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Disarming Society in the 21st Century (GOPBR Exclusive)
« on: July 13, 2016, 09:21:10 pm »
Throughout many conservative forums and pro 2nd Amendment websites, a common and justified concern is the left’s desire to disarm free citizens through various levels of gun control. On many forums, you will find predictions of armed government squads roaming neighborhoods, kicking in doors, and rounding up gun owners. At the same time, you’ll see promises from ‘patriots’ to fight back, start a civil war (CWII) or new revolution, and enact retribution against the same government agencies, agents, and their families. While this may make a great plot for a movie or novel, it all more closely resembles a world left behind in the mid 20th century or restricted to third world dictatorships. The reality of how society can be disarmed in the 21st century is far less Red Dawn or Hunger Games and much more Thank You For Smoking (2005) or An Inconvenient Truth (2006).

In this story, I will present a fictional scenario on how society can be disarmed not based on fanciful science fiction, but on real examples of what is currently happening, how society has been manipulated toward a common goal, and how intelligence communities and politicians have done this in other first-world nations.  This is history that just hasn’t happened yet.

It starts with a story we’ve seen before; a shooting at a school. There quickly are the usual cries across the internet of a ‘false flag’ operation, but the sad truth is there are deranged people in the world who do not need a secret government hand guiding them to do such things. Plus, it is far less risky to wait for something to happen and then, not let a crisis go to waste, than it is to try to orchestrate such an event.

Unlike school shootings in the past, this one had a new element that blew up across the country- uncensored video and pictures.  Millions of people saw the images of young bodies within minutes of it happening. The horror of the shooting was even streamed live as people went ‘Go Live’ on Facebook. Images that would have been censored by traditional media were shown in their full, graphic nature over and over across social media sites.

Gun control forces saw the crisis and immediately made sure it didn’t go to waste. It didn’t matter that the firearms may have been illegally obtained on the black market or that any number of gun control measures wouldn’t have stopped this; they jumped in to make sure the story went their way.  Memes were created, Tweets went out, and every story on the subject was filled with graphic images of dead children in hallways with the caption ‘Enough is Enough’. No story contradicting the narrative went unanswered. For the first month after the story, the goal was to turn the stomach of society.

Pressure was put on sporting good stores and major retailers to stop selling certain classes of firearms or the ammunition that goes with it. Even stores that have stood strong supporting the 2nd Amendment in the past had to cave as protestors blocked the entrances and fliers showing dead children were plastered all over their doors and all over their social media pages.  Within weeks, one could not purchase anything other than simple shotguns or .22 rifles outside locally owned mom and pop shops.

The pressure then went against gun owners themselves. Memes started to change. Now, instead of just dead children, pictures of every day citizens were posted alongside them with the phrase ‘it could have been your gun’ or ‘it could be your neighbor’ pushing the agenda that anyone’s firearm is a danger in the wrong hands. This is pushed as revelations about the shooting come forward that the firearms in the shooting were stolen from regular, every-day, law abiding citizens. Now the memes change from ‘it could be’ to ‘it was your neighbors’.  Like smokers in the past, social media pressure is applied to shun and ridicule gun owners.

Hollywood finally joins in, changing the theme of many action movies to have heroes who shun firearms going against crazed gun owners. Gone are the spy adventures with the hero carrying his trusty Walther, and in are psychological thrillers about computer hackers and every day citizens stopping mass shootings by angry NRA members. These movies have a double goal of making the heroes someone who is an everyday citizen; one whom they can personify themselves as- not an out of reach superhero.

On TV, plot after plot follow the same theme. Even in police dramas, you never see the hero carry a gun and the villain is no longer the sensational serial killer but shown to be an everyday gun owner who, by virtue of owning a firearm, is now a dangerous monster. Even children’s shows tackle plots like a child finding daddy’s gun akin to the old plots of children finding a pack of cigarettes and trying some.  The media attack is constant and relentless.

While the attitude of society in general takes a slow, relentless campaign hitting all aspects of the media, managing politicians is far easier.

