Author Topic: Limbaugh: Trump Starts Doing the Job the Media Won't Do on the Clintons' Tawdry Past  (Read 393 times)

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Offline Right_in_Virginia

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Limbaugh: Trump Starts Doing the Job the Media Won't Do on the Clintons' Tawdry Past
May 24, 2015


RUSH: So Trump has gone there.  Trump has gone to all of this Clinton conspiracy stuff.  And I got people saying, "Why is he doing this, Rush?  Why doesn't Trump just stick to the issues?  He's got this Make America Great theme going, he's got the wall and Mexico, why is he deviating from it?"  I want to remind you, I predicted this.

I have nothing to do with the Trump campaign.  Zilch, zero, nada.  A lot of other people do, but I don't.  And I told everybody way back when that Trump's gonna go where nobody else goes with the Clintons.  He's gonna go there.  And it's not unusual for Trump to rely on tabloid data for his attacks.  He's been doing it since the campaign began.  You gotta remember there's lots of people that read those things.  There's lots of people that think those things are gospel.  I mean, it is what it is.

It may not make you happy.  It may make you disappointed for the future of our human race and so forth, but it's not unusual: tabloids.  It's no different than E! Entertainment Television or TMZ or what have you.  I mean, they have various locations on the strata, but that kind of gossip, what have you, it's always gonna have a big audience.  And Trump is getting to it, I think, early for a reason.  He's getting it out there.  He told everybody he was gonna get it out there, and he's getting it out there.  Nobody else will touch it.  Nobody else has wanted to touch this stuff ever, any of it.


Now, Trump is focusing on Hillary, admittedly, she is the opponent, will be, and that makes total sense.  And he's focusing on things that Hillary did while she was secretary of state and so forth and things Hillary did when her husband was president, but strangely missing is anything about Obama.  And I have to admit, it's frustrating to me.  I don't care what color he is or gender or trans, he's president of the United States.  The guy has attempted to subvert the US Constitution every day of his presidency, it seems like, and nobody's willing to go there, very much.  Trump does some, but it's amazing how insulated the Obama presidency is.


RUSH:  You know, I'll tell you the way to look at this. You really want to know how to look at this? As far as the Millennials are concerned, Donald Trump is running negative ads about Hillary -- or is Donald Trump doing the job the American media refuses to do? Is Donald Trump telling people who don't know things, things they don't know, that the media won't tell 'em, or is he engaged in just smears?  And I think the odds are it's gonna be seen as the opposite.  I think it's gonna be seen as Trump doing the job the American media and the Republican Party won't do.

Look, folks, I predicted long ago that Millennials would be appalled to learn about the Clintons' past.  To me, that's a no brainer.  Especially women Millennials and how Trump is reaching out to them, educating them.  By the way, according to that ABC/Washington Post poll yesterday, Trump has just swung a lot of Millennials over to his side.  It's a 36% swing.  Now, "Clinton's support among young voters 18 to 29 has dropped 19% since March, and Trump has gained 17% support from the same demographic group, a 36% swing among Millennials."

Here's another: What is so wrong about people being reminded of the legitimate past of Bill and Hillary Clinton?  You know what? The reason why people are shocked and go, "Oh!" is because the media wouldn't do it.  Way back in the nineties when the media wouldn't do it, a message is conveyed that it would be improper to discuss these things. "After all, the man is our president of the United States, and his wife tried to save every American with health care! It'd be terribly bad form to do this."  The media wouldn't report on it.


Read full transcript here:

Offline Right_in_Virginia

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Look, folks, I predicted long ago that Millennials would be appalled to learn about the Clintons' past.  To me, that's a no brainer.  Especially women Millennials and how Trump is reaching out to them, educating them.  By the way, according to that ABC/Washington Post poll yesterday, Trump has just swung a lot of Millennials over to his side.  It's a 36% swing.  Now, "Clinton's support among young voters 18 to 29 has dropped 19% since March, and Trump has gained 17% support from the same demographic group, a 36% swing among Millennials."


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Interesting :pondering:

I am Repub4Bush on FR '02

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Trump Starts Doing the Job the Media Won't Do on the Clintons' Tawdry Past

That is simply not true.  Infowars and WhirledNutDaily are still on the job.