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Family's role in your campaign. Role in your administration? - Probably not - A little thing called nepotism that is not very good - They will be running the business

Guess he flipflopped on that.

Offline skeeter

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Wow, this is bigger than some of the other stuff I fond. They helped promote Trump's National Enquirer hit on Cruz's father re JFK stuff.

More proof that Trump, his new friends in the GOPe and the democrats are in this together to defeat the most prominent constitutional conservative currently on the political stage.

Doesn't that make Trump supporters claiming to be conservative unwitting tools?

Offline ABX

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Guess he flipflopped on that.

Some of the many attack lines they are holding back until trump was the nominee. As warned, this is going to get ugly.


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I wonder if any of the unreleased or deleted emails were exchanged with Trump or Trump, Jr coordinating their take-over of the GOP.

Offline Cripplecreek

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Well this looks like it could get filthy.

Offline Cripplecreek

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More proof that Trump, his new friends in the GOPe and the democrats are in this together to defeat the most prominent constitutional conservative currently on the political stage.

Doesn't that make Trump supporters claiming to be conservative unwitting tools?

I think a fair number of them are entirely witting democrat tools.

Offline Rivergirl

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This scuttlebutt was out there right from the start   The dems wanted the trumpanzee and the msm obliged.  Little did they know the fauxers would join them in their quest.
Little did the fauxers know that their dirty old man would be out on his butt.

Offline ABX

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Never Hillary on the Democrat side is as big or bigger than Never Trump, they just worked to suppress the news.

Offline ABX

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This is the one freepers are going ga ga over. They are claiming Cruz solicited money from the DNC for his delegate fight at the convention. Here is the email.

It is a generic fundraising email that we probably all got and probably went to ten million people on his distribution lists. It isn't a direct request, just a mass email.


I saw that headline and scratched my head until I saw the email.

Offline Cripplecreek

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This is the one freepers are going ga ga over. They are claiming Cruz solicited money from the DNC for his delegate fight at the convention. Here is the email.

It is a generic fundraising email that we probably all got and probably went to ten million people on his distribution lists. It isn't a direct request, just a mass email.


But I bet it didn't go to foreign governments.

« Last Edit: July 23, 2016, 08:12:03 pm by Cripplecreek »