Author Topic: Ex-Gay Janet Boynes: Acceptance of Gay 'Marriage' Is Sign of Biblical 'Last Days'  (Read 303 times)

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Ex-Gay Janet Boynes: Acceptance of Gay 'Marriage' Is Sign of Biblical 'Last Days'

Former lesbian Janet Boynes, the founder of Janet Boynes Ministries: Called Out [1], a Christian outreach ministry that helps people struggling with homosexuality, talked about the acceptance of gay “marriage” in our society, and stressed that “the Bible talks about [how] these things are going to happen in the last days.”

“That is not a marriage,” Janet Boynes said in a June 2 interview on Faith and Freedom radio [2].  “And so we have to not allow ourselves to get so confused, and realize that the Bible talks about these things are going to happen in the last days.”
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Not only are these the 'Last Days,' but we are down to the minutes ..