Author Topic: Everybody Needs To Hear What This Harvard Professor Is Telling NFL Players  (Read 406 times)

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Everybody Needs To Hear What This Harvard Professor Is Telling NFL Players

Posted By David Hookstead On 1:37 PM 05/19/2016 In | No Comments

The Seattle Seahawks brought in Harvard clinical instructor of psychiatry Dr. Tim Benson to teach their rookies about how to handle success.

The lecture began with Seahawks vice president of player engagement Maurice Kelly telling the rookies, “If you’re the smartest guy in your crew, you need to get a new crew,” according to ESPN. (SLIDESHOW: This Gorgeous Woman Might Be The Sexiest Girlfriend In The NFL)

Benson then took over and laid down some truths that all professional athletes need to hear. (RELATED: You Won’t Believe What Russell Wilson’s College Coach Told Him About Going To The NFL)

The Harvard instructor said the following, ESPN reports:

    Think about who your personal board of directors is. You are now CEOs of your own organization, and you need to start thinking about that.

    A lot of people surround themselves with too many people who are just there to validate them — the yes-men in life, your boys. But the question is: Who is going to be there to support you when you’re down the most? But more importantly, who’s going to be the one that challenges you to go to that next level?

    One of the biggest things that needs to happen is you need to learn how to confront reality. A lot of people get stuck on how I was and how things used to be and not necessarily are willing to adequately face what is. That’s the biggest thing that I really help people with.

This is advice that most NFL players desperately need considering the fact that the vast majority of NFL players go broke.

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The Seahawks seem to be pretty decent.  You've got Russell Wilson as QB who is currently engaged to a pop star "Ciara" and they're not having sex before marriage because of his religious belief.  You've got Richard Sherman, who is currently pursuing a Masters degree at Stanford, has said in interviews "I do the trash-talk to get attention, so I can get endorsements", and he said about the whole BLM that he had a best friend who was shot and killed, but it was by 2 black guys so he thinks the community needs to deal with black on black violence first. 
And then there's Marshawn Lynch.  He retired recently, but media reports say that he's totally living off his endorsement deals and hasn't spent any of his NFL contract money.