Author Topic: Liberal Science: Trannies Are Essential For Human Evolution  (Read 524 times)

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Liberal Science: Trannies Are Essential For Human Evolution

May 21, 2016| by Brian Anderson

Science is the language of facts. Liberal Science is the language of bullshit. It’s a bunch of made up mumbo jumbo that lefties use to defend their indefensible beliefs. Some examples of liberal science are that an unborn baby is no more a living human being than a plantar wart, that snow and ice means man-made global warming is real, and that a person born with a penis is really a woman if he identifies that way.

Speaking of which, the current nonsense over trannies and bathrooms has the liberals pulling out all kinds of crazy liberal science. Writing for Time Magazine, Jeffrey Kluger has gone so far as to say that trannies are an important part of human evolution. Yeah, I know it doesn’t make much sense, but you’re not looking at it through bullshit colored glasses the way liberals see things.

In his article What Science Says About the Bathroom Debate, Kluger tells us about the transgender people of the Samoan culture, which he says, “can teach the world’s most powerful democracy a thing or two about the basic business of human sexuality.”

    The fa’afafine are, nominally, boys—with a boy’s anatomy and a boy’s chromosomes and, therefore, the “boy” box ticked on their birth certificate.

    But the fa’afafine are something more too. They’re typically gay, yes, but they think and act and dress and feel almost entirely “in the manner of a woman,” which is what fa’afafine means. They are thus considered—even embraced as—a third sex.

Okay, if you are not impressed that a culture that never really advanced past the Neolithic era considers trannies to be a third gender, get ready for some hard liberal science:

    Typically, the fa’afafine assume traditional female roles in the Samoan culture and, while they are less likely to have children of their own than heterosexual males are, they compensate by being exceedingly dedicated alloparents—the broad category of family caregivers that also includes uncles and aunts and grandparents. That makes the fa’afafine especially prized by evolution. (my emphasis)

I’ve looked that this several times and I just can’t seem to make any sense of it. Why would evolution “prize” homosexual trannies? Gays do not reproduce so they contribute nothing to the propagation of the species. If anything, gay trannies are the enemies of evolution. Their “mutation” is not useful to survival and doesn’t get passed on to a next generation. Homosexuality is an evolutionary dead end and being a tranny is a sinkhole at the end of that road to nowhere.

Kluger’s explanation for why trannies are so important to evolution is even dumber than his initial proclamation:

    Babies with a greater number loving adults looking after them have a better chance of surviving than those with fewer.

That’s some more liberal science for you: a human baby is more likely to survive if it has a nurturing tranny in the mix. While it is true that nurturing adults raise a baby’s chances of making it, the idea that a baby needs a tranny is absurd. I can say with 100% certainty that nearly every human baby ever born, who grew up (survived) to have babies of their own did so without the help of a homosexual tranny.

The whole point of this liberal science and how it relates to the current tranny bathroom debate in America is this:

    Oh, and as to which public bathrooms the fa’afafine use? Nobody flipping cares.

Do Samoans even have public bathrooms? It doesn’t matter. Just because a much less advanced culture does something doesn’t mean that we have to emulate them. There are tribes of cannibals and headhunters still on this planet. There are cultures where 12-year-old girls are sold into arraigned marriages with adult men. Genital mutilation is big in African Muslim culture.

Should we do all of this sh*t just because liberals want chicks with d*cks to pee next to little girls in public restrooms?
« Last Edit: May 22, 2016, 01:58:04 pm by rangerrebew »

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Re: Liberal Science: Trannies Are Essential For Human Evolution
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2016, 03:10:26 pm »
Gays do not reproduce so they contribute nothing to the propagation of the species.

This guy is pretty clueless, writing a verbose piece to say he doesn't understand the article he's criticizing.

Research in animals has shown that genes are more often passed on if a parent has a non-reproducing sibling that can assist in the wellbeing and survival of the offspring.  The "gay uncle" shares many genes with the parent and gets them passed along.

Even in non-sibling arrangements, the alloparent can promote species' genetic survival.
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