Author Topic: Obamacare Poll: Most Enrollees Hate Their Plans  (Read 237 times)

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Obamacare Poll: Most Enrollees Hate Their Plans
« on: May 23, 2016, 11:34:56 am »
From The American Spectator:

The White House and the legacy media continue to claim that Obamacare is a “historic” success. Its actual enrollees, oddly enough, failed to get that memo. A new survey conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation shows that a majority are dissatisfied with their plans: “Just over half (54 percent) now rate the value of their coverage as ‘only fair’ or ‘poor.’” Moreover, the percentage of Obamacare enrollees unhappy with their premiums and deductibles has been going up: “Nearly half now say they are dissatisfied with their plan’s annual deductible… and four in ten are dissatisfied with their monthly premium.”

To paraphrase P.G. Wodehouse, if the ostensible beneficiaries of Obamacare are not disgruntled, they are far from being gruntled. And their dissatisfaction has been steadily increasing. When the “reform” law was first implemented, in 2014, the percentage of enrollees who rated their coverage “only fair” or “poor” was 39 percent. The Obama administration blamed that atrocious performance on contractors involved with and the “growing pains” associated with launching such a huge program, but those excuses don’t explain why the dissatisfaction percentage has since climbed to 54 percent.

The Kaiser survey comes on the heels of a Gallup poll showing that, despite the ongoing propaganda campaign to which the public has been subjected by the Obama administration, a majority of Americans now want the law repealed. “Americans are split on the idea of maintaining the ACA.… The slight majority, 51%, favor repealing the act.” The media shamelessly ignored this finding but, as John Merline writes at Investor’s Business Daily, its significance is hard to overstate. “Six years after it became law, most Americans want Obamacare repealed, including a quarter of Democrats.”

(remainder snipped)

Big surprise. Well, you got what you asked for...