Author Topic: SJW Weekly Roundup: Out With Low Grades, In With 'Ecosexual Weddings'  (Read 389 times)

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Offline markomalley

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From Conservative Review:

In this week’s roundup of bizarre socio-cultural developments, men are allowed on women’s basketball teams, students want low grades tossed from their college, and Justin Timberlake is charged with “cultural theft of the black community.”

Here's a list of this week’s most notable social justice warrior accomplishments. Pats on the back, America:

Students “marry the ocean” in an “ecosexual wedding.”

Those involved called it an “EcoSexual Sextravaganza,” which should make most people’s stomach turn. What’s worse is that a professor organized the event in which students went down to the water to “witness the rite of matrimony between the sea and us all.” We're guessing the ocean gave written consent before these acts of consummation took place?

Connecticut College is now offering social justice and sustainability “pathway” courses.

The interdisciplinary courses will provide a “new kind of education” to this new generation of students, argues Connecticut College President Katherine Bergeron. Students will choose courses that advance “characteristics such as curiosity, creativity, tolerance and empathy.” Really? Okay, interdisciplinary study is a great idea, but there’s no question that liberal schools will use these courses to push “social justice” agendas.

The Padres are suing a third party after a gay men’s choir was humiliated during the national anthem.

A gay men’s choir was invited to sing the anthem before the MLB game, but when the time came an audio recording blasted over the loudspeakers drowning the choir out. Okay, this is kind of sad. But the Padres playing the blame-game and suing to avoid the wrath of the LGBT crowd is a little ridiculous.

An online petition is demanding Justin Timberlake be charged with “cultural theft” of black people.

This may be the funniest news of the month. “Justin Timberlake has made a career out of culturally appropriating his music, looks, and just about everything else from the black community,” states a new petition, which was written to President Obama, AG Lynch, and Al Sharpton (of course). “This should be a crime and it needs to stop.” They must have forgotten that what goes around comes around....

Students at University of Maryland petition for a man to play on the women’s basketball team.

Transgenderism and gender identity has gone wild in this one. Students willingly and excitedly sign a grown man’s petition to join the women’s basketball team. The satirist narrator says, “Just cus the way I identify, it shouldn’t hold back my athletic career.” The best part of the whole thing – he didn’t even pretend to exude femininity.

Portland State students actually donated hundreds for Hamas to Bomb Israeli schools and cafes.

Political satirist Ami Horowitz took a trip to the Pacific Northwest to see just how gullible, and frankly anti-Semitic, some college students are nowadays. “We’re not your father’s terrorist organization,” argues Horowitz before asking students to pledge money to destroy Israel. He made hundreds. Wow. Just wow.

Snowflake Oberlin students want their low grades modified and to be paid for activism.

The New Yorker magazine took a trip the social justice paradise known as Oberlin College. There, the publication interviewed stressed out students who were having trouble balancing grades, activism, and their weird, dramatic emotions – all while being immersed in the “toxic” culture of the real world. This is a must read.

The worst part of this (IMHO) is that these flakes are being taken seriously.