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Offline Eowyn

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  • Don't blame me, I voted for Ted Cruz.
Exactly.  In no way did he state opposition to voting for Trump.  Indeed, he explicitly endorsed many of Trump's themes, such as building "the wall".   The speech could have unified the party, but the booing Trumpsters wouldn't let it.   They demanded fealty, not support.


Offline bilo

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I currently have no party at the national level!

When people shake off their anger and start thinking again we will rebuild the party.
A stranger in a hostile foreign land I used to call home

Offline ABX

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  • Words full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

Offline Hurricane Andrew

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Freepers 2008 - We won't support McCain just because he's the nominee.

Freepers 2012 - We won't support Romney just because he's the nominee.

Freepers 2016 - We must support Trump because he's the nominee.

At least the GOPe, as much as I despise them, are consistent.
There are no evil thoughts except one: the refusal to think.

Offline Smokin Joe

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Yes, but his audience of thousands of  Trump Nominee supporters were there to officially declare Trump the winner.........and those who were speakers to support and endorse the winner. The whole idea of the Convention is to do just that and unify the's not what Cruz's what he failed to say that has everybody's pants in a knot.......and rightfully so.

Further those people weren't there to be "schooled" by Cruz on how to vote.....they already made that choice.
I think they had already declared Trump the winner.
Now, I admit, I am confused. I didn't see anything divisive in the transcript, even though some assert that. So, here it is: Please point out where he thought he disrespected Trump. Please point out the statements he made you take issue with. and point out the things he didn't say YOU think he should have said, while keeping in mind it's his speech. You want to make one, go to Cleveland and maybe they'll let you on the mike.
Transcript follows: (bold, italics and underlining are mine)
  Thank you, and god bless each and every one of you. 

Heidi and I are so honored to join you here in Cleveland where LeBron James just lead an incredible comeback victory, and I am convinced America is going to come back too. 

I want to congratulate Donald Trump on winning the nomination last night.
And, like each of you, I want to see the principles that our party believes prevail in November. 

Conventions are times of excitement, but given the events of the last few weeks I hope you'll allow me a moment to talk to you about what's really at stake.
Just two weeks ago a nine-year-old girl named Caroline was living a carefree Texas summer. Swimming in the pool, playing with friends, doing all the things a happy child might do. Like most children, she relied upon the love that she received from her mom, Heidi, and her dad, a police sergeant named Michael Smith.
 That is until he became one of the five police officers gunned down in Dallas. 

The day her father was murdered, Caroline gave him a hug and a kiss as he left for work, but as they parted her dad asked her something he hadn't asked before. "What if this is the last time you ever kiss or hug me?" 
Later, as she thought of her fallen father, and that last heart breaking hug, Caroline broke down into tears. How could anything ever be OK again? Michael Smith was a former Army Ranger who spent decades with the Dallas police department. I have no idea who he voted for in the last election, or what he thought about this once, but his life was a testament to devotion.
 He protected the very protesters who mocked him because he loved his country, and his fellow man. His work gave new meaning to that line from literature, "To die of love is to live by it." 

As I thought about what I wanted to say tonight, Michael Smith's story weighed on my heart. Maybe That's because his daughter Caroline is about the same age as my eldest daughter, and happens to share the same name. Maybe it's because I saw a video of that dear, sweet child choking back sobs as she remembered her Daddy's last question to her. 

Maybe it's because we live in a world where so many others have had their lives destroyed by evil in places like Orlando, and Paris, and Nice, and Baton Rouge. Maybe it's because of the simple question itself. What if this right now is our last time? Our last moment to do something for our families, and our country? Did we live up to the values we say we believe? Did we do all we really could? 

That's really what elections should be about. That's why you and millions like you devoted so much time and sacrifice to this campaign. We're fighting not for one particular candidate, or one campaign, but because each of wants to be able to tell our kids and grandkids, our own Caroline's, that we did our best for their future and our country. 

America is more than just a land mass between two oceans, America is an ideal. A simple, yet powerful ideal. Freedom matters. 

For much of human history government power has been the unavoidable constant in life. Government decrees and the people obey, but not here. We have no king or queen, we have no dictator, we the people constrain government. 

