Author Topic: Tamron Hall Thinks Receiving Welfare Is The Same Thing As EARNING Social Security/Medicare  (Read 1403 times)

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Tamron Hall Thinks Receiving Welfare Is The Same Thing As EARNING Social Security/Medicare

July 20, 2016| by V. Saxena

During my former days as a liberal moron, I oftentimes envisioned myself one day marrying MSNBC host Tamron Hall. Now, however, I would rather slap her across the face — after I first knee Chris Matthews in his presumably small groin (Ancient Chinese Wisdom: Man with big head have small groin).

Why? Because while haranguing actor Scott Baio this Tuesday morning about the RNC speech he had delivered the night before, Tamron made an equivalence between welfare and Social Security/Medicare.

“When you talk about … people wanting things from the government, one of the things that remains hugely popular with your own party, conservatives, [are] Social Security and Medicare,” she said.

« Last Edit: July 20, 2016, 02:02:48 pm by rangerrebew »

Offline bob434

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As long as i live, i will never forget when our president was elected for hte secodn time a reporter from fox itnerviewed a woman and aksed "Why did you vote for him again?"

She got a crap eating grin on her face, shrugged her shoulders and said something akin to  "So i can git me sum of Dat obamamoney"

The reporter asked her "And where do you think that money is goign to coem from?"

She got the same crap eating grin on her face, shrugged again, and said something like "It's just free- Dats all"

I knew then and htere this ocutnry was in deep deep trouble-

it was either Tony Blair or David Cameron who tried to warn this country not to go down the welfare route stating quite correctly something like 'Once you get everyone on welfare, you will never be able to get them off- they will fight tooth and nail to stay on it because people simply do not want to work' (can't remember his direct quote, but that is the jist of what He said)

Offline goatprairie

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As long as i live, i will never forget when our president was elected for hte secodn time a reporter from fox itnerviewed a woman and aksed "Why did you vote for him again?"

She got a crap eating grin on her face, shrugged her shoulders and said something akin to  "So i can git me sum of Dat obamamoney"

The reporter asked her "And where do you think that money is goign to coem from?"

She got the same crap eating grin on her face, shrugged again, and said something like "It's just free- Dats all"

I knew then and htere this ocutnry was in deep deep trouble-

it was either Tony Blair or David Cameron who tried to warn this country not to go down the welfare route stating quite correctly something like 'Once you get everyone on welfare, you will never be able to get them off- they will fight tooth and nail to stay on it because people simply do not want to work' (can't remember his direct quote, but that is the jist of what He said)
I saw that uh...interiview (if you could call it that) of the woman in question. She referred to "Obama's stash." Yes, there is this huge pile of money just lying in the White House  waiting for people to grab. No idea how it got there.
I swear many people, virtually all low info, Dem voters think that pile exists. And greedy, white people got to it first and don't want to give other people their rightful share of all that "free" moolah.
 I remember about twenty years ago reading a column by a black writer named Barbara Reynolds who used to write a twice-weekly "I hate whitey" screed for the St. Paul Pioneer Press. In one of her columns she ranted about how white people came to this country and TOOK!!! (my emphasis) all the good jobs. I wanted to rip the paper into tiny pieces. Yes, white people came to this country and just took all those great jobs that were  there without anybody creating them.
Which makes me believe a very large pct. of Dem voters, (white, brown, and black) think the same thing.....there's that huge pile of wealth that nobody created, and they deserve their rightful share.  If they had an IQ test before you could vote, and you had to get at least 90,  50% of Dem voters wouldn't be able to vote. They're that stupid.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2016, 04:35:37 pm by goatprairie »

Offline GtHawk

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This is proof of the democrats success in the social engineering of Blacks that started with LBJ, blacks have been taught that they are owed something for nothing just because of the color of their skin. I have to say though that on TOS I ran into more than a few members who equated those of us that were receiving the benefits that we paid into SS and Medicare for decades, to leeches on society. Apparently we are supposed to bust our humps all our working lives and pay into these programs and then just forget about it. It will only get worse since the dems accelerated the destruction with the Hispanics, teaching them how to get their free stuff before they even come here.

Offline bob434

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 I remember about twenty years ago reading a column by a black writer named Barbara Reynolds who used to write a twice-weekly "I hate whitey" screed for the St. Paul Pioneer Press. In one of her columns she ranted about how white people came to this country and TOOK!!! (my emphasis) all the good jobs. I wanted to rip the paper into tiny pieces. Yes, white people came to this country and just took all those great jobs that were  there without anybody creating them.
Which makes me believe a very large pct. of Dem voters, (white, brown, and black) think the same thing.....there's that huge pile of wealth that nobody created, and they deserve their rightful share.  If they had an IQ test before you could vote, and you had to get at least 90,  50% of Dem voters wouldn't be able to vote. They're that stupid.

Just saw a a youtube video where a black kid was talkign to all the liberal black folks claiming htey were 'going to move to Africa if trump gets elected" and the kid said essentially

"Fine- Seeya- Enjoy the free healthcare there- oh wait- there isn't any- enjoy your food stamps- oh wait- nope- none of those either- enjoy your free education- woops- none of that either- enjoy all those high payign job offers you'll get' woppsie doodle- won't be many- enjoy indoor plumbing if you can find it"

Also saw where thew black panthers want ot start their own nation here i n the US- I say fine- give them a barren spot i nthe desert- or out in the deep wilderness where there is NOTHING- no running water, sewers- no starbucks, no toilet paper- no computers- no nothing- and let them build up their utopia from scratch like Americans had ot do when we first arrived-

Problem is the black panthers don't want that- they want to take what is already here- What they meant was that they want to take what Americans have already accomplished through hard work, guts and ingenuity- and take it for themselves-

Offline bob434

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I have to say though that on TOS I ran into more than a few members who equated those of us that were receiving the benefits that we paid into SS and Medicare for decades, to leeches on society.

They will refer to you and i as leeches, but not to the millions of 'out of work able bodied people who went on disability under our president because they couldn't find work', and 'inner city baby factories (women who have babies to collect welfare)' as leeches- oh heck no- they think those people and illegals are owed the SS money that hard working citizens paid into

Offline GtHawk

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They will refer to you and i as leeches, but not to the millions of 'out of work able bodied people who went on disability under our president because they couldn't find work', and 'inner city baby factories (women who have babies to collect welfare)' as leeches- oh heck no- they think those people and illegals are owed the SS money that hard working citizens paid into
The company I worked fourteen years for specialized in laboratories, I installed equipment in many private labs and in colleges and universities from San Diego to San Francisco. The economy killed our business and the company folded unable to compete with the large construction entities, we were a five man operation and non union. I was diligent in seeking and applying for work for three years, but no one wanted to hire me at my age when they could hire youngsters for less money, lower insurance rates and push them around. I had been pushing myself to work in pain for years and finally just said screw it and let the surgeons cut me. In six months I had major lumbar surgery, cervical fusion and now they are to replace my right knee. All in all I would have continued to work in pain if anyone would have hired me, it sucks having your SS benefits capped ten years early. So Yeah I went on disability, but I was legit, I didn't pull the BS that a lot of people are. My wife bills for Psychologists and you wouldn't believe how many people approach them trying to get diagnosed as mentally disabled.

Offline bob434

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[[it sucks having your SS benefits capped ten years early.]]

Try having it capped after working minimum wage jobs- you get bare minimum- which is $690 a month right now- it sucks for those who worked in areas where there were only min wage jobs available-

[[So Yeah I went on disability, but I was legit, I didn't pull the BS that a lot of people are.]]

There's no shame in those getting it who need it- that is what SS and disability was originally for- helping those who need it or who can't work legitimately- We as a nation take care of our nation's most vulnerable citizens, the elderly, the disabled, and our veterans (and even those who are down o n their luck and are looking for jobs but can't find them or single moms who need temp help etc)- but our current president has turned this safety net into a free for all- giving able bodied healthy out of work people disability-

My belief is that the left are intentionally trying to bankrupt this program for our nation's most vulnerable and needy citizens-

It's funny that they state disability is goign bankrupt- but they put millions of able bodied people on it, and another issue i take issue with is the fact that our government can find billions and billions of dollars for terrorist nations, but they can't find enough money to keep the safety net for our nation's most vulnerable citizens afloat financially?

