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Offline RoosGirl

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Re: A Republican delegate revolt becomes more likely
« Reply #150 on: June 25, 2016, 06:18:47 pm »
Clever and funny reply RoosGirl.  TBR is blessed to have you posting here.

Well I thank you for that kindness.  I am a little afraid of the ego stoking that @Norm Lenhart will receive from that comment. ;)

Offline Norm Lenhart

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Re: A Republican delegate revolt becomes more likely
« Reply #151 on: June 25, 2016, 06:25:41 pm »
Well I thank you for that kindness.  I am a little afraid of the ego stoking that @Norm Lenhart will receive from that comment. ;)

Nah, I know I'm awesome. Hell people were once gonna build golden statues to my predictive prowess till I nixed the idea ;)

@CatherineofAragon can provide the details as I am too humble (FREAKINGLY AWESOMELY HUMBLE!) to provide them myself ;) (Handsome too...)
« Last Edit: June 25, 2016, 06:29:21 pm by Norm Lenhart »

Offline EasyAce

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Re: A Republican delegate revolt becomes more likely
« Reply #152 on: June 25, 2016, 06:26:02 pm »
You'll vote as you wish, no doubt.

When last I looked, that was the right of everyone on this board and in the country.

But feigning some sort of equivalence between the two candidates is not rational...and its rather childish. They are not two icebergs as in the analogy, at best you could argue an iceberg vs a moderately large the impacts of putting one of the two in the White House are RADICALLY different. You may think both are bad...but they are not in proximity in such a spectrum. One brings a wildly left wing agenda AND a party infrastructure that will work to impose that radical ideology on our government...and thus the nation. That is qualitatively different....vastly different...than any argument that could be made concerning the policies of Mr Trump which ALSO come with a powerful party infrastructure that supports AND restrains his actionsl

They have in common the thing that matters most to me: neither one of them, based
on the record to date, stands in any way, shape, or form against the further metastasis of
government power. One is indeed a wild leftist, I don't deny that and I have never wished
Hilarious Rodent Clinton's hand on any lever of power, but the other is wild, period. Neither
of them will do a thing to reduce government power by even a single degree, and unless it
has suddenly become a crime to think so I am just as wary of rightward statism as I have
always been of leftward statism. (The day anyone or anything can "restrain" Donaldus Minimus,
whose every utterance to date indicates an abject disregard for any restraining prescription to
be found in what remains of the Constitution, may well be the day hell freezes over, after all.)

I do know, too, that it came to this despicable choice because other more responsible people
in the appropriate positions did little to nothing to arrest the metastasis of government power
and the erosion of properly construed law, as witness the era of His Excellency Al-Hashish
Field Marshmallow Dr. Barack Obama Dada, COD, RIP, LSMFT, Would-Have-Been Life President
of the Republic Formerly Known as the United States, a man who has made his most
recalcitrant leftward predecessors resemble pikers when it comes to executive presumptuousness.

I believe in freedom.

I believe in individual rights and responsibilities.

And, I believe in a properly-construed government---a government which, other than
protecting us and defending us against enemies actual and provably iminent, has only
one legitimate business: staying the hell out of your business, my business,
everyone's business, until or unless one would obstruct or abrogate another's equivalent

Neither Donaldus Minimus nor Hilarious Rodent Clinton believe in those things. And
I'm not quite so trusting of any current third-party aspirant's belief in them based on the
record as it has been to this point.

So my vote will remain none of the above.

"The question of who is right is a small one, indeed, beside the question of what is right."---Albert Jay Nock.

Fake news---news you don't like or don't want to hear.

Offline RoosGirl

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Re: A Republican delegate revolt becomes more likely
« Reply #153 on: June 25, 2016, 06:29:30 pm »
Nah, I know I'm awesome. Hell people were oncw gonna build golden statues to my predictive prowess till I nixed the idea ;)

@CatherineofAragon can provide the details as I am too humble (FREAKINGLY AWESOMELY HUMBLE!) to provide them myself ;) (Handsome too...)

