Author Topic: Hungary: Obama Wants ‘As Many Muslims As Possible In Europe’  (Read 381 times)

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Hungary: Obama Wants ‘As Many Muslims As Possible In Europe’

Posted By Jacob Bojesson On 3:46 PM 05/19/2016 In | No Comments

President Barack Obama wants to fill Europe with illegal Muslim immigrants, according to the Hungarian prime minister’s chief of staff.

Janos Lazar accused Obama of pushing for illegal immigration to Europe during a press briefing Thursday. Lazar says Obama’s endorsement for open borders in Europe during his trip in April actually has to do with a hidden agenda that will benefit the U.S.

“Not so long ago while visiting Europe, President Obama clearly spoke out in favor of the importance of migration, settlement and even the forced settlement [of migrants],” Lazar said at a news conference, adding Obama and the U.S. “are following a very strong pro-migration, pro-illegal migration policy in the interests of having as many Muslims as possible in Europe.”

Lazar argues immigration makes Europe “diluted,” which allows for Europe and the U.S. to “cooperate without constraints.” This is also the goal for “certain American groups,” including the network of Hungarian-born American business magnate George Soros, according to Lazar.

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest was unaware of Lazar’s comments, and said he wasn’t “sure they’re worthy of a response” during his Thursday briefing.

Hungary and Prime Minister Viktor Orban have been firm in their opposition against the European Union letting refugees in. Hungary was the first country to erect a fence in October to keep migrants out and has almost eliminated its non-European immigration since. (RELATED: Hungarian Leader Says ‘People Would Hang Me’ If He Accepted Refugees)

Former President Bill Clinton recently lashed out at Hungary and Poland for wanting “Putin-like” leadership to keep foreigners out.

“Poland and Hungary, two countries that would not be free but for the United States and the long Cold War, have now decided this democracy is too much trouble,” Clinton said last Friday.

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Re: Hungary: Obama Wants ‘As Many Muslims As Possible In Europe’
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2016, 12:49:50 pm »
Barack al-Hussein wants more Muslims everywhere.
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