State Chapters > California

Two Democrats will face off for California's U.S. Senate seat, marking first time a Republican will not be in contention

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Is there an independent or anything running


California Ping

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@American Patriot
@Ginger Republic
@Half Vast Conspiracy
@Meshuge Mikey
@Mr McBeevee
@The Jackal

Ginger Republic:

--- Quote from: geronl on June 30, 2016, 01:02:52 am ---Is there an independent or anything running

--- End quote ---

There were independents in the primary but only the top two vote getters from the primary will show up on the general election ballot.


--- Quote from: flowers on June 08, 2016, 03:28:06 pm ---

Harris is pure evil. I would like to see Sanchez win, yet she will not. Oh for the record  I would never had thought I would want Sanchez to win anything. She is a full on loon. Follow her via John and Ken kfi640am.

--- End quote ---

I love this state as much as anyone can.

But I utterly and completely despise the people running it. Including most of the brainstems who show up to vote every election, unfortunately.


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