Author Topic: Celebrities Call for Gun Control, Rip Donald Trump After Orlando Nightclub Terror  (Read 1813 times)

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Offline goatprairie

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Interesting.  So, you want more gun control?  Should I call it "gun safety?"
You haven't read my postings clearly.  I don't want gun control.....I want radical Muslim control.

Offline goatprairie

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And again, that's *EXACTLY* the same argument made by the likes of Micheal Moore about every mass shooting.
That is not the same argument Moore is making. His argument is to take away guns from law-abiding citizens. My argument is to control and curtail the activities of Jihadis. I hope you can see the difference. And if your plan is to do nothing as far monitoring and trying to control Islamic radicals in the U.S., then YOU!!! sir side with Moore.