Author Topic: Muslims Beat, Strip Naked, and Parade 70-Year-Old Christian Woman  (Read 246 times)

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May 28, 2016
Muslims Beat, Strip Naked, and Parade 70-Year-Old Christian Woman
By Raymond Ibrahim

A 70-year-old Christian woman was stripped naked, savagely beaten, and paraded in the streets of Egypt to jeers, whistles, and yells of "Allahu Akbar" after a mob of some 300 Muslim men descended on her house.

Her crime?  Her son is falsely accused of having a romantic relationship with a Muslim woman, which is banned by Islamic law, or sharia – the same body of teachings that prescribes the collective punishment of non-Muslim "infidels."  Seven other Christian homes were also torched by the mob.

The attacks occurred in Minya, Upper Egypt, on May 20, a Friday – the one day of the week when Muslims congregate in mosques and listen to sermons, and the one day of the week when most Muslim mob attacks on Christians occur.

While on the ground being kicked, cursed, and spat upon, Sa'd Thabet, the Christian grandmother, managed to slide herself underneath a wagon.  While hidden there, an unidentified woman slipped her some garments, and the traumatized woman eventually managed to escape.

"I never saw the woman who covered me and don't know how I survived," she said during a closed meeting with some clergymen of the Coptic Christian Orthodox Church.  They testified that her body was covered with wounds, adding that "though she is strong, it is sometimes hard for her to speak; she's always fighting back tears and sometimes breaks down."

Prior to the attack on Thabet, her household had been receiving threats for some time.  On the morning of the assault, some of the home's property was stolen and vandalized.  She and her husband went to local police, who responded by threatening them and kicking them out of the station.  A few hours later, around 8 pm, the attack occurred.  It took the same local police over two hours to appear, by which time the "avenged" Muslim mob had dispersed.

When asked why she reported the incident four days after it happened, Thabet said: "I tried to hide and suppress what happened, but I could only take the feelings of humiliation and oppression for four days, at which point I decided to return to the local police station and testify about what happened to me before those who had refused to hear me."

She is hardly the first Christian woman in Egypt to be treated so.  In 2013, Muslim Brotherhood supporters "burned down a Christian school, paraded three nuns on the streets like 'prisoners of war,' and sexually abused two other female staff even as at least 58 attacks on Christians and their property were reported across Egypt over the last four days. At least two Christians have died in the attacks."

Nor is this an "Egyptian" phenomenon; it's an "Islamic" one.  In Pakistan, a 28-year-old pregnant Christian mother of four was stripped naked, beaten, and forced to walk nude in her town by two Muslim brothers following an argument.  She lost her baby in the ordeal, which "was motivated because of Bibi's [Christian] religious beliefs."  Similarly, a Muslim family kidnapped, beat, and left naked on the streets an 8-year-old Christian girl as a way to "punish" her uncle for pursuing a relationship with a female member of the Muslim family.

In short, every aspect of this most recent attack is part of a well established pattern that has played over in Egypt, Pakistan, and other Muslim-majority nations innumerable times: a Christian is (often falsely) accused of some infraction; his family and possibly entire village is savagely attacked, beaten, raped, and mugged by the mob; and police take their time to arrive and do little when there.

In 2012, after 3,000 Muslims attacked the Christians of a village near Alexandria, it took the army an hour to arrive, even though they were only one mile away.  "This happens every time.  They wait outside the village until the Muslims have had enough violence, then they appear," said a witness.

As Minya's most senior Christian cleric, Anba Makarios, put it during a televised interview about Thabet's ordeal, if a Muslim man were involved with a Christian woman, police's response "would not have been anything like what happened. ... No one did anything, and the police took no pre-emptive or security measures in anticipation of the attacks.  We are not living in a jungle or a tribal society."

Unfortunately, the good priest is wrong.  Islamic culture – founded as it is by an Arab tribesman – is inherently tribal.  The umma is the super-tribe of Islam, meaning Muslims side with Muslims against all "infidels" – that is, outsiders – even if the latter are good and fair to them, according to the doctrine of "loyalty and enmity."

This is the hostile, unassimilating, tribal mentality that the West is importing by the millions.  In Muslim-majority nations – where Christians and Muslims look the same, speak the same language, and are virtually indistinguishable – just being non-Muslim is enough to be subjected to the aforementioned hate, violence, and discrimination.  How much more is to be expected when the host country isn't just non-Muslim, but completely alien in all ways?

*This report is based on several Arabic language news sources.

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