Our nation is exceptional because it was built on the five most beautiful and powerful words in the English language, "I want to be free." 

Never has that message been more needed than today. We stand here tonight a nation divided. Partisan rancor, anger, even hatred are tearing America apart. And citizens are furious, rightly furious, at a political establishment that cynically breaks its promises, and that ignores the will of the people. 

We have to do better. We owe our fallen heroes more than that. 

Now, of course, Obama and Clinton will also tell you that they care about our children's future, and I want to believe them but there is a profound difference about our two party's vision for the future. 

There's is the part that thinks ISIS is a J.V. team, that responds to the death of Americans in Benghazi, "What difference does it make?" And, that thinks it's possible to make a deal with Iran that celebrates its holidays, "Death to America Day," and, "Death to Israel Day." 

My friends, this is madness. President Obama is a man who does everything backwards. He wants to close Guantanamo Bay, and open up our borders. He exports jobs, and imports terrorists. Enough is enough. 

And, I am here to tell you there is a better vision for our future. A return to freedom. 

On education your freedom to choose your child's education, even if you aren't as rich as Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama. 

On healthcare, your freedom to choose your own doctor without Obamacare. 

On taxes, your freedom to provide for your family without the IRS beating down your door. 

The Internet? Keep it free from taxes, free from regulation and don't give it away to Russia and China. 

Freedom means free speech, not politically correct safe spaces. 

Freedom means religious freedom, whether you are Christian, Jew, Muslim, or atheist. 

Whether you are gay, or straight, the Bill of Rights protects the rights of all of us to live according to our conscience. 

Freedom means the right to keep and bear arms, and to protect your family. 

Freedom means that every human life is precious and must be protected. 

Freedom means Supreme Court Justices who don't dictate policy, but instead follow the Constitution. 

And, freedom means recognizing that our Constitution allows states to choose policies that reflect local values. Colorado might decide something different than Texas. New York different than Iowa. That's the way it's supposed to be, diversity. 

If not, what's the point of having states to begin with? 

Now, Hillary Clinton believes that government should make virtually every choice in your life. Education, health care, marriage, speech, all dictated out of Washington. But, something powerful is happening, we've seen it in both parties, we've seen it in the United Kingdom's unprecedented Brexit vote to leave the European Union. 

Voters are overwhelmingly rejecting the political establishment, and overwhelmingly rejecting big government. 

That is a profound victory and it is one earned by each and every one of you. People are fed up with politicians who don't listen to them. Fed up with a corrupt system that benefits the elites instead of working men and women. 

We deserve an immigration system that puts America first, and yes, builds a wall to keep America safe. 

A government that stops admitting ISIS terrorists as refugees. We deserve trade policies that put the interests of American farmers over the interests that are funding the lobbyists. 

And, if we stand together and choose freedom, our future will be brighter. Freedom will bring back jobs and raise wages. Freedom will lift people out of dependency to the dignity of work. 

We can do this. Forty-Seven years ago to this day, America put the very first man on the moon. 

That was the power of freedom. Our party, the Republican party, was founded to defeat slavery. 

Abraham Lincoln, the first Republican president signed the Emancipation Proclamation. 

Together we passed the Civil Rights Act, and together we fought to eliminate Jim Crow Laws. 

That's our collective legacy, although the media will never share it with you. Those were fights for freedom, and so is this. 

Sergeant Michael Smith stood up to protect our freedom. So do the soldiers, and sailors, and airmen, and Marines everyday fighting radical Islamic terrorism. 

And, so did the family of Alton Sterling who bravely called to end the violence. So did the families of those murdered at the Charleston-Emanuel AME Church who forgave that hateful, bigoted, murder. 

And, so can we. We deserve leaders who stand for principle, who unite us all behind shared values, who cast aside anger for love. That is the standard we should expect from everybody. And, to those listening, please don't stay home in November. 

If you love our country, and love our children as much as you do, stand, and speak, and vote your conscience, vote for candidates up and down the ticket who you trust to defend our freedom, and to be faithful to the constitution. 

I appreciate the enthusiasm of the New York delegation. 

And I will tell you that it is love of freedom that has allowed millions to achieve their dreams. Like my mom, the first in her family to go to college, and my dad, who's here tonight, who fled prison and torture in Cuba. Coming to Texas with just $100 dollars sewn into his underwear. 

