Author Topic: Trump camp continues to soften Muslim ban suggestion  (Read 770 times)

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Offline sinkspur

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Trump camp continues to soften Muslim ban suggestion
« on: May 22, 2016, 07:52:43 pm »

Trump camp continues to soften Muslim ban suggestion

POSTED AT 3:31 PM ON MAY 22, 2016

Donald Trump softened his plan to temporarily ban Muslims from entering the United States earlier this month when he announced it was just a suggestion. “We have a serious problem, and it’s a temporary ban — it hasn’t been called for yet, nobody’s done it, this is just a suggestion until we find out what’s going on,” Trump said on May 12th.

Today the Hill reports that one of Trump’s national security advisers, Walid Phares, has been having private discussions with conservative Muslims who are considering supporting Trump’s campaign. Phares tells The Hill, “Most of those who reached out said they want to support Mr. Trump, but they’re not clear about some of the statements he’s made.” You can probably guess which statements they are concerned about. The Hill reports how Phares is describing the ban on Muslims to other Muslims:

Phares described the ban as a statement about how seriously Trump views the terror threat, rather than a statement of policy. He said Trump will further explain and refine his position as he takes government briefings and meets with interested parties.

“Right now the ban is just a few sentences in a foreign policy announcement and a tweet, it’s not like he’s written books or published articles or delivered lectures on this,” Phares said. “He’ll continue to add context and distinction to his position as he gets new information.”

Phares is walking a fine line here. He isn’t saying Trump has backed away from the idea, which polls show a narrow majority of Americans support, but he is creating space for Trump to alter or even drop it later “as he gets new information.” And if Phares did describe the ban as a statement of seriousness rather than a policy, that would seem to go a long way toward suggesting Trump is not going to take it much beyond talk.

Trump may be a lot more reasonable behind the scenes than some of his primary rhetoric makes him appear. His problem is that the tough talk–on radical Islam, on immigration, on ISIS, etc.–is what worked. So he’s in a bit of a bind now. He may want to back away from some of his more colorful comments (he may need to once the Clinton campaign ad blitz gets going) but he can’t do so too openly without turning off some of the people who support him because of that rhetoric.
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Offline sinkspur

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Re: Trump camp continues to soften Muslim ban suggestion
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2016, 07:54:07 pm »
Trump is flip-flopping on every single policy because he knows his supporters don't care about policy.

They care about him.  And they'll follow him over any cliff he decides to go over.
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Re: Trump camp continues to soften Muslim ban suggestion
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2016, 08:55:25 pm »
By November he will sound a lot more like Hillary....

They will have "Me too" debates

Offline Norm Lenhart

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Re: Trump camp continues to soften Muslim ban suggestion
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2016, 09:03:57 pm »
By November he will sound a lot more like Hillary....

They will have "Me too" debates

He's already there. His talking out both sides of his mouth are exactly like Hillary. Obama, Kerry, Romney and Robinson too actually.

Offline kevindavis007

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Re: Trump camp continues to soften Muslim ban suggestion
« Reply #4 on: May 22, 2016, 11:53:25 pm »
By November he will sound a lot more like Hillary....

They will have "Me too" debates

If there are any debates.. Remember Trump does not like to debate.
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Offline Norm Lenhart

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Re: Trump camp continues to soften Muslim ban suggestion
« Reply #5 on: May 23, 2016, 12:04:56 am »

If there are any debates.. Remember Trump does not like to debate.

The idea of saying anything positive toward trump he doesn't deserve repels me but I gotts.

Really, Whether it's Trump, Ted Cruz or Ted Bundy, there really is no benefit to any candidate or to America to 'debate' Clinton. The whole fiasco would merely be a rehash of "Attack the Clinton opponent" and give her a theater to perform scripted lines in.

No one in America is unaware of who and what these people are. No one with any sense honestly believes after a decade of 'performances' that debates are anything but scripted reality TV entertainment.

If Trump was smart, I think he'd be best to simply say no and let the witch scream about it while attacking her in the media for avoiding Bhenghazi, Bill's pedo buddies, her Nixon crap and the rest.

On the other hand, Trump isn't smart and thrives on cameras so he will go put on his own performance and none of us will learn anything or change our views of either of them.

Offline sinkspur

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Re: Trump camp continues to soften Muslim ban suggestion
« Reply #6 on: May 23, 2016, 12:13:17 am »
Trump says he's anxious to debate Hillary.

He knows nothing about policy, so she would kill him in an actual debate.  But he's arrogant enough to think he could just beat her down, which is exactly what the Democrats want.

Trump cannot win a debate with Hillary (except on Drudge) but he can't help himself so he'll debate anyway.
Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.

Offline Norm Lenhart

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Re: Trump camp continues to soften Muslim ban suggestion
« Reply #7 on: May 23, 2016, 12:38:29 am »
Trump says he's anxious to debate Hillary.

He knows nothing about policy, so she would kill him in an actual debate.  But he's arrogant enough to think he could just beat her down, which is exactly what the Democrats want.

Trump cannot win a debate with Hillary (except on Drudge) but he can't help himself so he'll debate anyway.

You could pull any genuine conservative off the street and they could slaughter her in a debate even with the moderators shilling for her. But this guy is doomed because she'll simply bring up his past vs. his present positions and his cred is gone. It's one thing for people online to make believe that reality doesn't exist and have tantrums on the floor over it. It's another to see it live on TV with 20 million people nodding their heads in unison. Groupthink always rules the day regardless of the direction it takes. And his unfavorable #s do not speak for the crowd going in his once someone bitch slaps him with his past.

Bread and circuses.

All his sloganeering about making America great is meaningless when people realize he's a fraud. And what makes it worse is that it will be as big a fraud doing it.