Within months of the shooting, many ‘common sense reforms’ (as they are billed) are proposed. They start out small. Every firearm sold has to include a safety booklet outlining the dangers of firearms, including graphic images of gunshot wounds from violence or mishandling. Every firearm sold has to now include a warning label on the firearm. Gun manufacturers now have an additional tax to pay for safety education. Slowly though, the so-called common sense reforms become more and more intrusive. New bills are passed requiring all bills of sale to be collected and stored by the ATF, including historical sales records. All firearms sold have to be ‘barrel printed’ to be able to trace bullets from crimes to specific firearms. And more and more firearm classes are added to the ATF NFA lists requiring registration and tax stamps. Drop by drop, these laws are passed over the years, slowly making the purchase of a firearm more and more expensive and more and more difficult. Even ammunition becomes subject to these restrictions, so even if you own many of the restricted classes of firearms, you find that buying ammunition becomes cost prohibitive and unfeasible to go out and practice with what you have left.

As the years go by, purchasing of firearms become limited to the wealthy and well connected. More and more manufacturers find they have no customer base or have to change what they produce to fit the new, changing demand. Mom and pop gun shops go out of business left and right. Add to this lawsuits by victims and then by the government against anyone who manufactures a gun or sells one that is used in a crime.

Yet there are still shootings. All of these common sense reforms fail to address that law abiding citizens that will follow the laws are not the ones prone to pick up a gun and shoot up a school or movie theater- yet they are the ones who are socially targeted and shunned more and more every time it happens. With every shooting, the images and video become more graphic and the politicians become bolder. Soon, common sense reforms are written to make firearm ownership mirror car ownership. All firearm owners must be insured, all firearms must be inspected and registered and pay an annual registration fee and inspection fee. Then, all firearm owners must be trained and licensed. The obtrusive nature of all of this training and registration makes legal ownership more and more expensive and tedious.

Of course, the government cares and doesn’t want people to be put into the situation where they are committing a crime because they can’t afford to own their firearms so they set up generous buyback programs or programs to donate your firearms to your local law enforcement for tax credits. Millions of law abiding citizens gladly turn in their firearms for a few thousand dollars they desperately need and avoid any penalties for not registering them.

It then comes down to the patriots. Those who believe in the 2nd Amendment and an individual citizen’s right to protect his life, liberty, or property. Those who refuse to comply with what they see as a government overstepping its Constitutional bounds.  Unfortunately for years, they have been bragging on social media and to their friends how they will not comply. They have posted images of their guns or targets, and discussed fantasies of CWII when they use their collection to stand up to tyranny.

For those who do not properly register their firearms or get the correct licensing or insurance, the fines are steep. Reward systems are put in place to turn in your neighbor for unregistered firearms, and with years of social manipulation in place to make a law abiding gun owner appear to be a monster waiting to happen, neighbors and families are gladly willing to help society by reporting these unregistered owners.

The hold-outs are easy to find. Simple searches through common internet forums find those willing to talk a bit too much. For government analysts, simply searching for the phrase ‘tragic boating accident’ turns up hundreds of these ‘licensing evaders’. Most are treated like tax evaders with property and bank accounts seized and small jail sentences. A few though, well, there have to be examples made.

One heads to the store one day, only to return and find his home surrounded by federal agents, cleaning out everything he has and digging up what he thinks is his secret cache buried an acre behind his house with his other ‘bug out ‘ equipment he bragged about online.
Another finds himself accidently clicking a malware infested link in an email and suddenly his computer is filled with child pornography and he is arrested a few days later. Another pervert off the streets according to the media.
Dozens of these high profile cases happen, many under different reasons. On the websites and forums they frequented, people know the truth and it spreads fear they are next. Quickly, most comply with the law or go deeper underground.

After a few years, legal gun ownership is gone away, restricted to the wealthy and connected. No civil war, no mass rebellion, no internment camps, no door to door raids. All of this done through social manipulation and small ‘common sense’ intrusions.

Of course, there is one group we haven’t talked about- the criminal class. In all this, the black market booms in firearms and criminals with criminal intent, and complete disregard for the law, find society becoming a disarmed treasure trove like a bank with its vault left open. Home invasions increase, muggings increase, gang on gang shootings skyrocket, and many neighborhoods and cities become too dangerous to walk around in without a police escort.

