Author Topic: MSNBC Focus Group Criticizes Clinton for Email Scandal  (Read 217 times)

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MSNBC Focus Group Criticizes Clinton for Email Scandal
« on: May 28, 2016, 11:19:58 am »
 MSNBC Focus Group Criticizes Clinton for Email Scandal
Posted By Jack Heretik On May 27, 2016 @ 3:25 pm In Politics | No Comments

MSNBC correspondent Chris Jansing hosted a roundtable with young women and asked them about Hillary Clinton. The response was somewhat negative.

One undecided voter had some harsh words for Clinton, especially after the report by the Office of the Inspector General for the Department of State was released.

“I take national security really seriously, and, you know, the idea that she would have a private email server, it demonstrates someone who thinks she is outside the rules and, you know, not accountable and it’s reckless. And I don’t, the most disappointing part about all of it is that I don’t feel like she’s taking responsibility for it.”

Jansing then turned to a Clinton supporter who tried to justify Clinton’s actions by pointing to how some of Clinton’s predecessors had also used private email accounts for official purposes.

“I agree with those concerns, but the report also stated that she was not the first person to do this, that this was a consistent thing with other people who held that office,” the Clinton supporter said.

“When people are in positions of power, they have a responsibility and a duty to make sure that what they do is transparent,” another participant said. “And the entire problem with this entire email server issue is that she’s not being transparent.”

“You don’t think even now, with what she’s said about it?” Jansing said.

“No, it’s totally—when someone doesn’t abide by the rules, they are not being transparent. And the rules are there for a reason,” the participant said. “She should be held accountable.”

The Clinton supporter then attempted to spin it as an issue of criminal justice reform and that Clinton shouldn’t be prosecuted for one mistake. This prompted a negative response from the rest of the group.

“For me, it’s not just about the emails themselves, it speaks to her character,” the undecided participant said.

Article printed from Washington Free Beacon:

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