Author Topic: Why I will/will not vote for Trump  (Read 8134 times)

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Offline Sighlass

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Re: Why I will/will not vote for Trump
« Reply #125 on: June 06, 2016, 03:22:00 am »
I never called you, or any Cruz supporter "uninformed".... (SNIP).....

Yes, "called" perhaps was too strong a word, you "implied" that us Cruz supporters were uninformed... (by not taking time to look at thousands of his videos)...

And lastly you say that Trump's god is himself?  This statement makes me think you're bit full of yourself; should I conclude you are your god?

Lets just say if I claimed the Bible was first and foremost and couldn't even come close to naming one thing in it, yes you can start to wonder if something is amiss. Trump saying "don't bend to envy" was one of his favorite verses in the Proverbs... This flub was "fruit" and it was presented for us Christians to "judge rightly"..

Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment. John 7:24

After all your judgment allows me to judge you as you have judged Mr. Trump.  I got that from the Bible.

Reference.... Roman 7:1-5

Judge not, that ye be not judged.  For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

First we see who Jesus is talking to... "Hypocrites"... What is a hypocrite? Someone that pretend to be someone they are not... Again who here is claiming to be something they are not? What are they not to do? Judge... but then the verse goes on to explain once they remove what is causing them to be a hypocrite they are to start judging again (shall see clearly to cast the mote out of .....).

I know my righteousness are like filthy rags... I know Trump claims he has no reason to ask for forgiveness and says he can (or tries) live a life where he doesn't have to ask for forgiveness. You judge "rightly" on the subject.

1st Corinthians 6:2-5 (or as Trump calls it, ONE Corinthian)

Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters?  Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?..... I speak to your shame. Is it so, that there is not a wise man among you? no, not one that shall be able to judge between his brethren?

Trump claims to be a Christian, he is my brethren. Right? I have listened to this man go on and on and on about one thing .... Me me me me me me and me. I think the Lord equipped most of us with enough sense to judge who Trump thinks is number one.


Edit... thanks for the ping, I am new and need to remember to use it... @Right_in_Virginia

« Last Edit: June 06, 2016, 03:36:13 am by Sighlass »
Exodus 18:21 Furthermore, you shall select out of all the people able men who fear God, men of truth, those who hate dishonest gain; and you shall place these over them as leaders over ....

Offline L9teen

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Re: Why I will/will not vote for Trump
« Reply #126 on: June 06, 2016, 03:25:03 am »
That is what amazes me with you Trump fanatics, that video does not show anything remotely conservative, and especially Christian conservative. You act like we Cruz fans are so ill informed that we have not done countless hours of research on Trump. You do understand that calling us uninformed is probable one of the worse strategies to win support. Nothing could be further from the truth, we are at a political forum most our free time for goodness sake!!! Personally I was class of 2000 FR, and posted frequently.

Back to your video that I only watched long enough to know it was wasting my time. Trump with Oprah is a joke, he later jested twice she would make a great VP choice. Who jokes (we think he was joking) about that radical liberal being anything but what she is.

Heck during one of the debates, Trump attacked Cruz for mentioning his NYvalues. Well most of us had seen the video where Trump talked about his liberal abortion values. He used "NY values" as an "reasonable" excuse on murdering babies. His sister is a rabid pro abortion judge, he glows about her record and would not dare mention she was unsuitable for a SCOTUS position. He often funds some of the most radical liberals and GOPe candidates running against Tea party candidates.

Lets just say if that was your proof, color me not impressed.


Listen, I am going a different approach than most here, like I mentioned earlier, I am a Christian Conservative (in that order). Trump has IMHO shown nothing but contempt for the Christian vote. Locally he waved a Bible around and said it was the greatest thing ever, yet he obviously has never cracked the book beyond perhaps dropping it after a rally. We know he can read, his ex (one of many) made that it clear, unfortunately it was some Hitler book that he lied and claimed a Jew gave it to him. His attempt to quote something out of the Bible made him look like a fool, by just making something out of thin air that was nowhere to even be found. The basic tenet of the Bible is "ask forgiveness and accept it" and he flubbed that up on stage at a Christian interview.

I mean how hard is it to write a verse on the back of your hand and pretend you know something out of the Bible? Good grief, he is so haughty he can't even fake knowing his butt from a hole in the ground on the subject. The man can't even protect the borders of his own bathrooms from Transsexuals and you expect him to keep his word on the wall? Trump self-identifies as a Republican, like Bruce Jenner self-identifies as a woman. He couldn't keep his promise on Planned Parenthood being abolished for a week. The list goes on and on.

