Author Topic: Trump, in speech, attacks Clinton as 'world-class liar'  (Read 5651 times)

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Re: Trump, in speech, attacks Clinton as 'world-class liar'
« Reply #25 on: June 22, 2016, 06:36:15 pm »
Yeah, trade wars and border walls will solve all ills. 

Offline oldmomster

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Re: Trump, in speech, attacks Clinton as 'world-class liar'
« Reply #26 on: June 22, 2016, 06:37:49 pm »
It was a good speech.
I'd like to see the Clinton supporters in the media try and spin it.
It needed to be said, and to be said by someone with a national audience.

It will be nice to see right wing media (bloggers) uncovering the Vince Foster, Whitewater and Travelgate fiascos.  Its about damn time she gets called out for the globull plans she has for America. 

Offline GrouchoTex

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Re: Trump, in speech, attacks Clinton as 'world-class liar'
« Reply #27 on: June 22, 2016, 06:41:59 pm »
Big deal. Somebody gave him a script and some meds.

By tomorrow he will be off both and ranting like a loony once again.

I liked the speech as it hit Clinton mostly on her role as Secretary of State, during the last 8 years.
It also painted the picture of her as an insider, while he has been trying to paint the picture of himself as an outsider.
We could make the case that he is not, of course, an outsider, playing the same game he is accusing Hillary of.
Yet, part of his appeal, to many, is that he has never held office.
I thought that these were smart moves.

It is correct, as you point out, that this could all be undone with one ranting tweet from Trump.

Offline oldmomster

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Re: Trump, in speech, attacks Clinton as 'world-class liar'
« Reply #28 on: June 22, 2016, 06:42:23 pm »
Yes indeed it was.......and I'm very critical when it comes to "formal" speeches as I'm not looking for  cheer leader but one who can present the arguments and hammer them home......he did just that with Hillary and this was  only his first formal speech directly addressing her stance.......and he will get better at doing this as he goes along.....I think he's just not use to using a prompter and that too he'll eventually "shine" I's just new to him....but he needs one to stay on point.

An interesting point was made...."We are watching 'the making' of a President"........I think that's right.

'We will never be able to fix a rigged system by counting on the same people who rigged it in the first place.

The insiders wrote the rules of the game to keep themselves in power and in the money.'

Time for the kingmakers and the parasites to be dethroned.  Would be nice if repubs could keep power long enough for the states to call a Convention - get some terms limits in there.

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Re: Trump, in speech, attacks Clinton as 'world-class liar'
« Reply #29 on: June 22, 2016, 06:45:03 pm »

Yet, part of his appeal, to many, is that he has never held office.
I thought that these were smart moves.

More good points from his speech:

'Because it’s not just the political system that’s rigged. It’s the whole economy.

It’s rigged by big donors who want to keep down wages.

It’s rigged by big businesses who want to leave our country, fire our workers, and sell their products back into the U.S. with absolutely no consequences for them.

It’s rigged by bureaucrats who are trapping kids in failing schools.

It’s rigged against you, the American people.'

Offline oldmomster

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Re: Trump, in speech, attacks Clinton as 'world-class liar'
« Reply #30 on: June 22, 2016, 06:47:32 pm »

It also painted the picture of her as an insider, while he has been trying to paint the picture of himself as an outsider.

'This election will decide whether we are ruled by the people, or by the politicians.'

Elites have NO IDEA how many dissatisfied people are out there...

Offline wolfcreek

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Re: Trump, in speech, attacks Clinton as 'world-class liar'
« Reply #31 on: June 22, 2016, 06:50:13 pm »
The word 'liar' has lost all meaning for Trump ... he uses it far too frequently for it to have any impact against Hillary.

Remember how he constantly referred to Ted Cruz as 'Lying Cruz,' a word which was picked up with glee at TOS and used all the time.

There's really nothing Trump can say at this point to win back the support he's lost.  He can give one speech sticking to a written script but the next day he will be tweeting out contradictory tweets or spouting off on a TV show.

We all know that Hillary is horrible but she is predictably horrible.  The Trumpster is an unpredictable disaster waiting to happen.

So you will be voting for Hillary?

Offline wolfcreek

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Re: Trump, in speech, attacks Clinton as 'world-class liar'
« Reply #32 on: June 22, 2016, 06:53:20 pm »
That's exactly right.......Like it or not this is the ONLY man we have on stage to go head on against Hillary .....I don't see the Republicans have any solid plan to put anyone else this is what we got. We either determine to play the card we got or get out of the game. Some will do so...others will finally come to the conclusion that we cannot let Hillary and Bill take the reins again at all!

We vote because we are citizens of this nation .......not because we are Christians or any other faith or's an election of who is willing to lead this nation NOT give it away. Hillary will do that.......Trump is now co-operating as his speeches of recent show......he is carrying the republican positions against Hillary. He is still a better hope for this country than a Clinton Trump or not he's 'the only one in the running opposing her'.....that's the reality people need to look at.

You are right on about the need to take it to Hillary and Trump being the only one who dares.

While Gary Johnson talks about edible marijuana.......

