Author Topic: Don’t believe Mainstream Media trying to sell Tim Kaine as a centrist  (Read 210 times)

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SOURCE: American Thinker


by: Thomas Lifson

The media are selling the line coming from Hillary’s campaign strategy: VP pick Tim Kaine is a centrist, and choosing him signifies Hillary is not going left.   NeverTrump conservatives are to be reassured that the Sanders faction has lost its ability to pull Hilary leftward.

It’s all just propaganda, put out by partisan media, convinced that opposing Trump is the Solemn Moral Duty of Germans Americans.

Tim Graham documents the fraud at Newsbusters:

Hillary Clinton's selection of Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Virginia) as her running mate is already creating one distortion of reality: that Kaine is somehow a "centrist." His American Conservative Union rating score in his first three years in the Senate is 0.00. But here was The Wall Street Journal opening up its coverage tonight:


    The other distortion is any journalist touting Kaine as a "devout Catholic" or "traditional Catholic" without noting it would be more accurate to call him a devout and traditional Democrat. A "devout" believer in the church would champion in public its pro-life stance and its opposition to redefining traditional marriage.

    As Brent Bozell and I recently explained:

    Far-left is middle of the road on the media spectrum. The Washington Post has been especially guilty of suggesting over the years that Kaine was as pious as conservative stalwart Ken Cuccinelli, a man they place on the “far right.” In 2012, the Post profile of his GOP opponent George Allen suggested he was seen as a “colossally insensitive brute,” but this is how the Post began a Kaine profile:

    “It’s not unusual, on an election-year Sunday, to find a white candidate in a black church. But Tim Kaine, swaying this month to the gospel groove at St. Elizabeth Catholic Church in a poor Richmond neighborhood, wasn’t on the campaign trail. He was taking a break from it at his home parish.”

    Tim Kaine has a perfect 100 score from the NARAL folks, and and perfect 100 with the gay-left Human Rights Campaign. But to the Post, he’s practically the Pope’s right hand, swaying in the pews at Mass. A few weeks ago, Kaine and Warner signed a letter to the HHS Secretary (with other liberals like Barbara Boxer) complaining about insurers failing to provide proper payment for contraceptives through Obamacare.

    The Post did this in 2005, too, when Kaine first ran for Governor: “Kaine, the Democratic candidate for governor of Virginia, said that teaching at a fledgling Jesuit school in El Progreso [Honduras] gave his life direction, inspiring him to public service and rekindling his devotion to Catholicism.”

    When the Post touts your deep Catholic roots as positive, it probably means you’re a liberal opposed to Catholic orthodoxy.

Great writing, Tim!

Hat tip: Clarice Feldman