Author Topic: SiriusXM Announces Suspension of Glenn Beck over Brad Thor Interview Comments  (Read 6513 times)

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He backed, as a businessman, every politician who could help his he should
He has backed leftists in states and cities he had no business in. He backed McConnell and Boehner against TEA Party challengers. And no, businesses should not be seeking handouts and favoritism from politicians.

He spent his life as a full throated pro choicer. Perhaps, but he is now pro-life...many have made that shift in their lives.
He is NOT pro-life now. The last position I saw was him saying we keep laws the same as they are now.

He wants Planned parenthood funded With no funding for abortion
Which is unpossible. BTW, what else does PP do besides abortion -NOTHING. Oh wait they promote baby killing and they promote it to kids in schools too. I guess this is the "good things" Trump was talking about.

He is fine with trannies in ladies rooms and beauty pageants - Who cares...a non-issue bloviated into a big deal
Men in your daughters 7th grade showers is not a non-issue.

He has supported gun control. -Outdated, he's endorsed by the NRA and an adamant supporter of gun rights
No, he isn't a supporter of gun rights.

He engaged in multiple instances of character assination forpolitical purposes - as has every politician ever born
and he should stop threatening and demanding that we vote for him.

He donated large sums to both hard left politicians and the Clinton foundation. As a businessman, he'd have been stupid not to do so.
He is as corrupt as they come and he is proud of it. Many successful businesses do not donate to leftists.