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Is the world descending into chaos?

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--- Quote from: Smokin Joe on July 16, 2016, 01:24:30 am ---You're not alone, but chaos is the natural disorder of things. Humans are behaving more chaotically, or we are just hearing about it more, but that has a way of being self limiting, too.

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OK, I was going to say exactly what Smokin Joe just said.  I just wouldn't have said it as well. 

Some days it just seems that way...when everything you touch....


In Venezuela Maduro just appointed a military guy to something akin to co-President. The man is a true believer in government control of production and distribution of goods too.


--- Quote from: geronl on July 17, 2016, 03:43:35 am ---In Venezuela Maduro just appointed a military guy to something akin to co-President. The man is a true believer in government control of production and distribution of goods too.

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He won't be able to get raw materials or food imported any better than anyone else before him has. 

Venezuela is descending into chaos and a massive humanitarian crisis.  We have a lot of local friends in the local Venezuelan ex-pat community and the stories we hear about family back home are heartbreaking and terrifying.  Hard to believe this is going on in 2016 but it is.

People have been complaining that the world is descending into chaos since the times they had to put twig to clay (Seriously, read the epic of Gilgamesh - it's in there) to record their thoughts.

Yet here we are. Still. Unchaoticised.  :shrug:


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