And it is over that I hope will bring comfort to a grieving nine- year-old girl in Dallas, and God willing, propel her to move forward, and dream, and soar, and make her daddy proud. We must make the most of our moments, to fight for freedom, to protect our God given rights, even if those with whom we don't agree so that when we are old and grey, and when our work is done, and when we give those we love one final kiss goodbye we will be able to say freedom matters and I was part of something beautiful. 

The case we have to make to the American people, the case each person in this room has to make to the American people is to commit to each of them that we will defend freedom, and be faithful to the Constitution. 

We will unite the party; we will unite the country by standing together for shared values by standing for liberty. God bless each and every one of you, and God bless the United States of America.

How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

C S Lewis

Offline sinkspur

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Ted Cruz is a "disloyal Republican" - Rudy Giuliani

And then there's this:

Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.

Offline IsailedawayfromFR

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OK. That's valid. If he attended, he should have kept his mouth shut.

So you do say being quiet and not endorsing a candidate is not the same as speaking and not endorsing a candidate?

What is the difference?

I think Ted giving a patriotic pep-talk and asking people to vote their conscience is superior to what you said he should have done.

Why is your way staying silent better?  Your candidate seems upstaged?  Reagan behaved the same way in his speech and did not stay silent.  Do you have a problem with Reagan too?
No punishment, in my opinion, is too great, for the man who can build his greatness upon his country's ruin~  George Washington

Offline mlizzy

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It would be so easy for Trump to turn Cruz's speech into a plus for himself tomorrow, and win many of Cruz's supporters votes as well.

He could be respectful, he could restore his relationship with Cruz, he could embrace the values Cruz spoke of and claim he hoped we would all see him as the candidate to carry them forward.

I would be pleasantly surprised if he did. But I'm pretty certain he won't. Trump just doesn't have it in him.
Great idea @sinkspur !! and wouldn't we all love to see him "restore his relationship with Cruz" through a public apology to TC [from the convention floor]? Could take seven years of prayers from the Carthusian Monks to make that fly! But we can all hope it could be sooner than that.

America needs no words from me to see how your decision in Roe v. Wade has deformed a great nation. The so-called right to abortion has pitted mothers against their children and women against men. Human rights are not a privilege conferred by government. They are every human being's entitlement by virtue of his humanity. The right to life does not depend, and must not be declared to be contingent, on the pleasure of anyone else, not even a parent or a sovereign. -Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Offline bilo

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If Trump did ANYTHING Conservative, I would gladly re-evaluate.  But it's been over a year now, and I'm still waiting.

We both know it's not going to happen.

For me he would first have to apologize for all his lies and brutish behavior. I suppose he might do something like that in the last days of the campaign, but how credible would that be?
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Offline thackney

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...Answer the damn question.  Where exactly in Reagan's speech did he endorse Ford?

How hard is it to do that?

Really hard since the words don't exist.  Reagan, like Cruz, used his convention speech to call for what is important values and party unity.
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Offline Eowyn

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  • Don't blame me, I voted for Ted Cruz.
As far as I can tell, and my access to information is currently limited, Ted did not say anything directly negative against Trump. But he also did not say anything directly negative against Hillary.

He seemed to just throw his hands up, shrug his shoulders, and say, Hey! You guys didn't pick me, so now I don't care who you vote for. Do what you want. I don't care.

Vote your conscience! (whatever that means?)

I don't care who you are. I don't care what the reasons are. That was very weird.

It would have been much better if he had just found a hole to hide in to sulk, and just stay out of it. Like all the old-timey establishment candidates did.

ABSOLUTELY WRONG!  You really should read, watch, or listen to the speech.

From the speech:

Of course, Obama and Clinton will tell you that they also care about our children’s future. And I want to believe them. But there is a profound difference in our two parties’ visions for the future.

Theirs is the party that thinks ISIS is a “JV team,” that responds to the death of Americans at Benghazi by asking, “What difference does it make?” That thinks it’s possible to make a deal with Iran, which celebrates as holidays “Death to America Day” and “Death to Israel Day.”

My friends, this is madness.

President Obama is a man who does everything backwards – he wants to close Guantanamo Bay and open up our borders, he exports jobs and imports terrorists.

