Author Topic: The NRA should take up Obama's challenge  (Read 1428 times)

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Offline Richardtavor

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The NRA should take up Obama's challenge
« on: June 17, 2016, 02:28:38 pm »
President Obama challenged the NRA to meet with the families of the victims of the Pulse Club in the Orlando Terrorist Attack and look them in the face.  I  think that is exactly what they should do - make the the case as to how their loved ones would still be alive if a few armed people shot back at 'Omar Mateen' and if they would have felt better if their loved one was armed.  That is the discussion that we should be having.  Do the sheep trust the sheep herder? 

Offline sinkspur

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Re: The NRA should take up Obama's challenge
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2016, 02:45:11 pm »
No.  That's a set-up, and one that won't work in the NRA's favor.

First, a Republican legislature with a Republican governor instituted concealed-carry in 1987, the first state in the nation to do so.  From the beginning, it has always been against the law to conceal-carry in an establishment with a capacity of 50 people or more that serves alcohol.  So anybody carrying in Pulse would have been breaking the law.

Also, there was a cop in full uniform in the night club who engaged the shooter right away.  What happened to him after that initial encounter is a mystery to me, as I've heard nothing about what he did or didn't do.

I've had a CCL for 22 years here in Texas, and I've never understood those who say they could have stopped something like this in a crowd of 350 people.  As it is, it's likely that some of the bullets from the police when they broke into the place hit and killed some of the victims. 

Plus, Mateen was shooting at anything that moved. If you weren't out the door or hunkered down, he was going to hit you.  Remember, he was very proficient with this weapon,  was on the offense and knew what he was going to do.  You, with your little 9 mm, would be in full react mode.

The only good guys with guns that were going to stop this guy waited three hours to crash in. 

What on earth could anybody from the NRA say to these families that would make them feel better?
« Last Edit: June 17, 2016, 02:45:42 pm by sinkspur »
Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.

Offline Richardtavor

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Re: The NRA should take up Obama's challenge
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2016, 04:15:35 pm »
I also am a ccl and are aware of the law.  My point was that the NRA or anyone who supports the 2nd amendment need to take the fight to the people.  Obama threw this cowardly  statement down  knowing that conservatives would give him a pass because of the sensitivity and grief of the people.  My point goes beyond the Pulse Nightclub or any nightclub or soft target.  The Terrorist will be given a pause if they are not sure who is armed.  If people are given the right to defend themselves, then they will be empowered to stop it.  Do you really want to trust the fate of 300 'loved ones' to one security guard?  The press is trying to paint this guy as a troubled closet homosexual that went to the bar multiple times. Did it ever occur to these idiots that he went to the club numerous times because he was casing the joint?  In order to kill 49 or more, he had to study and plan...Perhaps had he decided that Disneyworld was a softer target and attacked it, they would be saying he was a pedophile.  My point is, that the argument needs to be made that the only one that can protect you is yourself.  You can't expect one security guard to be your saviour.   The best time to make that argument is to appeal to those who understand that they lost their loved one because of political correctness.   Mateen knew he was going to die.  It was just a matter of how many he would take with him.  That is why I conceal and carry.  I will not be a sheep, ready for  slaughter.  A good case can be made for people to be able to defend themselves.  It should be made as soon as the political hacks try to 'take advantage of a crisis'.