State Chapters > Texas

Texas from Around the World


The world really does view Texas as our own, unique place. A good friend is in Mongolia right now with the Peace Corps and just posted this photo.  (Darkhan Mongolia)

I find the "live music" intriguing.  I wonder what the genre is?  I looked on youtube to see if there were any videos of live performances at the restaurant/bar.  Didn't find any, but I did find this:


--- Quote from: LadyLiberty on July 08, 2016, 08:27:52 pm ---I find the "live music" intriguing.  I wonder what the genre is?  I looked on youtube to see if there were any videos of live performances at the restaurant/bar.  Didn't find any, but I did find this:

--- End quote ---

I'll ask. I'm sure Val went there. (I'm still laughing at her carrying her expensive purse and wearing heels while she is spending 6 months there)


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