Author Topic: How The Left Lies When Blacks are Shot by Police: Were Alton Sterling and Philando Castile really innocent victims of racist cops?  (Read 571 times)

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by: Matthew Vadum

In order to reinforce the false narrative that blacks are systematically discriminated against in America, the Left and its accomplices in the mainstream media spent much of last week lying over and over again about two black men shot to death by police officers.

Like a burnt out Hollywood screenwriter, the Left keeps recycling the same old stock characters. Black men are tragic heroes. White people and police are racist agents of an evil system. The facts are never allowed to intrude on these fantasies.

Michael Brown of Ferguson, Mo., was supposedly a gentle giant. Trayvon Martin of Sanford, Fla., was said to look like the son President Obama never had. "When I think about this boy, I think about my own kids," Obama said after Martin's death in 2012. Later we learned these were politically motivated lies generated by leftist lynch mobs.

This evidence has become available after the horrific Black Lives Matter-inspired massacre of police officers in Dallas during a Black Lives Matter demonstration. With five policemen dead, it was the deadliest attack on U.S. law enforcement since Sept. 11, 2001.

FrontPage reported Friday on the media's beatification of Alton Sterling, who died in Baton Rouge, La., and Philando Castile, who died near St. Paul, Minn. But new information has emerged through enhanced scrutiny of independently shot crime scene videos showing Castile in extremis after being shot and the physical altercation between Sterling and police.

The new information makes it clear that Sterling, a career criminal well known to Baton Rouge police, was trying to wrest a gun away from a cop. While cops were wrangling him, Sterling indicated he intended to harm the officers. The cops responded appropriately, shooting him to death.

With Castile, it now appears he may have had a gun at his side or on his lap. In addition, the lawyer for the officer involved, Jeronimo Yanez, reportedly said his client ordered Castile to stay motionless but the man refused to comply. In other words, Yanez responded to the presence of the gun and moves by Castile, not to Castile's race.

Castile’s girlfriend, Diamond “Lavish” Reynolds, had said Castile was trying to retrieve his wallet after informing police that he was in possession of a concealed weapon and a permit allowing him to carry it. “He let the officer know that he had a firearm, and he was reaching for his wallet and the officer just shot him in his arm,” Reynolds said. She told Yanez, “You told him to get his ID, sir – his driver’s license.”

An audio recording of police communications purports to depict officers saying they were about to pull over Castile because he matched the description of a robbery suspect. Still video frames of a robbery in Minnesota have also surfaced that show a man who at least somewhat resembles Castile. At time of writing neither piece of evidence appeared to have been authenticated. A squad car video of the incident also exists, according to investigators, but it does not appear to have been made public.

Castile, who had a long history of driving infractions but no felony convictions, did in fact possess a permit to carry a gun, the Star Tribune reported Saturday, citing a confidential source. Under state law, the names of such permit holders are not made public but the source said Castile was issued the permit when he lived in Robbinsdale, Minn.

There are still many unanswered questions about the slaying of Castile, but the new information seems unhelpful to those arguing his shooting was unjustified.

A slow-motion version of one video of the Sterling incident, which took place in the parking lot of a food store, appears to exonerate the officers involved who responded to a 9-1-1 call about a man menacing another with a gun.


Offline SZonian

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The leftists lie about local PD's in order to advance the cause of a National Police Force, federales...

In this way, any obstacle to big government is easily overcome through Federal Police with nationwide jurisdiction.
Throwing our allegiances to political parties in the long run gave away our liberty.