Offline wolfcreek

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Re: Trump, in speech, attacks Clinton as 'world-class liar'
« Reply #33 on: June 22, 2016, 06:55:49 pm »
Yeah, trade wars and border walls will solve all ills.

That's just a part of it. The entire system is rigged against the American people.

Offline GrouchoTex

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Re: Trump, in speech, attacks Clinton as 'world-class liar'
« Reply #34 on: June 22, 2016, 06:58:25 pm »
More good points from his speech:

'Because it’s not just the political system that’s rigged. It’s the whole economy.

It’s rigged by big donors who want to keep down wages.

It’s rigged by big businesses who want to leave our country, fire our workers, and sell their products back into the U.S. with absolutely no consequences for them.

It’s rigged by bureaucrats who are trapping kids in failing schools.

It’s rigged against you, the American people.'

He sure likes the word "rigged" a lot! LOL.

I remain in the Trump skeptic camp, but this was a good speech, and it needed to be put out there.
I am solidly, 100% #NeverHillary.

Offline Norm Lenhart

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Re: Trump, in speech, attacks Clinton as 'world-class liar'
« Reply #35 on: June 22, 2016, 07:09:09 pm »

Article stated....

"Trump positioned himself as a populist fighting against an opponent with global interests disinterested in fighting for the American people first."

You are correct but there is more to the story. Allow me to flesh out the details...


With full Republican assistance and support, Destroyed our national sovereignty
With full Republican assistance and support, Destroyed healthcare
With full Republican assistance and support, Destroyed the sanctity of marriage
With full Republican assistance and support, Turned race relations back 100 years
With full Republican assistance and support, Attacked the Police and Praised Criminals
With full Republican assistance and support, Quadrupled the number of people on food stamps
With full Republican assistance and support, Restarted the Cold War
With full Republican assistance and support, Destroyed our Allies and Supported our Enemies
With full Republican assistance and support, Turned our Military into a gay bath house
With full Republican assistance and support, Attacked Christians and Supported Muslims
With full Republican assistance and support, Reverted the middle east back into the middle ages
With full Republican assistance and support, Turned the IRS and NSA into the KGB
With full Republican assistance and support, Doubled the national debt
With full Republican assistance and support, Infested America with Foreign Diseases
With full Republican assistance and support, Wasted Billions of taxpayer $ on the Scam of "Global Warming"
With full Republican assistance and support, Greatly empowered and supported Islamic radicals
With full Republican assistance and support, Flooded America with illegal Aliens, Muslims and Africans
With full Republican assistance and support, Taken over the Internet - If you like your Internet you can keep it!
With full Republican assistance and support, Allowed the Iranians to get Nuclear Weapons
With full Republican assistance and support, NOW FLOODING AMERICA WITH SYRIAN ISIS TERRORISTS!


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Re: Trump, in speech, attacks Clinton as 'world-class liar'
« Reply #36 on: June 22, 2016, 07:16:47 pm »
It was a good speech.
I'd like to see the Clinton supporters in the media try and spin it.

I'm sure there are at least a few big lies in there.

Offline wolfcreek

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Re: Trump, in speech, attacks Clinton as 'world-class liar'
« Reply #37 on: June 22, 2016, 07:23:08 pm »
You are correct but there is more to the story. Allow me to flesh out the details...


With full Republican assistance and support, Destroyed our national sovereignty
With full Republican assistance and support, Destroyed healthcare
With full Republican assistance and support, Destroyed the sanctity of marriage
With full Republican assistance and support, Turned race relations back 100 years
With full Republican assistance and support, Attacked the Police and Praised Criminals
With full Republican assistance and support, Quadrupled the number of people on food stamps
With full Republican assistance and support, Restarted the Cold War
With full Republican assistance and support, Destroyed our Allies and Supported our Enemies
With full Republican assistance and support, Turned our Military into a gay bath house
With full Republican assistance and support, Attacked Christians and Supported Muslims
With full Republican assistance and support, Reverted the middle east back into the middle ages
With full Republican assistance and support, Turned the IRS and NSA into the KGB
With full Republican assistance and support, Doubled the national debt
With full Republican assistance and support, Infested America with Foreign Diseases
With full Republican assistance and support, Wasted Billions of taxpayer $ on the Scam of "Global Warming"
With full Republican assistance and support, Greatly empowered and supported Islamic radicals
With full Republican assistance and support, Flooded America with illegal Aliens, Muslims and Africans
With full Republican assistance and support, Taken over the Internet - If you like your Internet you can keep it!
With full Republican assistance and support, Allowed the Iranians to get Nuclear Weapons
With full Republican assistance and support, NOW FLOODING AMERICA WITH SYRIAN ISIS TERRORISTS!

Further evidence of why the current system needs to be turned on it's head. Trump is the only one suggesting it.


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Re: Trump, in speech, attacks Clinton as 'world-class liar'
« Reply #38 on: June 22, 2016, 07:28:46 pm »
Further evidence of why the current system needs to be turned on it's head. Trump is the only one suggesting it.

