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Is the world descending into chaos?

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Meshuge Mikey:

--- Quote from: mirraflake on July 17, 2016, 02:30:06 pm ---
100% false. We are actually living in very peaceful times.

Homicide rates, rape , genocide etc through out the world are at record lows.  There is fighting in the ME but in a nutshell not that any people are dying.

It only seems like times are worse because we have the internet.  1-2 people getting killed by a jihadist would have never made the papers 40 years ago.

China, Malaysia, Indonesia, Burma etc had huge genocide/internals strife and wars and they are all now peaceful

My sisters Catholic grade school teacher in the 70's raped and strangled 2 of his young girl students. No one outside 30 miles where we live heard of it. Today it would have made The Daily Mail, internet chat sites.

The US murder rate for 2015 is at a 51 year low according to the FBI report which just came out in June.


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 THOUSANDS Of CHRISTIAN are being MURDERED by Muslims in the Middle East!  why you don't know this is either ignorance of naiveté  I will allow that it may be naiveté as BIG MEDIA rarely mentions this second tier HOLOCAUST!!


--- Quote from: mirraflake on July 17, 2016, 02:30:06 pm ---
100% false. We are actually living in very peaceful times.

Homicide rates, rape , genocide etc through out the world are at record lows.  There is fighting in the ME but in a nutshell not that any people are dying.

It only seems like times are worse because we have the internet.  1-2 people getting killed by a jihadist would have never made the papers 40 years ago.

China, Malaysia, Indonesia, Burma etc had huge genocide/internals strife and wars and they are all now peaceful

My sisters Catholic grade school teacher in the 70's raped and strangled 2 of his young girl students. No one outside 30 miles where we live heard of it. Today it would have made The Daily Mail, internet chat sites.

The US murder rate for 2015 is at a 51 year low according to the FBI report which just came out in June.


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When did the world become the USA? The discussion was the world not the USA.


--- Quote from: Meshuge Mikey on July 19, 2016, 08:21:34 pm ---ABSOLUTELY  evil is inherently DISORDERED!!   The Father Of Lies is the author of CHAOS! I'lll be charitable and not mention any NAMES here1

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I see the bad moon arising.

I see trouble on the way.

I see earthquakes and lightnin'.

I see those bad times today.


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