And all the law abiding citizens wonder how they can protect themselves from the crime……...
« Last Edit: August 31, 2016, 06:00:08 pm by AbaraXas »

Offline ABX

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Re: Disarming Society in the 21st Century (GOPBR Exclusive)
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2016, 09:22:07 pm »
I apologize for any typos, I typed this out on my tablet so I haven't edited or properly proofed it yet. I'll come back to it tonight.

Offline SZonian

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Re: Disarming Society in the 21st Century (GOPBR Exclusive)
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2016, 09:46:12 pm »
What many pro-2nd Amendment folks seem to forget is that democrats own firearms as well...many of those will be among the first wave in surrendering firearms in your scenario.

There will also be a certain percentage of non-democrat firearm owners, like in CT & NY, who complied with the draconian, knee jerk legislation to register or surrender certain types of firearms to authorities.

OPSEC (OPerational SECurity) boys and girls...

Otherwise, besides the few typos you already mea culpa'd to, a good read.
Throwing our allegiances to political parties in the long run gave away our liberty.

Offline Mechanicos

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Re: Disarming Society in the 21st Century (GOPBR Exclusive)
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2016, 09:49:02 pm »
Good Article. Very likely.

Have you heard of Matt Bracken? Hes got some books out on similar themes. Below are three of his articles you may want to compare notes with and for ideas for the next article:
Trump is for America First.
"Crooked Hillary Clinton is the Secretary of the Status Quo – and wherever Hillary Clinton goes, corruption and scandal follow." D. Trump 7/11/16

Did you know that the word ‘gullible’ is not in the dictionary?

Isaiah 54:17

Offline ABX

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Re: Disarming Society in the 21st Century (GOPBR Exclusive)
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2016, 09:53:41 pm »
Good Article. Very likely.

Have you heard of Matt Bracken? Hes got some books out on similar themes. Below are three of his articles you may want to compare notes with and for ideas for the next article:

Yep, I've known Matt for a long time. I've been thinking of writing a modern technology version of his theme for a long time. More of a 'cold war' EFAD, where the battle isn't shooting but social manipulation.

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Re: Disarming Society in the 21st Century (GOPBR Exclusive)
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2016, 09:54:17 pm »
What many pro-2nd Amendment folks seem to forget is that democrats own firearms as well...many of those will be among the first wave in surrendering firearms in your scenario.

There will also be a certain percentage of non-democrat firearm owners, like in CT & NY, who complied with the draconian, knee jerk legislation to register or surrender certain types of firearms to authorities.

OPSEC (OPerational SECurity) boys and girls...

Otherwise, besides the few typos you already mea culpa'd to, a good read.

So far Americans are not complying with registering.
Americans are not alone in this resistance either.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2016, 09:59:09 pm by Mechanicos »
Trump is for America First.
"Crooked Hillary Clinton is the Secretary of the Status Quo – and wherever Hillary Clinton goes, corruption and scandal follow." D. Trump 7/11/16

Did you know that the word ‘gullible’ is not in the dictionary?

Isaiah 54:17

Offline ABX

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Re: Disarming Society in the 21st Century (GOPBR Exclusive)
« Reply #6 on: July 13, 2016, 09:56:08 pm »
What many pro-2nd Amendment folks seem to forget is that democrats own firearms as well...many of those will be among the first wave in surrendering firearms in your scenario.

There will also be a certain percentage of non-democrat firearm owners, like in CT & NY, who complied with the draconian, knee jerk legislation to register or surrender certain types of firearms to authorities.

OPSEC (OPerational SECurity) boys and girls...

Otherwise, besides the few typos you already mea culpa'd to, a good read.

Thanks SZ. This one has been in my head for a while and I found myself with an hour waiting for some files to upload so I knocked it out on my tablet. Unfortunately, that means lots of typos I didn't address for risk of losing the whole thing. :)

Offline SZonian

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Re: Disarming Society in the 21st Century (GOPBR Exclusive)
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2016, 10:11:05 pm »
Thanks SZ. This one has been in my head for a while and I found myself with an hour waiting for some files to upload so I knocked it out on my tablet. Unfortunately, that means lots of typos I didn't address for risk of losing the whole thing. :)

Thanks for taking/making the time to write it.   :beer:
Throwing our allegiances to political parties in the long run gave away our liberty.


