Author Topic: Hillary’s Management Style: Insufferable Female Boss  (Read 147 times)

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Hillary’s Management Style: Insufferable Female Boss
« on: July 22, 2016, 02:01:10 pm »
July 22, 2016
Hillary’s Management Style: Insufferable Female Boss
By Malcolm Unwell

Have you ever had a crazy boss who just happened to be a woman?   Someone who micromanages, lashes out uncontrollably, and is just simply unpleasant?  God forbid our country should be on the verge of getting such a boss.  Hillary Clinton is supposed to represent the proposition that women are indeed qualified for leadership every bit as much as men, and are just as logical and cool-headed.  Her little meme is that she offers “calm, steady leadership.”  It is ironic, then, that Hillary is not exactly a calm person to deal with. 

There are many examples of Hillary Clinton’s erratic behavior as First Lady, such as throwing large items at Bill Clinton’s face, and not allowing Secret Service to look her in the eye.  Also, there is the now famous greeting of the Secret Service officer: “Good morning Ma’am.”  “bleep off,” replied Hillary.  You could never picture Donald Trump this unhinged, whom we are supposed to now regard as “dangerous.”  And Bill Clinton is reputed to have been perfectly amiable with Secret Service and other workers.  But let’s focus on Hillary’s more recent career.  These examples are culled from Edward Klein’s Unlikable.  The thesis is that Hillary has a congenital unlikable quality, which cannot be fixed.

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