Author Topic: Obama's Double Standard on Race  (Read 370 times)

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Obama's Double Standard on Race
« on: July 11, 2016, 11:24:28 am »
Obama's Double Standard on Race
Image: Barack Obama in Selma, Alabama. White House photo.

Obama was quick to racialize the deaths of Philando Castile and Alton Sterling, but reticent on Dallas.
Robert W. Merry

July 8, 2016

America has just experienced one of the saddest weeks anyone can remember, certainly since the 9/11 Al Qaeda attacks. Two young black men shot to death by policemen, one white, the other Asian, in episodes that seem, in early perceptions, to have been senseless. Then eleven Dallas police officers shot from ambush—at least five fatally—in a racially charged spree of savagery. Such events, and certainly such events in confluence, defy efforts to give expression to the human emotions they unleash. We try, of course, reaching for the most powerful and outrage-charged words we can muster, but everything seems to fall short. It’s too sad, too numbing, too disheartening.

Such events also are too easily exploited for political advantage or philosophical leverage. Whenever a black is killed in confrontation with a white policeman (or, it seems now, an Asian American), the cry goes up that racism must have been at the heart of it.

« Last Edit: July 11, 2016, 11:27:09 am by rangerrebew »