Wrong. Trump simply suggested it, he doesn't mean it. Trump is a Clinton donor who thinks she did a great job as Sec State

Trump who is a far left fraud, or at best a vile and vulgar recent convert, has NOTHING that recommends him as leader of the US

Offline RoosGirl

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Re: Trump, in speech, attacks Clinton as 'world-class liar'
« Reply #39 on: June 22, 2016, 07:28:54 pm »
We may be saying President elect Trump in Nov.

And should he be elected, those of us who have our major  misgivings about him could end up being proven wrong. I'm doubtful of that as of now, but stranger things have happened

I would be really quite fine with being proved wrong about him.

Offline WAC

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Re: Trump, in speech, attacks Clinton as 'world-class liar'
« Reply #40 on: June 22, 2016, 07:29:42 pm »
Well yes that's true too....but I do think the party itself has been shaken sufficiently that they recognize THEY better bite the bullet and get busy doing what we ask and get rid of the dead wood., if not, then there will indeed be a crash and burn, not just going through a violent storm as currently. They've been fighting to even hold on to the wheel, it's been that dramatic.

I just wish the old timers would retire....the world has changed so much and they simply are not in tune with what countries are doing let alone understanding the new mechanics they operate under.........they're still holding on to cold war attitudes instead of seeing the real enemies we are facing.

Offline Norm Lenhart

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Re: Trump, in speech, attacks Clinton as 'world-class liar'
« Reply #41 on: June 22, 2016, 07:30:13 pm »
Further evidence of why the current system needs to be turned on it's head. Trump is the only one suggesting it.

Yes but the guy that lies with the fluidity of a Clinton, which pretty much means you can't trust the guy suggesting it.

I agree with a lot of what Trump says. Then when I wait a couple days, he changes his position and I no longer agree with him. So I'll be writing in a Conservative unless a miracle happens and the GOP nominates one instead.

Don't care what anyone thinks about that decision either.


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Re: Trump, in speech, attacks Clinton as 'world-class liar'
« Reply #42 on: June 22, 2016, 07:31:44 pm »
We may be saying President elect Trump in Nov.

And should he be elected, those of us who have our major  misgivings about him could end up being proven wrong. I'm doubtful of that as of now, but stranger things have happened

I doubt it very seriously. 

Offline wolfcreek

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Re: Trump, in speech, attacks Clinton as 'world-class liar'
« Reply #43 on: June 22, 2016, 07:34:35 pm »
Yes but the guy that lies with the fluidity of a Clinton, which pretty much means you can't trust the guy suggesting it.

I agree with a lot of what Trump says. Then when I wait a couple days, he changes his position and I no longer agree with him. So I'll be writing in a Conservative unless a miracle happens and the GOP nominates one instead.

Don't care what anyone thinks about that decision either.

No one else is suggesting the system is rigged and is willing to change it. Therefor ...the status quo will reign.

Offline WAC

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Re: Trump, in speech, attacks Clinton as 'world-class liar'
« Reply #44 on: June 22, 2016, 07:36:35 pm »
He sure likes the word "rigged" a lot! LOL.
I remain in the Trump skeptic camp, but this was a good speech, and it needed to be put out there.
I am solidly, 100% #NeverHillary.

Well he's right that it's rigged after all....we all know that but it's great hearing it said over and over........I too a skeptical to say the least....but he's what we got!....So if people of better minds can bend him sufficiently to get what we want to see done then it's still far better than Hillary and Bil operating in our Government.

Anybody really think Bill is going to sit back and just role play first lady????     Outside of running his brothel he's going to be right along side her.

Offline Norm Lenhart

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Re: Trump, in speech, attacks Clinton as 'world-class liar'
« Reply #45 on: June 22, 2016, 07:38:51 pm »
No one else is suggesting the system is rigged and is willing to change it. Therefor ...the status quo will reign.

Considering the guy that went there to blow it all up is cutting a lot of his infamous 'deals' with the people he CLAIMED was there to depose, I don't see anything but status quo. Thats just one of his countless positional reversals and he isn't even nominated yet.

It's just the facts. What he says and what he has demonstrated are polar opposites. It would be great if he kept his word. He has not to date.


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Re: Trump, in speech, attacks Clinton as 'world-class liar'
« Reply #46 on: June 22, 2016, 07:39:20 pm »
Well yes that's true too....but I do think the party itself has been shaken sufficiently that they recognize THEY better bite the bullet and get busy doing what we ask and get rid of the dead wood

Trump is half petrified already

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Re: Trump, in speech, attacks Clinton as 'world-class liar'
« Reply #47 on: June 22, 2016, 07:40:33 pm »

Elites have NO IDEA how many dissatisfied people are out there...

Oh I think they absolutely know.......the grounds been violently shaking and they can no longer deny the obvious.  They're just trying to figure out how they can STILL have their cake.

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Re: Trump, in speech, attacks Clinton as 'world-class liar'
« Reply #48 on: June 22, 2016, 07:42:06 pm »
Trump is half petrified already

Perhaps, but it hasn't seemed to slow him down nor kept him from seeing where this nation is at and that things have got to be done differently for this nation to survive.


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Re: Trump, in speech, attacks Clinton as 'world-class liar'
« Reply #49 on: June 22, 2016, 07:42:16 pm »
Trump has been part of and a supporter of the establishment elite for decades