Author Topic: Dallas Mayor: Open Carry Made It Difficult to Identify Suspects  (Read 2813 times)

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Offline bob434

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Re: Dallas Mayor: Open Carry Made It Difficult to Identify Suspects
« Reply #25 on: July 11, 2016, 07:19:09 pm »
[[If people you may encounter can become alarmed because of you displaying your rifle or gun, then get a clue - and don't do it. It is NOT responsible gun ownership, and it could in the case of this protest caused police or even a CCL holder to kill you]]

Please cite how many cases in the last 20-30 where people became alarmed and shot people carrying long arms? As well- someone carrying an AR 15 in a shop is goign to be a huge deterrent to a criminal coming in to rob the place- period- Where i live- people carry long arms all around town- into shops for lunch, into stores etc- noone 'gets alarmed and starts shooting'

[[None of which can see the halo over your head, especially as bullets are raining down from someplace.]]

Again- where in the last 20-30 years has such a scene taken place?

Some well meaning folks on the right are unfortunately making the case that the left makes,  which unfortunately results in  chipping away- and chipping away- at our second amendment rights- and they always claim 'it's for our own good and safety' too- with nothing ot back their claims up with-- their claim is always along the liens of  there 'could be' cases where 'such and such might happen' - but there isn't any evidence ot even begin to suggest that there is an epidemic of CC holders opening fire on long gun carriers mistakenly, or even the police doing so- we're just not seeing the news stories such as "Another tragedy as a man carrying a hunting rifle is mistakenly shot down in a hail of bullets while entering a cafe for a lunch break with his rifle"
« Last Edit: July 11, 2016, 10:31:40 pm by bob434 »


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Re: Dallas Mayor: Open Carry Made It Difficult to Identify Suspects
« Reply #26 on: July 11, 2016, 10:15:05 pm »
CCL holder here as well, and I agree.   I am for legal open carry but doing it for an "in your face"  reasons like wearing a AR-15 on a single point sling as you enter a Starbucks, or in a protest such as this is just plain stupid and careless.   If people you may encounter can become alarmed because of you displaying your rifle or gun, then get a clue - and don't do it. It is NOT responsible gun ownership, and it could in the case of this protest caused police or even a CCL holder to kill you. None of which can see the halo over your head, especially as bullets are raining down from someplace. 

Don't cause undue alarm among the general public - open carry rule #1.

Kids used to carry rifles to school for shooting clubs, even in NYC on the subway. You still see some pickups with gun racks, usually empty nowadays. If you stop using your freedoms you will lose them.

Offline NavyCanDo

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Re: Dallas Mayor: Open Carry Made It Difficult to Identify Suspects
« Reply #27 on: July 12, 2016, 03:01:31 am »
Kids used to carry rifles to school for shooting clubs, even in NYC on the subway. You still see some pickups with gun racks, usually empty nowadays. If you stop using your freedoms you will lose them.

Understand, I support open carry - but people who do should do so responsibly and with good judgment.

What could go wrong if you don't? 

Open carrier Mark Hughes went from being a peaceful participant in the Dallas BLM assembly to the most wanted man in America in the matter of minutes, after DPD and the media broadcast his picture as a suspect during the hunt for the active shooter .  While OC of a long gun is perfectly legal in Texas, doing so at a "peaceful" demonstration isn't necessarily the smartest thing to do! Now he has his lawyer saying he is traumatized by being singled out. O please.

Any time I hear/see/read about people who carry openly for the sake for showing they can (like the idiots who take their AR15s to the mall or coffee shop and hope a cop will stop them to chat), I think of the 21 year old who goes out for their first legal drink and does whatever they can to make sure everyone SEES them having their beer.   Immature on all accounts.

By the way my high school also had a rifle club - even posing on campus for the yearbook. I was not in the club because I would not be caught dead in those hideous shooting jackets. 

« Last Edit: July 12, 2016, 03:02:11 am by NavyCanDo »
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