Hmm...seems you're not the only one with predictive prowess. ;)

Offline Norm Lenhart

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Re: A Republican delegate revolt becomes more likely
« Reply #154 on: June 25, 2016, 07:24:05 pm »
Hmm...seems you're not the only one with predictive prowess. ;)

Nope, there's others for sure. But I'm too modest to say how incredibly phenomenal my brand of it is. ;)

Silver Pines

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Re: A Republican delegate revolt becomes more likely
« Reply #155 on: June 25, 2016, 07:55:30 pm »
Strawman. Nobody has told you how to vote. All I've told you is what the available choices are. If I hand you a dime and say to flip it up in the air and guess how it turns have two choices, not because I'm dictating that to you, but because those are the available options. Now, you could argue that you'd rather predict the coin ends up standing on its side...perhaps a one in a million shot...but that would be ludicrous. Even so, nobody has told you that you are not free to predict such an absurdity. So you can quit feigning that anyone is trying to tell you how you MUST, this discussion is about the wisdom of your vote. And that is what political discourse is about.

As for meaning it when you said you'd never vote Trump, so many NeverTrumps repeat that assertion as if its an ultimatum they gave to every Republican not part of their fringe Cruz movement. Well guess what, you don't get to issue ultimatums to other party voters...or perhaps you can, but they carry no weight. None of us get to play the..."you chaps better vote for my guy or me and my pals will sabotage whoever it is the majority of you nominate instead...if we lose, we're going to make sure the whole country loses".  This would be equally true, of course, if a Trump supporter kept repeating they'd never vote for Cruz were he to be the nominee. This game of "my guy wins or I'm out" because I'm SO morally superior, is self destructive stupidity...and yes, its incredibly childish.

That's just not how party primaries work...unless, of course, you're an idiot and want to ensure your party loses every election. Because only an idiot would say "my way or the highway" in a party primary. Were that to become the common mantra of said would ensure the loss of every single election it entered. Who would be dumb enough, and childish enough, to set up that kind of permanent and certain outcome?

As for how I "like" your choice...hmmm....I guess I like it as much as I'd like it if a five year old had a tantrum in the grocery store because they didn't get the exact kind of ice cream they wanted. That child's fury over getting chocolate fudge rather than chocolate with sparkles in it is no different than your current reaction. So I'd say it sucks, as do most demonstrations of selfish/childish behavior by adults. Worse, because in this case the childish behavior may result in 8 years of Democratic domination destroying most of the institutions...and restraints on institutions...that make this nation what it is. Your anger over not getting "sparkles in your ice cream" is going to result in the rest of us being force to eat a plate full of cold broccoli. Good job...I hope the joy of the tantrum is well worth it to you.

So the bottom line, of course, is that you and the other lemmings are free to continue toward the cliff...nobody is dictating that you not do so. Don't expect, however, that the rest of us will not let you know that the cliff is right in front of you and that your momentum risks dragging all of us over its edge with you.

Oh, stop it, Mesaclone..."nobody has told you how to vote."  That was the purpose of your entire post; outlining the differences, as you imagine, between Clinton and Trump, and finishing up with, "Pick the guy who will give you Conservative justices and fix immigration...or...go for the gal who will give Liberal justices and 10's of millions of new immigrant citizens via amnesty. Or don't vote...or vote 3rd party...but know that HOW you vote, and whoever you vote for, will help determine if either Hillary Clinton and the Democrats...or...Donald Trump and the Republicans win this election. Your choice, of course."

It's funny that you say my choice is hurting the party, when Trump supporters are the ones who wanted to blow up the GOP from the beginning.  I'm not into the "burn-it-down" thing, myself, but neither do I vote based on party.  I'm a conservative, not a GOPer.

You say I don't comprehend the policies that Trump is advocating.  Your error is that you don't understand Trump.  If you believe that a 70 year-old lifelong liberal suddenly pulled a 180 on all of his views and stances just in time to run for president, well...let's just say that Trump has always counted on the gullible to put him ahead. 

