Author Topic: Clinton rape accuser blasts 'biased' NBC anchor. Juanita Broaddrick: Network's correspondent 'Lisa Myers actually warned me about Andrea' Mitchell  (Read 392 times)

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Clinton rape accuser blasts 'biased' NBC anchor
Juanita Broaddrick: Network's correspondent 'Lisa Myers actually warned me about Andrea' Mitchell
Published: 9 hours ago

First, GOP presumptive presidential candidate Donald Trump ripped away the “philandering husband” façade from Bill Clinton, publicly charging on Fox News’ “Hannity” on Wednesday that the former president committed “rape.”

Then, on the same day, the victim, Juanita Broaddrick, described for the first time – in a WND exclusive sit-down interview conducted in Broaddrick’s Arkansas home – exactly how the alleged 1978 sexual assault had deeply and permanently scarred her life throughout the intervening decades. And Broaddrick mentioned something else: Of all mainstream journalists, the one she spoke to recently on the phone, seeking an update from Broaddrick on the rape incident and its aftermath, was NBC’s Andrea Mitchell.

How ironic, then, when Thursday, Mitchell said on-air that Broaddrick’s rape allegation, first televised by her own network in a sensational “Dateline” segment in 1999, had been “discredited.”

“Lisa Myers actually warned me about Andrea,” Broaddrick told WND today, responding to Mitchell’s comment essentially calling her a liar.

It was Myers, NBC News’ well-respected and recently retired senior investigative correspondent, who in 1999 was so convinced of Broaddrick’s authenticity that she interviewed her for the network’s primetime story.

Indeed, Mitchell’s “discredited” claim clashes directly with Myers, who as recently as 2014 confirmed that “Nothing has come up since that story was reported that in any way undercuts what Juanita Broaddrick said.”

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Here’s what Broaddrick said today in response to Mitchell’s claim:

“Nothing has changed from the detailed investigation NBC did into my story in 1999 before airing my Dateline interview with Lisa Myers,” Broaddrick said in a statement to Los Angeles attorney Candice Jackson, who conducted the in-person interview with Broaddrick for WND, having previously authored the acclaimed book, “Their Lives: The Women Targeted by the Clinton Machine.”

“And if NBC now thinks my experience has been ‘discredited,'” Broaddrick continued, “why would Andrea Mitchell call me to ask me for any new information about my encounter with Hillary after the assault? And why wouldn’t Andrea Mitchell have written her own news story explaining exactly how I’ve been discredited? Lisa Myers actually warned me about Andrea. Andrea is obviously mad at me for exposing her rudeness and bias when she called me this year. I think being a lapdog for Hillary Clinton discredits Andrea Mitchell and NBC as journalists!”

“Rudeness and bias”? Here’s how Jackson reported Broaddrick’s comments about her call with Andrea Mitchell in her interview story:

    Juanita created a social media firestorm earlier this year by tweeting that she had been “dreading seeing my abuser on TV campaign trail for enabler wife … but his physical appearance reflects ghosts of past are catching up.” One of the many media figures who called her after this tweet was Andrea Mitchell of NBC. Because she’d had a positive experience with Lisa Myers with NBC back in 1999, Andrea Mitchell was one of the few calls Juanita returned in the aftermath of her trending tweets. Andrea Mitchell asked her just one question, listened to her answer, and told Juanita condescendingly, “We’re not going to air anything with you because you have nothing new to add.” Juanita felt bewildered by Andrea Mitchell’s dismissive attitude.

Mitchell’s unprecedented media disparagement of Broaddrick’s rape accusation came in her on-air report on Trump’s “rape” reference.

“Donald Trump using that word unprompted during an interview last night with Fox News’ Sean Hannity, bringing up a discredited and long denied accusation against former President Bill Clinton dating back to 1978 when he was Arkansas attorney general.”

See Mitchell’s comment: