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Refugees secretly flooding into these states. See big list of U.S. cities receiving Syrians under Obama's U.N. program


Refugees secretly flooding into these states
See big list of U.S. cities receiving Syrians under Obama's U.N. program
Published: 14 hours ago

Syrian refugees arrive in Europe. Another 10,000 are set to arrive in the U.S. this year and at least that many in 2017. But now the U.N. is concocting a plan with the Obama administration that will lead to many more than 10,000 finding their way to the U.S.

Syrian refugees arrive in Europe. Another 10,000 are set to arrive in the U.S. this year and at least that many in 2017. But now the U.N. is concocting a plan with the Obama administration that will lead to many more than 10,000 finding their way to the U.S.

Despite more reports in recent weeks about Muslim “refugees” raping and attacking people in the U.S. and Europe, President Obama has ramped up his Syrian refugee program – delivering 625 to U.S. cities in one week and crossing the 6,000 mark for total Syrians who have entered the country since October.

With a little over two months before the Sept. 30 deadline to fulfill his promise to the United Nations to resettle 10,000 Syrians, Obama has delivered 6,227 Syrian migrants to 38 states and dozens of cities.

That means more than 1,000 have arrived just since July 1.

Of the 6,227 who arrived since Oct. 1, 2015, only 23 have been Christian and 10 Yazidi. All the of the remaining 6,194 Syrians, more than 98 percent, have been Sunni Muslim. That’s the same sect that makes up the ranks of ISIS, al-Nusra Front and other groups that are viciously persecuting Christians in Syria.

Michigan, California, Arizona, Texas and Illinois are the top five states for numbers of Syrian refugees received so far with two months remaining in the fiscal year. These refugees are hand-selected by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to be permanently resettled in the U.S. [See chart below showing 2016 arrivals: Source U.S. State Department Refugee Processing Center]



POST NOTE of Interest:

Poster wrote....."Islamic belief of 'sole capture' by eye contact"

...."I lived in the Middle East ( Saudi and Turkey ) for over 4 years...... I learned from a friend (his family was Egyptian - 3 were presidents thereof.)

....He taught me to always make eye contact even in pleasant company. ....You never know who is out to get you.

 Arabs have a belief that they can not stand looking their victims and potential victims 'in the eye'..... They don't want your soul to interfere with theirs.... That is what eye contact does - binds your sole and theirs for a period of time.

 If they kill you to soon after making eye contact they are also affected by the killing.

It is long and complicated - the tradition of sole capture by eye contact.

Many refugees fleeing Syria 'HAVE NO IDENTIFICATION',  the vast majority of them are not families, women, the elderly, or children, but fighting aged males........ The head of our FBI has told us exactly that..... Thus, they cannot be 'vetted'. .....More,... infiltrators from other nations hoping to exploit the West's welcome of the refugee Syrians simply throw away any papers they have to pose as Syrians.

As for the children of refugees, escorted and otherwise.... Bringing a 5 year old in isn't the same thing as bringing a 13 year old in who has experienced war for the last 5 to15 years..... The 13 year old is going to be placed into a foreign environment where other children are already wary of people with that cultural background, so it will be even more difficult to integrate. ...What will happen when those children reach the already difficult years of 14 to 18 especially when he'll be tutored in Islam and the Koran???

 Politicians haven't a clue what they're dealing with nor are they creating the necessary support structure for these refugees.....being a volunteer organization, seeing life thru this nations cultural beliefs rather than as a Muslim mindset will create even further confusion and frankly "danger"....When you flood the country with thousands of people 'who have little or no regard for human life' in their Muslim countries bad things are, with certainty, going to happen.

Further...there is no such thing as a "Lone Wolf".....he is doing what the Koran/Islam teaches....and there is no such thing as radicalization, it's a matter of their will acting on what they believe and is taught in Islam they've been raised to believe.


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