You say I'm a deluded fool for believing Trump is a liberal, but I'll stress the above point one more time.  I'll add that Trump doesn't have a single accomplishment for the cause of conservatism under his belt.   What you have is a world-class con man who's telling his eager marks everything they want to hear...except, that is, when he makes a slip that reveals his core liberalism (which happens about once a week).  But he walks it back, and his fans pretend they never heard it.  That's deliberate, willful self-delusion...all because you can't bear to face the truth about Trump.

The only "mirage" here is Trump the brave, conservative patriot.  The delegate revolt may or may not happen; at this point I don't much care, to be truthful with you.  You go right ahead and support that sleazy. lying liberal con artist, but understand that all the tantrums in the world won't budge those of us who are #NeverTrump.  Understand, also, that setting us up to blame for Trump's loss as you see his abysmal numbers, and as he begins to fall apart, just won't wash.  You wanted your half-bright reality show star, and you got him.  Own it.

Silver Pines

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Re: A Republican delegate revolt becomes more likely
« Reply #156 on: June 25, 2016, 07:58:18 pm »
Nah, I know I'm awesome. Hell people were once gonna build golden statues to my predictive prowess till I nixed the idea ;)

@CatherineofAragon can provide the details as I am too humble (FREAKINGLY AWESOMELY HUMBLE!) to provide them myself ;) (Handsome too...)

See, @RoosGirl?  You were concerned that Norm's ego would be stroked.  See how WRONG you were?


Silver Pines

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Re: A Republican delegate revolt becomes more likely
« Reply #157 on: June 25, 2016, 07:59:21 pm »
Today, Trump did take credit for the Brexit win.  He said it was his big win in the US that caused the Brexit win.  Then, he said running the US is the same as running a golf club and he could do that better than anyone and he could build better than anyone.

He makes me want to throw up every time he opens his mouth.

LOL, come sit by me...

Silver Pines

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Re: A Republican delegate revolt becomes more likely
« Reply #158 on: June 25, 2016, 08:01:26 pm »
Yes, it was my experience with state politics and how conventions worked and being at a number of them, that allowed me to understand what Cruz was doing when he worked to get his delegates on the rules committee.  I have read something here today giving some of the names of the rules committee that says the rules committee has Trump people on it and saying they will all be true to him.  However, these people are not stupid and they can see now that Trump will not win, so I don't buy that all those will stay true to Trump.  There are at least two on the committee that are actively working right now to get the delegates unbound. 

I don't know what will happen, but we are sunk if Trump ends up the candidate.

Well, at least we'll be able to sleep at night knowing we didn't help facilitate it.  I agree that Trump will be a disaster.

Offline Norm Lenhart

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Re: A Republican delegate revolt becomes more likely
« Reply #159 on: June 25, 2016, 08:07:59 pm »
See, @RoosGirl?  You were concerned that Norm's ego would be stroked.  See how WRONG you were?


Don't worry, there's PLENTY of my ego for everyone!

The truly awesome thing is when the history books are written, you'll be able to print out all the posts I made and ebay them as historical documents of my awesome. You can say...

"I knew him before the world understood what a truly great man he was."

/Meekness personified

Offline Norm Lenhart

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Re: A Republican delegate revolt becomes more likely
« Reply #160 on: June 25, 2016, 08:09:54 pm »
Well, at least we'll be able to sleep at night knowing we didn't help facilitate it.

When the SHTF, that will be a valuable thing for us to be known by. For the Trump cultists, they have their self inflicted Mark of Cain to deal with.

Offline RoosGirl

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Re: A Republican delegate revolt becomes more likely
« Reply #161 on: June 25, 2016, 08:23:23 pm »
Don't worry, there's PLENTY of my ego for everyone!

The truly awesome thing is when the history books are written, you'll be able to print out all the posts I made and ebay them as historical documents of my awesome. You can say...

"I knew him before the world understood what a truly great man he was."

/Meekness personified

I'm sure they will point to this exact thread and call it "The Awakening".

Offline Norm Lenhart

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Re: A Republican delegate revolt becomes more likely
« Reply #162 on: June 25, 2016, 08:45:32 pm »
I'm sure they will point to this exact thread and call it "The Awakening".

