Author Topic: Black Conservatives Outraged Over Obama Admin. Comparing Transgender Issues to Civl Rights Movement  (Read 559 times)

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Offline don-o

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Black Conservatives Outraged Over Obama Admin. Comparing Transgender Issues to Civl Rights Movement


*The following members of Proj. 21, the black leadership group of the National Center for Public Policy Research, welcome the opportunity to discuss this most recent outrage of the Obama Administration with you further.

Joe Hicks- “It is important that all of this liberal and leftist angst and claims of victimization be put in a proper context,” Hicks continued. “Only 0.3 percent of the nation’s population identifies as transgender. The entire LGBT population is estimated to be 3.4 percent. Only a year ago, the stated goal of LGBT activists was the right to marry. Now accomplished, this movement wants more — always more….”

Derryck Green- “On its own merits, advancing this new and destructive social morality is problematic. That Barack Obama has done so by attaching this insanity to the legacy of civil rights, specifically that of Jim Crow segregation, trivializes everything the brave men and women experienced and sacrificed in the pursuit of social, economic and legal equality….”

Stacy Washington- “”But where are the women’s rights advocates? Where are those who trumpeted the War on Women campaign so successfully during the last presidential cycle,” Washington asks. “If you look at the numerous assaults against women and children in the bathrooms, locker rooms and changing facilities in retail outlets across the country, you see a clear pattern: perverts need no invitation to assault women….”

Nadra Enzi- “The fact that co-conspirators in this farce include a bi-racial President of the United States who self-identifies as Black, and the second Black U.S. Attorney General, speaks volumes on how far some have strayed away from the straight and narrow path pioneered by the Civil Rights Movement and the moral culture which produced it….”

Rev. Steven Craft– “We in this nation are under satanic attack when people cannot even discern that there are only two sexes, male and female! How does Obama get the authority to decree that men can use women’s restrooms or be denied federal funding? This is nothing less than legalized blackmail. Hopefully, every school district in America will simply ignore this madness, and finally the people will demand that Obama be impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors….”

Horace Cooper– “The White House is pushing a radical agenda that has no support in the language or history of existing civil rights law. And they are pursuing it by threatening to punish the most vulnerable students in public school — withholding lunch and remedial teaching assistance from poor and minority students….”

Chris Arps– “Civil rights champions were not spat upon, beaten with police batons and sometimes murdered for the right of men to go to the same restroom with little girls….”

Emery McClendon– “Such a move will destroy our schools as our children and grandchildren will be intimidated and confused. The focus in our learning institutions shout be on the three ‘R’s, and on preparing our children for adulthood, the job market, and higher learning. Our schools are already failing, and this move will place our education system at risk of a collapse…”

Bishop Council Nedd– “We’ve seen over the last 100 years, the consequences of relying too much on the federal government. The federal welfare system a wrought destruction on millions of poor people and slowly eroded their moral compasses, and it has destroyed the sovereignty of states and their ability to enforce their own community standards,”

Gianno Caldwell– “President Obama continues to focus his priorities on everything but the American people. Instead of focusing on the struggling economy or any number of issues plaguing our country, he decides to legalize sexual harassment….”


Offline DiogenesLamp

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Black Conservatives Outraged Over Obama Admin. Comparing Transgender Issues to Civl Rights Movement

I've long wondered why the black community in general wasn't more vocal in their opposition to being compared to f@ggots. 

It is insulting.   
‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
— Lord Melbourne —

Offline markomalley

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Black Conservatives Outraged Over Obama Admin. Comparing Transgender Issues to Civl Rights Movement
As they should be.