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Re: Disarming Society in the 21st Century (GOPBR Exclusive)
« Reply #9 on: July 13, 2016, 10:15:57 pm »
I apologize for any typos, I typed this out on my tablet so I haven't edited or properly proofed it yet. I'll come back to it tonight.

I need a real keyboard to do any writing.


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Re: Disarming Society in the 21st Century (GOPBR Exclusive)
« Reply #10 on: July 13, 2016, 10:23:49 pm »
Yep, I've known Matt for a long time. I've been thinking of writing a modern technology version of his theme for a long time. More of a 'cold war' EFAD, where the battle isn't shooting but social manipulation.

Matt has written some good books and some posts at TOS, but when he went full-Trumpster he defriended me on Facebook and stuff

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Re: Disarming Society in the 21st Century (GOPBR Exclusive)
« Reply #11 on: July 13, 2016, 10:32:08 pm »
Proof that what AbaraXas writes is more likely a scenario than some kind of repeat of Lexington or Concord.

Gun registration and confiscation can happen as quickly and as easily as ObamaCare has cowed the entire population into complying with health insurance mandates.

If the feds can bankrupt you over your refusal or inability to buy health insurance, they can do the same to you over your refusal to comply with gun mandates.
Fart for freedom, fart for liberty and fart proudly.  - Benjamin Franklin

...Obsta principiis—Nip the shoots of arbitrary power in the bud, is the only maxim which can ever preserve the liberties of any people. When the people give way, their deceivers, betrayers and destroyers press upon them so fast that there is no resisting afterwards. The nature of the encroachment upon [the] American constitution is such, as to grow every day more and more encroaching. Like a cancer, it eats faster and faster every hour." - John Adams, February 6, 1775


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Re: Disarming Society in the 21st Century (GOPBR Exclusive)
« Reply #12 on: July 13, 2016, 10:36:43 pm »
80% will comply without a fight, 10% won't comply until caught, 10% might actually join a fight but they aren't going to start it

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Re: Disarming Society in the 21st Century (GOPBR Exclusive)
« Reply #13 on: July 13, 2016, 10:51:17 pm »
So far Americans are not complying with registering.
Americans are not alone in this resistance either.

The issue with current registration is it is becoming before a larger social campaign instead of after. It is like trying to get people to quit smoking in the 60s and 70s. My scenario, the left uses social manipulation first just like they did with smoking. As newer generations, like the Millennials, come of age growing up not knowing the reasoning behind their rights, only what they have been socially engineered to believe, it becomes as normal nature as saying 'I don't smoke'.

I hope no one takes this as my writing a guidebook for the left- all of this is pretty common knowledge how social manipulation works. I tried to write from the perspective of it is happening as a message how easily it can and how matter-a-fact events can change society.

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Re: Disarming Society in the 21st Century (GOPBR Exclusive)
« Reply #14 on: July 13, 2016, 10:58:05 pm »
The issue with current registration is it is becoming before a larger social campaign instead of after. It is like trying to get people to quit smoking in the 60s and 70s. My scenario, the left uses social manipulation first just like they did with smoking. As newer generations, like the Millennials, come of age growing up not knowing the reasoning behind their rights, only what they have been socially engineered to believe, it becomes as normal nature as saying 'I don't smoke'.

I hope no one takes this as my writing a guidebook for the left- all of this is pretty common knowledge how social manipulation works. I tried to write from the perspective of it is happening as a message how easily it can and how matter-a-fact events can change society.

This is true, and ObamaCare paved the way for the Feds to punish and destroy everyone who will not comply with whatever mandates they decree and have the courts rewrite as 'Constitutional'.

