Author Topic: Our World: Is ISIS a GOP franchise?  (Read 304 times)

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Our World: Is ISIS a GOP franchise?
« on: June 16, 2016, 11:38:58 am »


06/13/2016 21:20
 Is Islamic State opposed to gay marriage? Was anger at the US Supreme Court's decision mandating recognition of homosexual marriage what prompted Omar Mateen to massacre fifty Americans at the gay nightclub in Orlando on Saturday night? What about gun control? Is Islamic State, to which Mateen announced his allegiance as he mowed down innocents like blades of grass, a libertarian group that abhors limitations on private ownership of firearms? In other words, are Islamic State and its fellow jihadists from Iran to Hamas, Hezbollah, Boko Haram and al Qaida adjuncts of the Republican Party? Is Omar Baghdadi, the self-declared caliph at the helm of ISIS a social conservative, a libertarian and a card carrying member of the GOP, or just one of the three? Because President Barack Obama seems to think that this is the question most Americans should be asking. In his statement on the massacre on Sunday, Obama placed Mateen's action in the context the partisan debate on gay rights and gun control.

With regard to the former, Obama said that the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, which was the site of the attack was more than a mere nightclub. It was, "a place of solidarity and empowerment where people have come together to raise awareness, to speak their minds and to advocate for their civil rights." In other words, Obama intimated, the victims were murdered because Mateen opposed all of those things, specifically.

Turning to gun rights, Obama said, "The shooter was apparently armed with a handgun and a powerful assault rifle. This massacre is therefore a further reminder of how easy it is for someone to get their hands on a weapon that lets them shoot people in a school, or in a house of worship, or a movie theater, or in a nightclub. And we have to decide if that’s the kind of country we want to be. And to actively do nothing is a decision as well." So as the president sees things, if you oppose limitations on firearm ownership, then you're on Mateen's side.

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Re: Our World: Is ISIS a GOP franchise?
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2016, 12:06:21 pm »
I listened to a lot of the coverage of this on NPR as I happened to be in my car quite a bit this weekend.  I was incredulous.  The coverage repeatedly called it a "hate" crime against the LGBT community.  It stressed how gays live in continual fear of violence from those who object to their lifestyles.  It talked about the availability of guns.  One would have to conclude that these people in the nightclub were killed by a right-wing homophobic nut, because no mention was ever made of the anti-gay, anti-woman nature of Islam, the fact that this killer was a registered Democrat, etc.

It is infuriating that my tax dollars are confiscated from me to pay for this obvious propaganda.