Author Topic: Here’s The Hard Facts West Must Face After Orlando Jihad Attack  (Read 236 times)

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In the early hours of Sunday June 12<sup>th</sup> 2016, the city of Orlando, Florida became the latest city to be hit by murderous Islamic jihad. In the worst mass shooting in United States history, a lone jihadist wielding an assault rifle and a pistol slaughtered 50 people and injured 53 others.

The jihadist was identified as Omar Mateen, a 29 year old son of Afghan immigrants.  And with this revelation began the usual tried-and-tested song and dance routine of the political elites and the mainstream media to go to increasingly desperate lengths to deny the reason for the atrocity.

Let’s establish what are for the authorities, damning and inconvenient facts. Mateen made a call to police before the shooting, declaring himself a Muslim and swore allegiance to Islamic State. That’s the same “so-called” Islamic State whose devout mujahideen wage jihad in the path of Allah, implementing sharia law wherever they go. And as homosexuality is a sin punishable by death under sharia, these holy warriors who fight and die for Islam have no qualms about executing gays. In fact, they execute them regularly.

Just before the holy Islamic month of Ramadan began on Sunday 5<sup>th</sup> June 2016, Islamic State spokesman Abu Mohammad al-Adnani issued a rallying call to Muslims telling them to “be prepared, be ready to make it a month of calamity for the unbelievers everywhere. Especially the fighters and supporters of the caliphate in Europe and America.”

Furthermore, Mateen mentioned the Boston marathon jihad attack committed by the Tsarnaev brothers in 2013.  Clearly, he believed that murdering American infidels for Allah’s cause is right and just.

Do you see how significant that small detail of the call is? Let me leave it simmering with you for a minute, and bear it in mind as you continue reading.

Despite these facts about Mateen, as predictable as rain during an English summer the political elites and the mainstream media went into full-on Pravda mode to ensure Islam would not be blamed.

First up came Mateen’s father who stretched credulity to breaking point by saying with a serious face: “I don’t know what caused him to do it.” He did say Mateen had been outraged by two gays kissing in the street but that his son wasn’t particularly religious.  Even though his son made two religious pilgrimages to Saudi Arabia.

As if a father who raised his son as Muslim doesn’t know what Islam says about homosexuals. I wonder if he knows lying to infidels is permissible in Islam?

The Mayor of Orlando Buddy Dyer stated that the atrocity was the worst day in the city’s history, calling the nightclub slaughter “unimaginable”. Seems he isn’t aware of the torching of a gay nightclub in Seattle by a devout Muslim nor of the slaying of two gay men in Seattle, again by a Muslim.

Muddying the waters by obfuscating the true identity of the jihadist is another favourite tactic of the media. Terms such as “American born man”, “gunman”, “shooter”, “American citizen” and “mentally ill” are deployed all to avoid calling him what he actually was: A Muslim jihadist.

President Obama addressed his nation and stated: “It was an act of terror and an act of hate.” Again, an outright denial of what it actually is: Another murderous act of Islamic jihad. He compounded the denial even further by saying it was too early in the investigation to identify the motive.

This denial was backed up by Republican Senator Adam Schiff who described the atrocity as an “ISIS inspired act of terrorism”. He didn’t mention what inspires Islamic State to murder gays and infidels, because hey, everyone knows ISIS is “nothing to do with Islam”. In fact ISIS is everything to do with Islam, they obey and implement the commands of the Quran and ahadith. More importantly, they emulate the “perfect example” of the prophet of Islam, Muhammad. If ISIS are unIslamic, then so is Muhammad.  One wonders how Muslims can be moderate when they revere a prophet who was so violent.

However, instead of focusing on the example of Muhammad and sacred texts of Islam that motivate and inspire Muslims to wage jihad against infidels, politicians and the media placed the focus on guns.  You see, it’s not people motivated by an ideology that commands killing unbelievers and homosexuals that kill, oh no. Guns do. Understandably, the distraught mother of one of the victims called for her government to ban assault rifles. It seems the obvious solution doesn’t it? Ban the guns and hey presto! No more mass shootings.

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Re: Here’s The Hard Facts West Must Face After Orlando Jihad Attack
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2016, 04:49:51 pm »

...and let's not even get into his voter registration...