Author Topic: Lawsuit: Leftist college profs accused of inciting mob. Blocked venue when 'controversial' Ben Shapiro scheduled to speak  (Read 549 times)

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Lawsuit: Leftist college profs accused of inciting mob
Blocked venue when 'controversial' Ben Shapiro scheduled to speak
Published: 11 hours ago

A lawsuit has been filed against officials at California State University, Los Angeles, over a mob that tried to prevent columnist Ben Shapiro from speaking on campus.

WND reported in February when the conservative commentator and author spoke despite protesters setting off a fire alarm and barricading the front door to the auditorium, forcing attendees to use a back door.

A Twitchy post boiled down the protester’s anti-free speech antics: “‘The fascist Left’: ‘Bloviating jack—es’ try to silence Ben Shapiro at CSULA.”

The Media Research Center reported: “Right now, YAF students and staff are essentially being held hostage in the lecture hall where Ben Shapiro just spoke at CSULA by protesters who are blocking the exits. Police have told us they can no longer guarantee anyone’s safety.”

Shapiro, in a video posted by MRC, said audience members were having to be “sneaked in” through a back door because of anti-speech protesters.

“In 2016, you have to use the back door if you want to participate in free speech,” Shapiro said. “You get to block the front door if you’re a member of the left.”

See what American education has become, in “Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians Are Using Government Schools to Destroy America’s Children.”

He cited one of the university’s sociology professors, Robert Weide, who earlier in the week had called YAF students “white supremacists” and invited them to fight him.

Shapiro reported Weide had called campus security on students putting up posters about the event because, “You wouldn’t want posters microaggressing you.”

Shapiro reported the professor wrote on a sign outside his office: “‘The best response to microaggression is macroaggression.’ In other words, if I’m offended I get to take physical action against you. I get to be violent with you.”

See a short video:


Offline Timber Rattler

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Good effort, but then undoubtedly lib judge who ends up with the case will likely throw it out due to lack of standing.  To be successful, such a suit would have to be filed by one of the students who was actually injured by the protesters and the commie professor before or during the event.  With that said, it's good to turn the libs' own tactic of filing a harassing lawsuit against them.
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More irrational hideousness gone to seed.

Terminal idiots.
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