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Which would be worse?

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--- Quote from: AbaraXas on July 06, 2016, 02:44:46 pm ---By being painted and held up as the face of it. He is every leftists parody of Conservatism and they will use him as proof of their false stereotypes.

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Exactly.  He is, for better or worse, the face of the conservative/Republican brand.   And that new face is ugly and hateful to behold. 

After Trump's defeat, the GOP will either die as the Whigs did, or resurrect itself with the voices of those who had the courage this year to reject alt-right fascism as the face of conservatism.   So long as those voices remain steadfast and strong, conservatism can survive.  But that requires us to reject the stupidity of voting for Trump just because "Hillary's worse".  Evil is evil, folks.   This is a time for standing up for what we believe.  Our sacred honor is all we have left.   


--- Quote from: Sanguine on July 06, 2016, 02:41:56 pm ---I don't really understand that argument.  Trump is clearly not a conservative, so how will he destroy conservatism?

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Already being done.

They are redefining and remaking Conservatism into Trump's NYC liberal image.

Needed fourth choice.......

Nauseated at the thought of either.


--- Quote from: Sanguine on July 06, 2016, 02:41:56 pm ---I don't really understand that argument.  Trump is clearly not a conservative, so how will he destroy conservatism?

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Because those that believe that crapola call themselves conservative.

And the rest of America takes their declaration at face value unless someone (like, let's say, Conservatives) actually repudiates their claims.


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