Author Topic: Whistleblower warns: Jihadists won’t stop until Shariah rules world  (Read 319 times)

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 Whistleblower warns: Jihadists won’t stop until Shariah rules world
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 06/10/2016 @ 9:06 pm In Front Page,Politics,U.S. | No Comments

By Paul Bremmer

If you think jihadist terrorist attacks are random, disconnected acts of violence, you’re not seeing the whole picture, according to former Department of Homeland Security officer Philip Haney.

“There’s an underlying gravitational force, a compulsion to promote the implementation of Shariah law everywhere in the Earth; and on that particular point every single group in the world agrees,” Haney said. “That is their common strategy, and they don’t argue. What they argue about is tactics – how to go about it.”

In an interview Monday night on “Coast to Coast AM” hosted by George Noory, Haney shared his expertise on the strategy and tactics of the global Islamic movement. Haney was a scientist who traveled extensively in the Middle East before becoming a counter-terrorism officer in the Department of Homeland Security. He recounts his remarkable experiences as a DHS whistleblower in his new book, “See Something, Say Nothing: A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government’s Submission to Jihad.”

Haney’s co-author, WND news editor Art Moore, joined Haney on the program. Noory asked Moore if Islamic terror attacks would still be a problem even if the U.S. never meddled in the Middle East. Moore acknowledged that many terrorists cite specific grievances against America as justification to attack, but he said there is a greater impetus at work.

“These are people whom we would describe as pietistic believers,” Moore said. “They really believe that their god compels them to spread Islam throughout the world and to take hold of every nation on Earth.”

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Moore pointed to the 2008 Holy Land Foundation trial, which uncovered evidence that the Muslim Brotherhood has a 100-year plan to bring the West into conformity with Islamic law through slow infiltration.

The trial concluded in 2008 with the conviction of several HLF leaders for providing material support to Hamas. The foundation was found to have distributed funds through zakat committees in the West Bank controlled by Hamas.

Haney explained that zakat, or charity, is one of the primary sources of financing for jihad groups around the world. He said Shariah law requires Muslims to donate a certain amount of their income to charity each year, and it requires one-eighth of that charitable donation to support the Mujahedeen, or those engaged in jihad. This would be one of the most ominous consequences of living under Shariah law, the former DHS officer warned.

“When you allow a contribution to charity within the Islamic system, you are automatically supporting jihad,” Haney said.

He said it’s important to realize many Middle Eastern Muslims don’t define terrorism the same way Americans do. They see Hamas, for example, not as a terrorist group but as a liberation organization on the front lines of the fight against Israel. Therefore, a contribution to Hamas is simply the duty of a good Muslim.

“What Hamas is doing is not un-Islamic; it’s not a violation of Quranic principles,” Haney asserted.

Noory argued there are plenty of peaceful Muslims living in Western countries who are productive, loyal members of society. While that may be the case, Haney said, he added that many surveys conducted over the past 10 to 15 years in the U.S. and other Western countries show 40 to 60 percent of Muslims in those countries support the implementation of Shariah in their home country. Meanwhile, he said, a smaller but significant portion of Western Muslims support the use of violence if necessary to promote and implement Shariah.

“That is a very difficult point to get past,” Haney said.

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Plenty of groups are already working to implement Shariah in the U.S., he noted. For example, the Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America posts fatwas on its website discussing issues American Muslims must address. They include competing loyalties, such as whether American Muslims should join the U.S. military or work for the U.S. government. This is a group whose Arabic name, according to Haney, indicates that it promotes Shariah in the United States.

Haney noted the Quran tells Muslims how they may deal with those who resist Islam. Simple persuasion is one option, but physical violence is also an option against those who refuse to convert to Islam.

Haney recommends Americans finally engage in a fundamental discussion about Islam.

“The first thing we’re going to need to do if we ever have any hope of addressing [the jihad threat] is honestly discuss what Islam really teaches,” he advised. “As long as we entertain ourselves with the false narrative, we’re never going to come to the place where we can develop a counterstrategy or counter-tactical approach to it.”

Haney urges Americans to recognize Shariah is not compatible with the U.S. Constitution. He pointed out Article VI of the Constitution states the Constitution is the supreme law of the land.

The former DHS officer sees the situation of Islam in the West blowing up in slow motion even now because Shariah cannot possibly coexist with any other form of government. He said it will take a great deal of honesty and courage for the U.S. to avoid the fate of other countries that have been conquered by Islam throughout history.

“Am I saying it’s impossible?” Haney asked. “No. But I am saying it’s impossible if we insist on refusing to even discuss the reality of the power of Shariah law within the Islamic community.”

This is a crucial battle, he warned, because it goes to the very foundation of who we are as a people – and the consequences of losing the fight could be disastrous.

“This is a clash between not people, not your neighbors, [but] the Constitution, the form of law that was created by our founding fathers … and a competing system of law that happens to have a religious component included in it, called Shariah,” Haney said. “If we don’t address it now voluntarily, we will address it later involuntarily.”

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Offline WAC

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Muslim Brotherhood is the "Mother" of all these other groups working to establish Shariah Law...and it is the primary agenda. They have operators in every area of commerce and government to affect policies and procedures both to position themselves and push their agenda of the Islamification of the USA.   it is 'Jihad by Migration and Infiltration.

My gosh when you consider how they've manipulated Europe to accept millions of their people while the Muslim countries are used as shipping ports and holding tanks to move out all that's possible at any given time....additionally they use the masses in these camps as battering ramps should the political leaders resist. Tis entire thing is political migration of Islamic peoples and warriors throughout the world....but especially to Western nations who have the means to stop them....overwhelm them with people....crash their Government Assitance programs which affect Gov. operations by overwhelming them, as well as their medical facilities.

Additionally there is a very active recruitment operation to 'Convert' our law enforcement and military in order to know where and have access to armament when the time comes. Their Mosques and Community centers are their bases of operation.


Offline truth_seeker

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If you don't like islam and muslim practices in America, you are a racist and a bigot.

We need more rapes by young Islamic males, not less.

"Saudi Sharia court sentences gang rape victim to 200 lashes"

“According to Sharia Law, a Saudi Arabian woman must be accompanied by a male guardian at all times in public, something the 19 year old victim did not obey when she went to meet a friend, according to website Live Buddhism.” Not just a “Saudi Arabian woman,” but any woman. Since the victim did not do this, she is at fault. This is Islamic law. It is barbaric and inhumane, but it is Islamic law."

The joys of unrestricted muslim immigration are yet to fully unfold, before our tolerant eyes

Embrace diversity. Don't get called a racist or bigot. The American left are your friends, and Trump is the enemy of diversity.

Rejoice. Sing hallelujah, and Kumbaya !!
"God must love the common man, he made so many of them.�  Abe Lincoln

Offline Fishrrman

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truth_seeker wrote:
"If you don't like islam and muslim practices in America, you are a racist and a bigot."

Insofar as islam is concerned, I am proud to represent myself in this forum as both a "racist" and a "bigot".

I have no problems as being bigoted against a phony religion that is actually a totalitarian system of personal control in disguise.

Others in the forum can hurl insults and invectives at me as they wish.

It will neither change what I see, what I believe, or what I post.