Not terribly original but I suppose it will do. It is, afterall, hard for the normals to try and grasp the awesome that is 'Normie' and put it into words. Sorta like plants trying to do quantum mechanics.

People, if they weren't too in awe of my awesome to ask, would probably ask me if I see further because I stood on the shoulders of giants. And to be honest, thats a natural question to ask as my level of brilliance has to come from somewhere other than myself. And of course it does. It comes from God. Personally. ;)

But enough about that...lets talk about me.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2016, 08:49:44 pm by Norm Lenhart »

Silver Pines

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Re: A Republican delegate revolt becomes more likely
« Reply #163 on: June 25, 2016, 08:54:28 pm »
Don't worry, there's PLENTY of my ego for everyone!

The truly awesome thing is when the history books are written, you'll be able to print out all the posts I made and ebay them as historical documents of my awesome. You can say...

"I knew him before the world understood what a truly great man he was."

/Meekness personified

Offline Norm Lenhart

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Re: A Republican delegate revolt becomes more likely
« Reply #164 on: June 25, 2016, 09:04:01 pm »

Don't feel bad Kat. Not the first time women have fainted when realizing the profoundness of my words.

Might be my stunning good looks though. You never can tell.


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Re: A Republican delegate revolt becomes more likely
« Reply #165 on: June 25, 2016, 09:07:07 pm »
Not terribly original but I suppose it will do. It is, afterall, hard for the normals to try and grasp the awesome that is 'Normie' and put it into words. Sorta like plants trying to do quantum mechanics.

People, if they weren't too in awe of my awesome to ask, would probably ask me if I see further because I stood on the shoulders of giants. And to be honest, thats a natural question to ask as my level of brilliance has to come from somewhere other than myself. And of course it does. It comes from God. Personally. ;)

But enough about that...lets talk about me.

Offline Norm Lenhart

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Re: A Republican delegate revolt becomes more likely
« Reply #166 on: June 25, 2016, 09:10:12 pm »

Hell, with an ego like this, I should dye myself orange and Run against Hillary...

Oh wait. Nevermind ;)
« Last Edit: June 25, 2016, 09:11:47 pm by Norm Lenhart »

Offline HootOwl

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Re: A Republican delegate revolt becomes more likely
« Reply #167 on: June 25, 2016, 10:08:42 pm »
Irritating as hell, isn't it. You might want to think on that a bit the next time you are tempted to cast that same stone.

And your link to 25 ways you know you are arguing with a liberal always gives me a smile. One of the items is "They use the term hater" - something that I've only ever seen Trump supporters do.

Trump supporters need to learn that you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.  This tearing up and trashing any conservative that has disagreements with Trump will not win him or you any  FR is saying horrible things about Scott Walker,. He will be voting f or Cruz since Cruz won the  Wisconsin primary.  Walker said delegates should "vote their conscience".  These bone-headed Trumpsters are driving voters away. ****sheep****  ****sheep****  ****sheep****

Offline Norm Lenhart

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Re: A Republican delegate revolt becomes more likely
« Reply #168 on: June 25, 2016, 11:21:15 pm »
Trump supporters need to learn that you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.  This tearing up and trashing any conservative that has disagreements with Trump will not win him or you any  FR is saying horrible things about Scott Walker,. He will be voting f or Cruz since Cruz won the  Wisconsin primary.  Walker said delegates should "vote their conscience".  These bone-headed Trumpsters are driving voters away. ****sheep****  ****sheep****  ****sheep****

The Trump fanatics have often stated things like "principle is the problem",  Have said they are "Sick of Social Conservatives and Bible Thumpers" and condemn anyone that refuses to vote for a proven liberal.

Some of the more gentile people here like to delude themselves that these are simply misguided individuals who want what we want, but see things differently.

The evidence shows they hate the very things America was founded on. That's not a personal attack. That's not Normie going on an Anti-Trump rant. It is the very words as shown above, of Trump fanatics PROVING IT.

