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Donald Trump Hints He May Fund Race Himself
« on: June 21, 2016, 11:52:50 pm »
This from a different source than the article posted previously by sinkspur.

Bottom line -- Trump is radioactive to donors.  He can get only 260 people at $500 a pop to a function in -- Manhattan -- you know, those people who know him best...

Donald Trump Hints He May Fund Race Himself

In Las Vegas last week, Donald J. Trump’s Nevada headquarters stood dark. A sign taped to the door declared that it had moved, with “no forwarding information available.”

On a weekday morning in New Hampshire, another battleground state in November, a single worker hovered in Mr. Trump’s main office in Manchester.

And at the hub of his national campaign in Manhattan’s Trump Tower, Mr. Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, has cloistered himself with a tiny group of relatives and longtime business associates, relying on a staff of about six dozen people to win over an electorate of more than 120 million.

Even as Mr. Trump continues to dominate the campaign on cable news and social media, drawing large crowds with incendiary speeches about immigration and national security, his candidacy has faltered in an all-important test of organizational discipline.

Having swept through the Republican primaries and caucuses with a skeletal campaign staff and a budget funded largely out of his bank account, Mr. Trump must now compete against Hillary Clinton, his presumptive Democratic opponent, with only a shadow of the financial and political infrastructure she has amassed.

In crucial states, his campaign offices have withered. He has not yet put out a single television ad in the general election. He has about as much money on hand for his campaign as the Manhattan district attorney and the New York City comptroller each disclosed having in their last reports.


Mr. Trump is to be feted at two fund-raisers in Manhattan this week, organized by Woody Johnson, the owner of the New York Jets, with one event featuring Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey. But the ticket price for that event is only $500, a paltry sum for a presidential campaign, and only 260 people have signed up, according to a person involved in Mr. Trump’s fund-raising, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the information was not intended for the public.

Charles Spies, a Republican election lawyer who advised Jeb Bush’s “super PAC,” said Mr. Trump would have to put in an enormous amount of his own money to jump-start his campaign and win over big donors. He suggested an appropriate figure would be $100 million to $200 million.

Mr. Spies said Mr. Trump should also forgive the loans he had made to his campaign, to reassure contributors that he would not use their money to repay himself.

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Re: Donald Trump Hints He May Fund Race Himself
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2016, 11:54:25 pm »

Offline sinkspur

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Re: Donald Trump Hints He May Fund Race Himself
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2016, 12:05:36 am »
Thatcher, thanks for posting this.

I'm just about done posting from the NYTimes and WAPO.  Their ridiculous paywalls have me looking around for other sources.

I can't go to your link and read the rest of the article cuz I've hit my "limit" of ten articles this month.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2016, 12:06:33 am by sinkspur »
Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.

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Re: Donald Trump Hints He May Fund Race Himself
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2016, 12:09:33 am »
So put up or shut up Lyin'Don.

Constantly complaining about politicians being beholding to the donor class (of which he is one), but in the next breath, begging the little guy working man for donations. Why ask the little guy for it when you can fund it yourself?

Offline thatcher

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Re: Donald Trump Hints He May Fund Race Himself
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2016, 12:20:37 am »

I can't go to your link and read the rest of the article cuz I've hit my "limit" of ten articles this month.

Yes, it's a pain -- I tried to excerpt the paragraphs that weren't addressed in your post.    Someone said that copying the reader view text is a way of posting the entire article but won't we still be violating copyright rules if we do that?

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Re: Donald Trump Hints He May Fund Race Himself
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2016, 12:22:38 am »
Yes, it's a pain -- I tried to excerpt the paragraphs that weren't addressed in your post.    Someone said that copying the reader view text is a way of posting the entire article but won't we still be violating copyright rules if we do that?

Yes, please do excerpt. Yes, it is a pain sometimes, but respecting the property rights of the content owner as well as protecting the site is also important. It doesn't mean one can't sum up the important points themselves as a matter of discussion. :)

Offline thatcher

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Re: Donald Trump Hints He May Fund Race Himself
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2016, 12:24:32 am »
Thanks for the clarification.