Think 'mark of a beast'.  If you do not comply and think as the regime demands over whatever issue they mandate - your ability to have wealth and property and make a living will go bye-bye.
Fart for freedom, fart for liberty and fart proudly.  - Benjamin Franklin

...Obsta principiis—Nip the shoots of arbitrary power in the bud, is the only maxim which can ever preserve the liberties of any people. When the people give way, their deceivers, betrayers and destroyers press upon them so fast that there is no resisting afterwards. The nature of the encroachment upon [the] American constitution is such, as to grow every day more and more encroaching. Like a cancer, it eats faster and faster every hour." - John Adams, February 6, 1775

Offline SZonian

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Re: Disarming Society in the 21st Century (GOPBR Exclusive)
« Reply #15 on: July 13, 2016, 11:12:52 pm »
The issue with current registration is it is becoming before a larger social campaign instead of after. It is like trying to get people to quit smoking in the 60s and 70s. My scenario, the left uses social manipulation first just like they did with smoking. As newer generations, like the Millennials, come of age growing up not knowing the reasoning behind their rights, only what they have been socially engineered to believe, it becomes as normal nature as saying 'I don't smoke'.

I hope no one takes this as my writing a guidebook for the left- all of this is pretty common knowledge how social manipulation works. I tried to write from the perspective of it is happening as a message how easily it can and how matter-a-fact events can change society.
"Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted." Vladimir Lenin

We gave "him" 8 years...
Throwing our allegiances to political parties in the long run gave away our liberty.

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Re: Disarming Society in the 21st Century (GOPBR Exclusive)
« Reply #16 on: July 13, 2016, 11:42:41 pm »
"Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted." Vladimir Lenin

We gave "him" 8 years...

These days, give me 8 weeks with the right technology.

I know it sounds like a stupid comparison, but look at Pokemon Go. It has been available for about a week and a half and already it has more daily users than Twitter. 7.5 million users in the first couple of days, 65 million users within a few days after that. There are already meetups, social groups, and clubs forming around it. I've even seen people starting businesses to teach others how to use it.

If you can get that much activity and obsession over a game that quickly, imagine what you can do with more resources and more time.

Technology and social manipulation moves at the speed of light now.

The funny part is, it originally was an April Fool's joke Nintendo started but there was so much interest, they made it into a real game.

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Re: Disarming Society in the 21st Century (GOPBR Exclusive)
« Reply #17 on: July 13, 2016, 11:49:57 pm »

For me  it's not all that what THEY do not what they say....

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Re: Disarming Society in the 21st Century (GOPBR Exclusive)
« Reply #18 on: July 13, 2016, 11:55:35 pm »
These days, give me 8 weeks with the right technology.

I know it sounds like a stupid comparison, but look at Pokemon Go. It has been available for about a week and a half and already it has more daily users than Twitter. 7.5 million users in the first couple of days, 65 million users within a few days after that. There are already meetups, social groups, and clubs forming around it. I've even seen people starting businesses to teach others how to use it.

If you can get that much activity and obsession over a game that quickly, imagine what you can do with more resources and more time.

Technology and social manipulation moves at the speed of light now.

The funny part is, it originally was an April Fool's joke Nintendo started but there was so much interest, they made it into a real game.
It's not a stupid comparison, it's spot on.  I see many "adults" who are glued to their electronic pacifiers (cell phones) and can't be bothered to lift their heads up to make sure they're not gonna get run over in a parking lot. 

The e-generation is more interested in instant gratification via electronics and being entertained. 

Many have absolutely no interest in the fact that the socialists have laid the corn out and are slowly putting up the pen...
Throwing our allegiances to political parties in the long run gave away our liberty.

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Re: Disarming Society in the 21st Century (GOPBR Exclusive)
« Reply #19 on: July 14, 2016, 12:09:41 am »
It's not a stupid comparison, it's spot on.  I see many "adults" who are glued to their electronic pacifiers (cell phones) and can't be bothered to lift their heads up to make sure they're not gonna get run over in a parking lot. 

The e-generation is more interested in instant gratification via electronics and being entertained. 

Many have absolutely no interest in the fact that the socialists have laid the corn out and are slowly putting up the pen...