Enough is enough.

There is a better vision for our future: A return to freedom.

On education, your freedom to choose your child’s education, even if you aren’t as rich as Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama.

On healthcare, your freedom to choose your own doctor, without Obamacare.

On taxes, your freedom to provide for your family without the IRS beating down your door.

The Internet? Keep it free from taxes, free from regulation. And don’t give it away to Russia and China.

Freedom means free speech, not politically correct safe spaces.

Freedom means religious freedom, whether you are Christian or Jew, Muslim or atheist. Gay or straight, the Bill of Rights protects the rights of all of us to live according to our conscience.

Freedom means the right to keep and bear arms, and protect your family.

Freedom means Supreme Court Justices who don’t dictate policy, but instead follow the Constitution.

And freedom means recognizing that our Constitution allows states to choose policies that reflect local values. Colorado may decide something different than Texas. New York different than Iowa. Diversity. That’s the way it’s supposed to be. If not, what’s the point of having states to begin with?

Hillary Clinton believes government should make virtually every choice in your life. Education, healthcare, marriage, speech – all dictated out of Washington.

« Last Edit: July 21, 2016, 03:47:52 pm by Eowyn »

Silver Pines

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Exactly right. He has no reason to support Trump.  Butt... He could have kept his mouth shut and showed some class. He chose not to. That explains the title of this thread.

The title of the thread is just more Trump supporter wishful thinking.

Cruz doesn't run and hide.  He shows leadership.

Offline Night Hides Not

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You bet!

I really began to follow politics and formed my beliefs when Ronald Reagan ran for POTUS against Carter. I remember all the criticism of him in the media. He actually believed in things like individual liberty, limited govt., strong defense, and right vs. wrong. The GOPe hated him for it. They hated him once he was elected because he actually wanted to do what he said he would do. Sen Cruz is receiving the same treatment that Reagan did in his pre POTUS years. Sen Cruz will be vindicated.

My first two presidential votes went to McGovern and Carter. In the "interlude" between '76 and '80, I was stationed in Germany, gaining valuable experience as an Air Defense Artillery officer. My fellow soldiers and I endured the Carter years, dealing with fund shortages for parts, maintenance, and training.

Fast forward to 1980, I knew that Reagan would be a far better President than Carter. I proved it to many of my German neighbors 2-3 times a week at the local gasthaus. They were convinced (by their media) that Reagan would start WWIII, so much so that Oma (the grandmother of the family from whom I rented an apartment) tearfully begged me to vote for Carter, "for the sake of her grandchildren."

Sidenote: one of the benefits of living off post was the lack of television. What few free evenings I had were spent reading, or taking German classes on post. I made my case for Reagan to my neighbors, in German, using what I knew about American, world, and military history. I didn't completely win them over until Inauguration Day, when Iran released the hostages.

A week or so later, I was invited to sit at the stammtische, a table reserved for family and close friends of the family. Most likely, it was recognition that I was one of their best customers, dining there a couple times a week. Still, it's an honor I cherish to this day.

Not bad for a young man of 26.
You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality.

1 John 3:18: Let us love not in word or speech, but in truth and action.

Offline Smokin Joe

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  • I was a "conspiracy theorist". Now I'm just right.
Hillary and her allies better be prepared. While she'll have a billion bucks to spend on negative ads, Trump knows how to dominate the media.

Oh, they are not only prepared, they have already hit the ground with (iirc) 180 million in airtime. I have already seen an ad against Trump, a couple of weeks ago.
I wouldn't put too much stock in Trump's media domination at this point. His marketing department is going to be hard pressed to go head to head with Hillary and a MSM which has traditionally been in her camp, which has covered for her through all the bumps and jostles of the first two Clinton administrations, and right down the line since, minimizing or burying her sins and singing her praises.

Trump got a lot of free airtime during the primaries because it served two purposes: it kept Hillary's being investigated for treasonous activity out of the press, and it was good 'drama' and sold soap.

When it comes to the real contest, the MSM will not be in the Trump camp, and his freebie airtime is gone.

How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

C S Lewis

Offline Mechanicos

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Everyone is tired of your obfuscating bull shit.  Answer the damn question.  Where exactly in Reagan's speech did he endorse Ford?