Our nation spends between $400 and $600 BILLION dollars Every Single Year on illegal aliens (when everythign they do or cause is factored in ie crimes, welfare, government handouts to them- victims who suffer financially etc)- Yet we're inviting in more and more when our nation's most vulnerable citizens won't have support much longer?


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They will refer to you and i as leeches, but not to the millions of 'out of work able bodied people who went on disability under our president because they couldn't find work', and 'inner city baby factories (women who have babies to collect welfare)' as leeches- oh heck no- they think those people and illegals are owed the SS money that hard working citizens paid into

Be thankful for abortion, then, as the welfare roles would be much greater if blacks understood how they are being cheated.


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My belief is that the left are intentionally trying to bankrupt this program for our nation's most vulnerable and needy citizens-


So you think "death panels" were being thought of to get rid of seniors when Obamacare was being foisted on America by the left? :whistle:

Offline bob434

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check out Ben Carson's stance on death panels- he was for them- He argued for them on the basis of cost efficiency 'for the nation'- If a 'republican' was for them you know damn well the left is for them- Do i think it was a central driving factor of obamacare? No- I do not- however I know fully well that many on the left DO support death panels and population control-You will find their despicable agenda and ideology online- the left are open about their disdain for the elderly-- it is no secret that they do and have supported population control for a very long time- you need only go back as far as the keneddys to see that- with their sterilization advocacy-

I have no idea why the left would want to bankrupt SS and disability- I do know they mismanaged it badly- and now everyone is paying the price- and I know that the left are spending this nation's money like drunken sailors while our nation's most vulnerable and needy citizens go without, and their sole source of funds is about to dry up- Our government ism ore concerned with taking care of illegals and terrorists and terrorist nations than they are with our nation's most vulnerable citizens- And hell- they have no qualms about killing 50 million babies- why should they stop there?

[[Be thankful for abortion, then,]]

Excuse me?

Offline goatprairie

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Just saw a a youtube video where a black kid was talkign to all the liberal black folks claiming htey were 'going to move to Africa if trump gets elected" and the kid said essentially

"Fine- Seeya- Enjoy the free healthcare there- oh wait- there isn't any- enjoy your food stamps- oh wait- nope- none of those either- enjoy your free education- woops- none of that either- enjoy all those high payign job offers you'll get' woppsie doodle- won't be many- enjoy indoor plumbing if you can find it"

Also saw where thew black panthers want ot start their own nation here i n the US- I say fine- give them a barren spot i nthe desert- or out in the deep wilderness where there is NOTHING- no running water, sewers- no starbucks, no toilet paper- no computers- no nothing- and let them build up their utopia from scratch like Americans had ot do when we first arrived-

Problem is the black panthers don't want that- they want to take what is already here- What they meant was that they want to take what Americans have already accomplished through hard work, guts and ingenuity- and take it for themselves-
It wouldn't do them any good anyway. Even if you gave them their own country with top flight  infrastructure in place, you need the right people to make it work. Very few black people know how to run a modern country. Think Zimbabwe.  Things just don't run themselves.
That stupid talk reminds of when the Bosheviks took over in Russia and almost immediately fired most of the non-communist people who ran the public works. They replaced them with loyal communist flunkies who had no idea how to run things. Things (water works, sewage disposal, etc.) began to grind to a halt.  The Bolsheviks eventually had to hire back all the bourgeouis people they had fired. There is no substitute for trained personnel.

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This is proof of the democrats success in the social engineering of Blacks that started with LBJ, blacks have been taught that they are owed something for nothing just because of the color of their skin. I have to say though that on TOS I ran into more than a few members who equated those of us that were receiving the benefits that we paid into SS and Medicare for decades, to leeches on society. Apparently we are supposed to bust our humps all our working lives and pay into these programs and then just forget about it. It will only get worse since the dems accelerated the destruction with the Hispanics, teaching them how to get their free stuff before they even come here.
Well, those of us who have over 30 years to go before we retire will be expected to do just that. Do you think we're going to get the same benefits you do? Fat chance—we're paying your retirement. You paid the generation ahead of yours; it's not your own money you're getting back, it's mine and others, who have to pay it with worse jobs and less inflation-adjusted pay.
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