Our side has almost a complete failure in understanding or accepting the corn is there, the pen is there, and they can use it if they open their eyes to it. I see the right (with some exceptions- the Libertarian right are better at this) as in complete denial about the power of new media/social media. They are like grandparents trying to understand today's music. Free Republic is a perfect example of this. They started before Huffington Post (at that, Andrew Breitbart was a freeper before he went to work for them and helped create Huffpo). They started before Kos. They could have been bigger than both of them being that far ahead of the curve, but it wasn't just a stubbornness about technology, but about how people worked in the social world. They have been stagnant in terms of daily activity for about a decade or more. They have provided nothing new. They are content- and with rapidly changing technology, being content means you become irrelevant. If they had the foresight, they could have been as big and as influential as the Huffington Post. Instead, the Netscape of political forums, still thinks 'blogger' and 'twitter' are dirty words.


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Re: Disarming Society in the 21st Century (GOPBR Exclusive)
« Reply #20 on: July 14, 2016, 12:13:23 am »

If you can get that much activity and obsession over a game that quickly, imagine what you can do with more resources and more time.

Technology and social manipulation moves at the speed of light now.

The funny part is, it originally was an April Fool's joke Nintendo started but there was so much interest, they made it into a real game.

I completely agree. A few well-designed, well-planned things falling into place could have a huge impact on a society

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Re: Disarming Society in the 21st Century (GOPBR Exclusive)
« Reply #21 on: July 14, 2016, 12:18:00 am »
I completely agree. A few well-designed, well-planned things falling into place could have a huge impact on a society

Have you thought of going in together and writing an anthology or croudsourced book (where multiple people write one book from different viewpoints)? It may be an interesting topic. America 2025- Where War is Fought on Social Media (or something like that)

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Re: Disarming Society in the 21st Century (GOPBR Exclusive)
« Reply #22 on: July 14, 2016, 12:19:27 am »
When traveling across country by motor home I meet a lot of people. There is awareness and a resistance to gun control you cannot imagine. Look up for example Constitutional Sheriffs. They will not allow gun control in their counties. You may think there is compliance but NY had less then 5 percent in reality and Con, had less. They claim they got more but people there say otherwise.

This country is prepared for civil war. That's not going to be nullified by social manipulations. They tries it in Con and NY and it failed badly. Anybody claiming they had double digit compliance is full of it.
Trump is for America First.
"Crooked Hillary Clinton is the Secretary of the Status Quo – and wherever Hillary Clinton goes, corruption and scandal follow." D. Trump 7/11/16

Did you know that the word ‘gullible’ is not in the dictionary?

Isaiah 54:17


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Re: Disarming Society in the 21st Century (GOPBR Exclusive)
« Reply #23 on: July 14, 2016, 12:30:12 am »
Have you thought of going in together and writing an anthology or croudsourced book (where multiple people write one book from different viewpoints)? It may be an interesting topic. America 2025- Where War is Fought on Social Media (or something like that)

Judging from history, it'll be a one sided war with leftists using apps like Pokemon Go to target conservatives, even grassroots ones. Imagine if the leftist mobs had an app that highlighted the homes of known conservatives everywhere they went. Keeping score on how you "fight them"...  I can!

I know that Google Earth has been used to document all sorts of things across North Korea from satellite pictures.

As for a writing project, that would be interesting. I have so many ideas and unfinished projects, though..  :shrug:

« Last Edit: July 14, 2016, 12:31:48 am by geronl »

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Re: Disarming Society in the 21st Century (GOPBR Exclusive)
« Reply #24 on: July 14, 2016, 12:30:57 am »
When traveling across country by motor home I meet a lot of people. There is awareness and a resistance to gun control you cannot imagine. Look up for example Constitutional Sheriffs. They will not allow gun control in their counties. You may think there is compliance but NY had less then 5 percent in reality and Con, had less. They claim they got more but people there say otherwise.

This country is prepared for civil war. That's not going to be nullified by social manipulations. They tries it in Con and NY and it failed badly. Anybody claiming they had double digit compliance is full of it.
Hey, don't get me wrong.  We're on the same side here. 

I'm all for disobedience to patently unconstitutional "laws" in CA, after the latest blow suffered in Sacramento, many that I know are not going to comply.

I'm only posting what was found, whether it's accurate or not is debatable and I sure hope it's not.

The plus side to this is even IF it's accurate, the numbers on the opposite side of the coin are quite respectable...upwards of 90% telling the government FU.
Throwing our allegiances to political parties in the long run gave away our liberty.