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Neptune Sports Dark Vortex, Hubble Images Reveal


Ghost Bear:
Neptune Sports Dark Vortex, Hubble Images Reveal

Neptune is sporting a new spot, the first one identified in the 21st century. NASA's Hubble Space Telescope confirmed the existence of the high-pressure system known as a dark vortex after bright clouds hinted at its presence.


The newfound maelstrom measures roughly 3,000 miles (4,800 kilometers) across, and lies in the planet's southern hemisphere. Other high-altitude clouds cross the planet at its poles and equator.


The new feature was announced in a Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams (CBAT) electronic telegram, and the report on it has not yet been published.

Full story with pictures:

Neptune...a giant frozen mostly hydrogen slushy.  A massive quantity of fuel all in one place when we find a way to get there and mine it from orbit...



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