How hard is it to do that?
You want to talk about Bullshit how about your changing the issue to "endorsement" when it was about "support" per the pledge and the same thing Reagan said was he support them. Support is NOT endorsement which is a much higher level. So the bullshiters are the ones here pulling the liberal game of moving the goal posts from Support as pledged to endorsing which was never the issue.
Trump is for America First.
"Crooked Hillary Clinton is the Secretary of the Status Quo – and wherever Hillary Clinton goes, corruption and scandal follow." D. Trump 7/11/16

Did you know that the word ‘gullible’ is not in the dictionary?

Isaiah 54:17


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Political suicide?


political suicide was nominating Donald Trump.  Not endorsing Trump is simply refusing to drink the Jonestown Koolaid.

Offline Eowyn

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  • Don't blame me, I voted for Ted Cruz.
Political suicide?


political suicide was nominating Donald Trump.  Not endorsing Trump is simply refusing to drink the Jonestown Koolaid.


Offline Texas Yellow Rose

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Cruz doesn't run and hide.  He shows leadership.

Offline Rivergirl

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DT has just now endorsed Erdogan.   What a brain, the biggest, best, smartest man in the world.
Seems Islamic jihadists will still have a friend in the white house if DT gets elected.
So thrilled to hear DT thugs trashing Cruz while loving on Erdogan and hating on NATO.

Silver Pines

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Great idea @sinkspur !! and wouldn't we all love to see him "restore his relationship with Cruz" through a public apology to TC [from the convention floor]? Could take seven years of prayers from the Carthusian Monks to make that fly! But we can all hope it could be sooner than that.

Mlizzy, you know I respect you, my friend, but I don't think there was any relationship to begin with.  I would prefer they stay away from each know the saying about light and darkness.

Offline wolfcreek

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:bsflag: :bs: :bsflag: :bs::bsflag:

Politically brilliant move

Once Trump is exposed as the fraud that he is, Ted Cruz will come out like a hero.

I can't help that the TV punditry is so short sided, and collectively stupid. 

And to those NY delegate thugs who threatened MS. Cruz......  FU
  Cruz couldn't get enough people to like him this time. What makes anyone think 2020 wil be different? 

If Hillary wins and completes her agenda, no GOP candidate will get enough votes.

Offline catfish1957

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You want to talk about Bullshit how about your changing the issue to "endorsement" when it was about "support" per the pledge and the same thing Reagan said was he support them. Support is NOT endorsement which is a much higher level. So the bullshiters are the ones here pulling the liberal game of moving the goal posts from Support as pledged to endorsing which was never the issue.

Mechancos Credibility Crash part 2.

Can not answer simple question.   :silly:

I'm through, you've done enough damage to yourself today.
I display the Confederate Battle Flag in honor of my great great great grandfathers who spilled blood at Wilson's Creek and Shiloh.  5 others served in the WBTS with honor too.

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I'm not sure what you mean.  No one in my family is a democRAT, registered or otherwise.

Or if you are calling me a Clinton supporter, I intend to vote for Trump this fall.  As the Trump enthusiasts keep pointing out, he's better than Hillary.  IMHO being the "Not Hillary" candidate is a pretty weak campaign theme, but hey, you have to roll with what got.

Then I applaud you as a person who can see the.light. :)
« Last Edit: July 22, 2016, 01:15:49 am by wolfcreek »

Offline ABX

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As a reminder, Trump voided the pledge back in March.,216812.0.html

Offline txradioguy

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DT has just now endorsed Erdogan.   What a brain, the biggest, best, smartest man in the world.
Seems Islamic jihadists will still have a friend in the white house if DT gets elected.
So thrilled to hear DT thugs trashing Cruz while loving on Erdogan and hating on NATO.

Erdogan is pro Shari'a ISIS and pro Islamic terrorism.

And Trump just endorsed all of that by endorsing Erdogan. 

Which means that now all the Trumpkins are backing a guy who eodorses the leader of a state that sponsors radical Islam and everything else that come with that.

They must be so proud of themselves.
The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

Here lies in honored glory an American soldier, known but to God


Republicans Don't Need A Back Bench...They Need a BACKBONE!