They don't want Hillary. They want THEIR OWN LIBERAL who is on record as anti 2A, Pro Abortion, Pro Homosexual, Anti religious Freedom, Pro taxation and dozens of other positions that were anathema to the so called 'right' until Trump ran for office.

If you notice, the strongest vocal backers of the Orangeman were ALSO the strongest vocal backers of the last hard left liberal the GOP had as their standard bearer. Romney. They were also at the forefront of defending the actions of Bhoner and Mitch when it came time to reelect them.

Every action they have taken has ensured the continued rocket powered flight to the left of the GOP.

Every word of that is factual as shown by their very own public comments here and elsewhere. The result will be the loss of this election and the further advancement of liberalism in whats left of America (thanks to their political choices).

They WANT liberalism. That's what the facts show. So it makes complete sense they fling such utter hatred at actual conservatives. We are all that stands in the gap between them and the final nail in America's coffin.

Silver Pines

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Re: A Republican delegate revolt becomes more likely
« Reply #169 on: June 25, 2016, 11:52:04 pm »
Don't feel bad Kat. Not the first time women have fainted when realizing the profoundness of my words.

Might be my stunning good looks though. You never can tell.

Um...Norm?  I need some help over here...

Offline Mesaclone

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Re: A Republican delegate revolt becomes more likely
« Reply #170 on: June 25, 2016, 11:53:43 pm »
It is just condescending garbage like this that reinforces #NeverTrump.  YOU pimped and pushed this sonofabitch and saddled the rest of us with him and now you want to drag US over the cliff.

Every poll shows a consistent 20% of voters will not vote for Trump or Hillary.  Don't look for that to change.  We know who Hillary is and we know who Trump is, and the dogs are not going to eat that vomit.

There is only one remaining path to NOT having Hillary Clinton be president....and that path's name is Donald Trump. Trump may not be as conservative as you'd like, but by ANY rational measure he is vastly more conservative than Mrs. Clinton. A blind squirrel could discern the political mileage between them...they are in diametrically opposed positions on nearly every issue. Therefore, not working to ensure he defeats the path that leads to the cliff....and if you couldn't figure it out for yourself, the "cliff" is a metaphor for Hillary winning.  This isn't trigonometry, sinkspur, its basic 1+1=2.

Nevertrump crowd has substituted feeling for thought, anger for analysis, hyperbole for explication, and fantasy for reality....which is why its so easy for them to ignore the consequence of their approach to this election. They aren't just "not supporting the GOP nominee", they are actively taking steps to undermine his candidacy and ensure Hillary Clinton becomes our next president. Should their actions bear fruit, they will have succeeded in making themselves and the candidates they are likely to support in the future...say a Ted Cruz...anathema to the majority of the Republican party. Its so self defeating as to be madness, yet there is little doubt they will persist in their own destruction as an element in the GOP.
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Offline Norm Lenhart

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Re: A Republican delegate revolt becomes more likely
« Reply #171 on: June 25, 2016, 11:57:37 pm »
Um...Norm?  I need some help over here...

Oh no need to dirty that pan on some roast beef for my sammich. It's the weekend! take a break! Cold roast beef is fine. No onions/mayo.

/Considerate of others

Offline Norm Lenhart

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Re: A Republican delegate revolt becomes more likely
« Reply #172 on: June 26, 2016, 12:02:41 am »
There is only one remaining path to NOT having Hillary Clinton be president....and that path's name is Donald Trump.

Since that statement is a flat out lie based on American civics, which in theory, you understand, the rest of your post, and to be frank, anything you say, has no value to conservatives or conservatism at all. Obviously someone with a stated disdain for Social Conservatives and 'Bible thumpers," as you have pointed out in past threads here, prefers your liberals with an R and any opinion you offer must be viewed though that prism.

Offline Mesaclone

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Re: A Republican delegate revolt becomes more likely
« Reply #173 on: June 26, 2016, 12:10:26 am »
The Trump fanatics have often stated things like "principle is the problem",  Have said they are "Sick of Social Conservatives and Bible Thumpers" and condemn anyone that refuses to vote for a proven liberal. I applaud anyone who refuses to vote for a proven liberal, the problem is that you are deluded in thinking that Mr. Trump is a liberal...if in doubt, ask anyone on the American Left, as they are freaking out because they see him as a deeply reactionary conservative.