Trump keeps warehouses of memorabilia dedicated to himself. Listen, when folks mention that he is megalomaniac they are not kidding. He graced the cover of Playboy once, with a caption that he was considering buying it. In an interview (which I will try to find and link) it showed him with all these framed pictures of himself (including the Playboy one). Trump's god is himself, it is that simple. Anyone that keeps multiple huge stashes of themselves reminds me of a teenage girl posing selfies on FB. It is ok to keep stuff, but a braggart makes sure you know it.

There is a minimum standard I hold for voting for a president. Trump can't even find the starting line for the race. The last three men put forth by the GOP have been terrible, but Trump is by far the worse.
Very logical and rational post.  I'm not surprised that a Trump supporter wouldn't get it, since logic and rationale escapes them.

Online Right_in_Virginia

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Re: Why I will/will not vote for Trump
« Reply #127 on: June 06, 2016, 09:50:15 pm »
Yes, "called" perhaps was too strong a word, you "implied" that us Cruz supporters were uninformed... (by not taking time to look at thousands of his videos)...

No,@Sighlass,  neither did I imply that "you" Cruz supporters were unformed .... and I never posted thousands of videos.  So, relax.  It wasn't me ... but even if I had implied a lack of knowledge among #NeverTrumps  ....  you've got to toughen up just a little . . . it'll make things easier for you because  politics is a blood sport at times.  (Sorry ... but it's true)

As for the rest of your post, thank you.  I'm sure this took some time and focus on your part.  But, I really try not to talk in-depth about religion because debating religion is the only thing that can make debating politics seem gentile. So I stay away from it.  All this means is I'm not going to reply to the rest of your post-- and I hope you now understand why.

Other than that ... welcome to TBR.  I look forward to "talking" again.    :beer:

Offline Sighlass

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Re: Why I will/will not vote for Trump
« Reply #128 on: June 07, 2016, 05:33:01 am »
neither did I imply that "you" Cruz supporters were uniformed

Odd, I strangely remember you saying "Educate yourself" right before linking the video.....

Educate: To provide with INFORMATION, as in an effort to gain support for a position or to influence behavior...

and I never posted thousands of videos.

I concede I got that from another Trump poster on this thread and must of falsely attributed it to you.

Quote from: aligncare
There are hundreds of TV and radio interviews and thousands of.....(snip) The record shows Mr. Trump's conservative philosophy has not changed in 35 years. It's on the record. YouTube, LEXIS-NEXIS, Google, the public library, it's out there for anyone interested in learning what informs and motivates the next president of the United States. It's all on record. ...which most of #NeverTrump will mindlessly ignore. Your prerogative. Sometimes the horse doesn't want a drink. And here you've gone through all that effort to lead him there.

The "imply" (of being uninformed) is strong in this one too. But it wasn't fair of me to blend your comment with his comment in my mind. I should of quoted it and thus I would of known better than to blur the forum context.

It wasn't me ... but even if I had implied a lack of knowledge among #NeverTrumps

Quote... "Educate yourself"...

Quote from: Right_in _Virginia
As for the rest of your post, thank you.  I'm sure this took some time and focus on your part.  But, I really try not to talk in-depth about religion because debating religion is the only thing that can make debating politics seem gentile. So I stay away from it.  All this means is I'm not going to reply to the rest of your post-- and I hope you now understand why.

I did try to subsection off my reply that was directed towards you (top half).... but I guess it wasn't very clear... I had finished the reply to you and drew a line that meant in my mind's eye that was the end to my reply to you... I then went on to explain my thought process for others to grasp. I really should of done it in another post because it was confusing and looked like I was just winding up for round two with you. I admit mathematics are more my strong point that sentence structures. I apologize.

It just so happens that one of my favorite subjects is the "judge not" vs. "judge rightly" conundrum. I will steer a conversation there most every time if presented a chance.

Other than that ... welcome to TBR.  I look forward to "talking" again.    :beer:

Mega Dittos... despite my quirks in presenting my case in a manner that is easily followed... I enjoyed our conversation. If there is a gentleman Trump club (that doesn't involve strippers) I wouldn't mind buying you a beer (but just one, I am a poor drinker to be honest and can't hold anything over one without getting giddy and wanting to go to sleep).  :thud:


Exodus 18:21 Furthermore, you shall select out of all the people able men who fear God, men of truth, those who hate dishonest gain; and you shall place these over them as leaders over ....