Author Topic: 7 Key Takeaways From FBI Director’s Hearing on Clinton Email Use  (Read 331 times)

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Offline WAC

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Here are seven of the key takeaways from Comey’s appearance before the Oversight Committee:

.....Comey says there is no basis that Clinton lied to the FBI.

.....Chaffetz plans to file a referral to the FBI to look into whether she lied to Congress under oath.

.....Comey says Clinton’s case is very different from that involving David Petraeus.

.....There is no transcript or recording of Clinton’s meeting with the FBI on Saturday, and she wasn’t placed under oath.

.....Comey said Clinton isn’t sophisticated in her knowledge of classification systems.

.....Clinton gave people without security clearances access to classified information.

.....Comey contradicted a number of statements Clinton made to reporters and Congress regarding the use of her private email server.


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Re: 7 Key Takeaways From FBI Director’s Hearing on Clinton Email Use
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2016, 02:14:38 am »
I find that Hillary didn't have a computer in her office at state stunning!

When Comfy stated:......“One of the things I’ve learned is that the secretary may not be as sophisticated as people would assume,”
 and then noted Hillary didn’t have a computer in her office at the State Department.

I could hardly believe then did she conduct the business of State?????

Offline bob434

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Re: 7 Key Takeaways From FBI Director’s Hearing on Clinton Email Use
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2016, 03:30:27 am »
sick and tired of republicans saying comey is 'a straight shooter... but' Were he a sgtr5aight shooter- Gowdy says he was a 'straight shooter' but then in the same breath quesitons whether comey did this for political reasons- Straight shooters do NOT do thigns for political reasons- peopel who sell their souls do thigns for political reasons! comey would NOT have come up with his asinine description for how she was 'confused' and how she had no "Intent to be Careless" He cited Mens Rhea and tried ot imply that she 'didn't have a criminal mind' when she did what she did- that folks was his whole basis for not indicting her -

Comey's asinine explanation and subjective determination of what constitutes 'gross negligence' was almost as asinine as john robert's explanation for why obamacare was legal- Comey basically said "Because she didn't wish for her emails to be subject to hacvking, she isn't guilty- had she wanted them to be hacked, and our nation’s security to be compromised- then and only then could we bring her to justice'

This man should be ordered to step down from his post for failure to objectively follow hte facts to their obvious conclusion- there is plenty enough evidence to point ot a beyond reasonable doubt case that she Knew that what she was doign was wrong, criminal, and would compromise our nation's security- she was briefed over htis several time- what she did was NOT an innocent mistake- She and Abedine both deliberately destroyed evidence (another crime!) in order to cover up what they did!

Offline bob434

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Re: 7 Key Takeaways From FBI Director’s Hearing on Clinton Email Use
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2016, 03:33:12 am »
The nubmer one takeaway- and only one that matters really- was that comey allowed her to skate away free as a bird because of 'Mens Rhea' claimant that she 'didn't mean to do what she did' because 'she didn't have a mindset of criminal intent' when she did it

That was his whole justification for allowing her to skate away-

Many republicans showed him flat out why he was wrong- but there was no way this side of hell that comey was goign to admit he made a bad mistake-

Offline bob434

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Re: 7 Key Takeaways From FBI Director’s Hearing on Clinton Email Use
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2016, 04:10:40 am »
This fella absolutely schools comey on the law- and calls comeyu out for 'rewriting federal law' in order to coem to the conclusion that 'she didn't know what she was doing was criminal'

He didn't let comey get away with any of his bs! This fella was sharp- he proved that she did knowingly remove classified material- and store it in an unsecured home environment and that she knew it was not legal to do so-

This fellas grilling was probably one of hte best, most precise, most damning of the day-