Author Topic: Hillary Clinton’s self-inflicted damage  (Read 178 times)

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Offline markomalley

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Hillary Clinton’s self-inflicted damage
« on: May 28, 2016, 11:51:39 am »
From the Washington Post:


“I don’t want any risk of the personal being accessible.”

— Email from then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to aide Huma Abedin, November 2010, contained in State Department inspector general’s report on Clinton’s private email use.

This is not a smoking gun — yet it explains so much.

Actually it is the opposite of a smoking gun because Clinton in this email expresses willingness to obtain a “separate address or device” in order to fix the problem they were confronting: messages from her private account ending up in State Department spam.

If only that had happened. How many months of ugly headlines, how much political harm could Clinton have avoided if she had taken the clunky, inconvenient route of the second BlackBerry and the official email?

But the accretions, the scar tissue built up over years of politically motivated attacks and endless investigations, reinforced Clinton’s instinct for the protective crouch.

(remainder snipped)

IMHO, what is the most interesting about this piece is not any of the so-called revelations, but the fact that this piece was published in the Washington Compost!