Author Topic: GOP: Trump’s border wall unlikely to be part of party platform  (Read 710 times)

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By Seth McLaughlin - The Washington Times - Wednesday, May 18, 2016

But Mr. Trump himself has shown no signs of backing down, even releasing a policy paper — one of just seven so far this campaign — detailing ways he can keep his pledge to force Mexico to pay for the cost of the wall. Each time Mexican officials objected, Mr. Trump said he'd build the wall even higher.

"Supporters want to see this because this is what Mr. Trump ran on," said Matthew Jansen, a Trump supporter who won a slot to be a convention delegate from Pennsylvania. He said the platform must "explicitly" say there is a plan for a wall to be built between the Mexican and American border.

The focus on the GOP platform promises to pick up speed over the coming weeks as members of the committee that will write the document are selected by each delegation.

State Rep. Stephen Stepanek, who served as Mr. Trump's New Hampshire co-chair and has been elected to the platform committee, said he plans to discuss the platform with the Trump camp following the final primary on June 7.

"I am sure [the wall] will be brought up, and it is something that I could definitely support putting in the platform," Mr. Stepanek said,

"Quite frankly, the wall has been authorized and part of what Republicans have been pushing for decades, and for whatever reason, they have never been able to push it through," he said. "We have been talking about the wall since George W. Bush, and a lot of conservatives have been asking the question, 'Why can't we get the wall built?'

"I don't know if it has been a lack of will by politicians in Washington — you know, once they get in there they can forget why voters sent them there. But I know under Donald Trump that is something that will get done," he said.