Some of the more gentile people here like to delude themselves that these are simply misguided individuals who want what we want, but see things differently.That depends on what it is that you want. We Trump supporters want smaller and better government, lower taxes, stronger foreign policy, hardcore border enforcement, a strong military,a defender of the Bill of Rights, respect for state's rights, a leader who understands the president is not a king, and we want a leader who is not afraid of political correctness. Donald Trump embodies all of those views.

The evidence shows they hate the very things America was founded on. That's not a personal attack. That's not Normie going on an Anti-Trump rant. It is the very words as shown above, of Trump fanatics PROVING IT. America was founded on the principle of limited government and individual liberty...things every Trump supporter holds dear, which means you are to what the nation was founded upon.

They don't want Hillary. They want THEIR OWN LIBERAL who is on record as anti 2A, Pro Abortion, Pro Homosexual, Anti religious Freedom, Pro taxation and dozens of other positions that were anathema to the so called 'right' until Trump ran for office. You cite positions Mr. Trump does not hold, nor has he advocated for in this election. You seek to pull out previously held views that are no longer his view on the stated essentially, you are lying.

If you notice, the strongest vocal backers of the Orangeman were ALSO the strongest vocal backers of the last hard left liberal the GOP had as their standard bearer. Romney. They were also at the forefront of defending the actions of Bhoner and Mitch when it came time to reelect them. On the contrary, we are the people who had to hold our nose and vote for Romney...evidenced by Romney and his supporters ( deeply opposing Mr. Trump's current candidacy. It is you Romney-ites and Bushies...and a fringe of crazy Cruz'rs...who are doing everything you can to stop Trump and put Hillary in office.

Every action they have taken has ensured the continued rocket powered flight to the left of the GOP. The only thing soaring into flight is a flight of fancy on your part. It is true that most of us oppose religious "litmus tests" for GOP candidates...but that is strongly in keeping with the Founding Fathers and our founding principles.

Every word of that is factual as shown by their very own public comments here and elsewhere. The result will be the loss of this election and the further advancement of liberalism in whats left of America (thanks to their political choices).No, the only thing "shown" is your interpretation...or rather, misinterpretation...of Mr. Trump and of the views of those who support him.

They WANT liberalism. That's what the facts show. So it makes complete sense they fling such utter hatred at actual conservatives. We are all that stands in the gap between them and the final nail in America's coffin. There are no such facts, just a set of your unsupported and absurd views as to what others want. None of us want liberalism, and the very purpose of Mr. Trump's candidacy is opposition to liberal political correctness and the collectivist/globalist madness that has seized not only the Dem party....but YOUR Romney-Bush wing of our very own GOP.

You're wearing blinders, walking in a deep fog, with your eyes that is the only way in which you could of come up with your list of what you "think" Trump supporters believe and want. Open your eyes, man...see things for what they are, not what your "feelings" dictate they should be.
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Offline Norm Lenhart

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Re: A Republican delegate revolt becomes more likely
« Reply #174 on: June 26, 2016, 12:13:56 am »
You're wearing blinders, walking in a deep fog, with your eyes that is the only way in which you could of come up with your list of what you "think" Trump supporters believe and want. Open your eyes, man...see things for what they are, not what your "feelings" dictate they should be.

Trump has a history that is there for all to see. that history is filled with liberal support, liberal positions and liberal statements. If you choose to spread the lie that Trump is not a liberal when anyone can type "Trump Liberal" into any search engine and be inundated with examples of his liberalism, that does not help Trump. It only makes more people aware of your dishonesty.

Edit: "Trump is a liberal" typed into Google returned About 46,300,000 results (0.51 seconds). clearly I am not alone in my understanding of his political leanings.

Edit 2: RCP shows Trump got 13,300,472 votes. There are roughly about 4 times less than people discussing his actual liberal political orientation.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2016, 12:24:37 am by Norm Lenhart »