Author Topic: Conservative Review - h266-114.2016 Support Obama Transgender Agenda  (Read 460 times)

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Offline Sanguine

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Vote Date  5/26/2016

Vote Description

This vote was to pass an energy and water spending bill that not only spent $2.8 billion more than the liberal, Pelosi-controlled Congress, but also $168 million more than President Obama requested. The bill also contained underlying language that approved of Obama's controversial executive order 13672. Order 13672 instructs federal agencies to sever contracts with any private company that doesn't follow Obama's mandated sexual identity agenda. This could include companies or vendors that don't allow men into women's bathrooms in their private facilities. Voting for this legislation would have not only increased spending but would have advanced a radical social agenda item of the left. Democrats effectively sided with conservatives on this vote because the proposed legislation did not include their spending priorities.
Conservative Position = No

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