Author Topic: 12 Body Hacks To Make Your Life Easier  (Read 347 times)

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12 Body Hacks To Make Your Life Easier
« on: May 17, 2016, 12:43:14 am »

 Gabby Noone
BuzzFeed Staff


= = =
"According to this Quora thread, you may be underestimating your body’s power to heal itself! These tips could help you exist to your full potential."

Quora thread link: What are the best body hacks that people should know bout?
= = =

12 Body Hacks To Make Your Life Easier:
. . .
2. "If you have trouble hearing someone at a party or on the phone, use your right ear." “It’s better at picking up rapid speech. But, the left is better at picking up music tones.” {I have no idea if it works for a lot of people, or not. It sometimes seems to work for me}
. . .
4. "Next time the doctor's going to give you an injection, cough as the needle is going in." “Coughing causes a sudden, temporary rise in pressure in the chest, inhibiting the pain-conducting work of the spinal cord — leading to pain-free injections.” Source (above Quora link):

6. "If you ate a big meal and you're feeling full as you go to sleep, lay on your left side."
“That’ll keep you from suffering from acid reflux it keeps your stomach lower than your oesophagus which will help keep stomach acid from sliding up your throat. Studies have shown that patients who sleep on their left sides are less likely to suffer from acid reflux. The oesophagus and stomach connect at an angle. When you sleep on your right, the stomach is higher than the oesophagus allowing food and stomach acid to slide up your throat.
Remember, it is not advisable for you to go to bed immediately after eating. Wait for 2 to 3 hours.”
{That has usually worked for me--at least much better than on the other side}
. . .

I don't know if all these work for most folks, or not. Some seem a bit 'out there' and some don't.
I know some work for me.
And sometimes a small thing can make a big difference in comfort level.
I've not tried the sinus thing. Wish I'd known about it when I still had so many of those problems. Usually, my using a MesoSilver (TM) in my Neil Med (TM) squeeze bottle sinus wash fixes such things in short order, now.
The source doc seems to have a ton more 'hacks' for those interested. If your attention span is shorter, the OP link might be enough for your bother.
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