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Re: Donald Trump Hints He May Fund Race Himself
« Reply #8 on: June 22, 2016, 10:00:47 am »

Trump is Running His Campaign Like a Real Estate Deal
And why this means bad things for his chances at the Presidency

So a lot of people don't have much experience with real estate developers. Donald Trump is basically a walking cliche. I'll explain.

First, remember that at a certain scale, developers aren't pitching land or location. They're pitching themselves.
What this means is that as far as their mouths are concerned, they always produce fantastic improvement and they always have giant wallets.
Their first job is to get investors to buy into them -- their vision, their capability, their magic. They sell themselves first and always.
But the next developer who doesn't hit a snag will be the first. Trump has hit a lot of snags in his life.

So Trump falls back on one of the traditional escape routes: Make this all about the investors and not him.
This works more often with sophisticated investors than you'd think, because they are still composed of humans.
So the problem isn't the project and never the developer, it's a lack of investment, a stingy attitude, pick your horse-hockey.
"If you won't back this project enough to get over the ordinary bumps, I'LL DO IT MYSELF."
Invariably, when you hear that, it means a few things. (1) The project is in danger. (2) There's no easy way out. (3) The developer is thin.

Having represented more than a few developers and banks, I've gotten to see this in real time and forensically. It's a cliche.

Now, the next step -- when the investors don't immediately fall for this garbage -- is something showy to prove the dude still can throw.
Maybe he puts $1m of his own money (NOTE FACE VALUE; $200M; PERSONAL GUARANTY) down to show he's not afraid to commit.
The likelihood of that million ever showing up is roughly half.
The point isn't to cover 1/12 of the shortfall. It's to convince the investors that the brave developer sees a bright light ahead.
Why else would he have invested [$1M/the first tranche of $250K] if not?
This is in itself a surprisingly effective tactic, which is to say, it sometimes works at all.

Rational humans recognize what a sunk cost is. Trump, like most developers, is betting that he's not dealing with that kind of human.
A lot of [bankers/investors/elderly/middle aged marks] will be moved both by the personal investment and sunk costs and double down.
This gives the developer room to do one of three things. (1) Structure for bankruptcy/exit. (2) Turn it around. (3) Keep screwing up.
Remember: At this point, his goal isn't seeing the project to a successful conclusion. That would be great, but it's not his goal.
It's to stay alive and keep himself viable for the next project.
If you step back and look, he's saying that if you won't give him money, he'll give himself money and you won't be part of him.
That's the real tell: This isn't about paying the note or mitigating damage. It's about him. It's always about him.

We are at that stage with Donald Trump now.
Mr. Trump is falling back on his playbook because he invested in a bad project and got a lot of marks to buy in with him.
He may or may not launch his own Hannity News Channel, he may or may not do anything in particular the rest of the race.
What I guaran-damn-tee he's not going to do is liquidate $750M of his own assets in a fire sale and push through to the end.
As far as he's concerned, that's *our* job.

This, right here, is what's so depressing about the Trump phenomenon. It's just a mixed-use project in a far outlying county.
The whole project was sold on the idea that people would go out of their way to exist around something they never wanted anyway.
Our nominally expert-level political class was outpaced and out-maneuvered by a penny-ante real estate developer on autopilot.
This proves either that they're not controlled by bankers (who know this game) or that they're just really bad bankers themselves.

So now we have to somehow get a 1/3-done shopping center to market for the big season because foreclosure ain't gonna do jack.
And the developer has already structured himself to file a Chapter 7, skip the guaranty, and still own his yacht.
Of course, the shopping center/condo complex is three counties away from the nearest major suburb and there are no roads to the site.
So even if we get the thing built up, the locals don't want it and can't afford it, there are no anchor tenants and no accessibility.

The only bright spot: Sean Hannity will TOTALLY buy one of those condos.


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Re: Donald Trump Hints He May Fund Race Himself
« Reply #9 on: June 22, 2016, 10:32:32 am »
Good analysis. 

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Re: Donald Trump Hints He May Fund Race Himself
« Reply #10 on: June 22, 2016, 12:16:12 pm »

Trump is Running His Campaign Like a Real Estate Deal
And why this means bad things for his chances at the Presidency

At what point did he see it going south?  Couldn't he be doing a lot better with a little wffort?
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