Author Topic: Eric Trump: My father gives ‘millions’ to charity — but I won’t say more  (Read 250 times)

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A bush league Clinton crime family...

Eric Trump: My father gives ‘millions’ to charity — but I won’t say more

Trump, the son of presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, said in an interview Wednesday that his father gives "millions and millions and millions" of his own money to charity — including hundreds of thousands to Eric Trump's own charitable foundation.

After making that assertion, Eric Trump was asked if he would provide details of his father's gifts to the Eric Trump Foundation, to confirm that they really exist.

Eric Trump said he would check.

Several hours later, he wrote back. He would not.

"We are going to maintain anonymity," Eric Trump wrote in an email message about 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday. "Hope you understand."

In recent weeks, The Washington Post has written a series of stories examining Donald Trump's giving to charity — seeking evidence that the mogul has lived up to promises of donating millions of dollars of his own money to charitable causes. As part of that reporting, The Post has reached out to more than 200 charities with ties to Donald Trump, asking whether they had received any personal donations from him.  Over a period of more than seven years, between 2008 and this May, The Post found just one personal donation from Donald Trump, worth less than $10,000.

The Post had made efforts to reach the Eric Trump Foundation, and Eric Trump himself, via email and Twitter. At 11:45 a.m. on Wednesday, he called The Post. He denounced its reporting — often in forceful, profane terms. "I’m just saying, Jesus Christ, why is this guy trying to f---ing kill us?" Eric Trump said at one Eric Trump said that his father had made generous personal gifts to his own charity, a 10-year-old foundation that says it has donated and pledged almost $28 million to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.

"My father has given me and my foundation hundreds of thousands of dollars. And he’s given other charities millions and millions and millions of dollars," Eric Trump said.

In that first call, Eric Trump did not provide any details about those donations from his father. Could he?

"I mean, I’m happy to ask the guys upstairs," Eric Trump said, meaning he would check whether that information could be released. "We typically don’t like to do that."

That evening, then, he said he would not.

Eric Trump also did not provide any details about any of the other donations he said his father had given, to charities run by people outside the Trump family.   


That payment is detailed in a 2014 tax filing by the Eric Trump Foundation. The foundation notified the Internal Revenue Service that it had paid $87,665 to one of Donald Trump's golf courses. The tax filing called that payment a "charge for the use of the golf club" during the Eric Trump Foundation's fundraiser golf tournament.

 An excerpt from a tax filing by the Eric Trump Foundation, detailing a payment it made in 2014 to one of Donald Trump's golf courses. Eric Trump, Donald Trump's son, said Wednesday that the payment was not improper.

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These foundations are as crooked as Clintons