Author Topic: Obama to Order Public Schools to Open Restrooms to Transgender Students  (Read 5249 times)

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Offline bob434

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  Senator Cruz's Statement on the issue!

 “America has woken up to yet another example of President Barack Obama doing through executive fiat what he cannot get done through our democratic process. Today, he decreed that schools across the country must allow men and boys to use the restrooms, locker rooms, and shower facilities previously reserved for girls. Not only is this decree contrary to law, but it makes no sense. There is a reason that we give girls access to their own changing rooms: It is for their privacy, safety, and security. The administration’s dangerous departure from that common-sense norm must not stand.

    “Having spent many years in law enforcement, I’ve handled far too many cases of child molesters, of pedophiles, of people who abused little kids. The threats of predators are serious, and we should not facilitate allowing grown men or boys to be in bathrooms with little girls.

    “While the administration’s decree has no force of law in our constitutional system of government, the “implicit threat,” as the New York Times reported, is that public school districts who fail to toe the line will face lawsuits and the loss of federal aid. This is both legally improper and harmful to the most vulnerable among us—for what the Times failed to report is that the money the federal government sends to local school districts provides lunches for economically disadvantaged children and vital services for those most in need. So the Obama White House, for the sake of political correctness, is holding hostage the poorest, most disadvantaged children across the nation.

    “What we’ve now seen across the country, from the administration’s lawsuit against North Carolina to the superintendent of the Fort Worth Independent School District in Texas, is that common-sense needs for safety and privacy are being trumped by leftist notions of faux egalitarianism.

    “I encourage every school superintendent, school board, and parent across this nation to disregard this barely veiled threat from the White House aimed at overturning the utterly reasonable practice of preventing men and boys from entering girls’ restrooms and changing rooms.

    “As a father of young girls, I wouldn’t want my daughters being forced to change in the same room as men and boys. It’s that simple. And parents across this country shouldn’t have to tolerate it either.”

Offline bob434

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Where in the Constitution does the government have authority to mandate the use of bathrooms?

Where? Why In the potty clause of the 13'th amendment section 8 title IV subsection 2a paragraph 7 (which was removed before it ever made it into the constitution for fear of backlash) j/k

Offline Charlespg

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                 MAD AS HELL

The  so called   American Civil Liberties Union has done more damage to this country then Adolf Hitler ,Tojo or Osama  ever dreamed of   
The American Civil Liberties Union of Arkansas said the governor’s call for schools to ignore the federal ruling is “dangerous and irresponsible.”           No you worthless SOB's, Dangerous and irresponsible is forcing society to accept perverts and "transgender " freaks in a bathroom  not of their gender especially in schools


“Violation of Title IX can lead to lawsuits and possible lost funding as well as violations of students’ rights,” said Holly Dickson, legal director of Arkansas ACLU.       
Being raped or molested and being forced to accept sexual deviants in the locker rooms is violation of students’ rights you dumb bitch 

When the American people and groups of  enraged family members and/or engaged victims start dragging ACLU members, SJW's  and liberal progressives and democratic politicians  and LGBT  activists who have forced this crap on society and start stringing them up from light poles and trees because  there has finally been one rape or molestation too many .I hope the police and military  will stand aside

Its bad  talk but when the so called intellectual elite come out in defense of pedophilia,its time to water Thomas Jefferson's tree
Rather Trump Then Cackles Clinton

Offline Charlespg

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Where in the Constitution does the government have authority to mandate the use of bathrooms?
In the one they pulled out their ass
« Last Edit: May 14, 2016, 11:05:07 pm by Charlespg »
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In the one they pulled out their ass
Or the one they've been using to wipe said asses.  **nononono*
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