Author Topic: Virginia Taxi Driver Suspected Of Helping ISIS Faces Nearly 50 Years In Prison  (Read 277 times)

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Virginia Taxi Driver Suspected Of Helping ISIS Faces Nearly 50 Years In Prison

Posted By Casey Harper On 1:54 PM 05/27/2016 In | No Comments

A Virginia taxi driver has been indicted for conspiring to help Islamic State.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) announced Friday a grand jury indicted Mahmoud Amin Mohamed Elhassan, 26. He is charged with conspiracy to provide material support to ISIS, making false statements to the FBI, and aiding and abetting the provision of material support to ISIS. He could spend up to 48 years in prison.

Elhassan allegedly conspired to help ISIS and helped another man by driving him to the airport so he could travel overseas to join ISIS. He then allegedly lied to the FBI to cover it up.

The DOJ described Elhassan’s actions in a statement:

“According to the indictment, Elhassan also attempted to provide material support or resources to ISIL by aiding and abetting Farrokh’s attempt to join ISIL.  Elhassan’s aiding and abetting included introducing Farrokh to an individual that Elhassan believed could facilitate Farrokh’s travel overseas; driving Farrokh from Farrokh’s home to Richmond so that Farrokh could embark on his travel to join ISIL; and making false statements to the FBI about Farrokh’s travel in order to hinder the government’s investigation of Farrokh’s travel.”

This is one of several cases of U.S. residents allegedly trying to help ISIS.

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