Author Topic: House Democrats shout down Paul Ryan during an unprecedented gun-control protest on the House floor  (Read 264 times)

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Bryan Logan
Jun. 22, 2016, 10:33 PM

 House Democrats involved in an unprecedented protest on the House floor shouted down Speaker Paul Ryan as he attempted to bring the group to order, as the parties' standoff over Democrats' "sit-in" reached dramatic heights late Wednesday night.

Democrats conducting the sit-in, in an effort to force a vote on gun-control legislation, shouted, "No bill, no break," as Ryan appeared to officially scold his Democratic colleagues.

 The protest began early Wednesday, led by civil-rights icon Rep. John Lewis. Ryan slammed House Democrats about it earlier in the day on CNN.

"We don't agree with that," he said. "The Senate already doesn't agree with that ... This is a publicity stunt."

The speaker gaveled the House back into recess amid the loud chants, and a live feed from the chamber was shut down.

Soon after, live feeds of the demonstrations popped up on social media. Several Republicans could be heard shouting back at Democrats who continued to chant, "No fly, no buy," and "No bill, no break."

 Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas at one point Wednesday night took to the floor to push back at Democrats. Of the Orlando attack, he shouted, "Radical Islam killed these people!"

Several other Republican House members could be heard shouting back at their Democratic colleagues.


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Paul Ryan is a worthless POS way in over his head in an ocean of $hit $andwiches.


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I have no idea why Paul Ryan wasn't sitting in his regular position with the Democrats.

Democrats Stage House Sit-In For Gun Vote