Author Topic: The Best Ted Talks about Psychology {a listing}  (Read 333 times)

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The Best Ted Talks about Psychology {a listing}
« on: May 22, 2016, 10:11:59 pm »

from "verywell" . com

By Kendra Cherry
Updated December 02, 2014


QUOTED item titles with paraphrased briefer annotations. Fuller annotations are at the referent link

One of the best ways to learn about psychology is to listen to some of the world's greatest experts talk about their research. In this selection of TED Talks, the popular video lecture series designed to educate and inspire, we highlight just a few of the best psychology talks on subjects ranging from the nature of evil to the secrets of happiness.
1. Philip Zimbardo: The Psychology of Evil
{--Stanford prison experiment prof--can good people commit evil acts? I've corresponded with  him and find him  to be the real deal. One of his intro's to his Intro to Psych text noted--my paraphrase: 'If the monsters are OUT THERE, it's not so bad--we can gang up on them and destroy them all. But if the monster is within each one of us--the problem is much worse.' Which . . . is a good paraphrase of the Christian notion of the pollution of original sin--missing the mark of  perfection--of failing to hit the bull's  eye in  archery--the original meaning of "sin."}
2. Elizabeth Loftus: The Fiction of Memory
{--false memories, mistaken memories etc. from decades of research}
3. Oliver Sacks: What Hallucination Reveals About Our Minds
{--visual 'hallucinations' of visually impaired people.}
4. Dan Gilbert: The Psychology of Your Future Self
{--Are was as we assume--via the 'end of history illusion'--the ultimate version of ourselves?}
5. Tali Sharot: The Optimism Bias
{--our tendency to look on the bright side . . . may not always be in our best interests.}
6. Joachim de Posada: Don't Eat the  Marshmallow!
{--delayed gratification--preschoolers--marshmallow experiment--delayed gratification gifted kids did much better over the whole of their life spans.}
7. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi: Flow, The Secret  to Happiness
{--the theory of flow (complete absorption in the moment) and  how it relates to happiness.}

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